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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-06-20 阅读:



1. I h_____________ you can win the running competition.

2. He lives a simple (简朴的) life though he is very r__________.

3. When night comes, stars a________.

4. It will b_________ easier to live in the city if you find a good job.

5. — Did you l______ your film ticket, Tom?

— No, mine is in my bag.

6. My brother told me a very funny _______ (笑话).

7. We ___________ (期待) you to write more better works.

8. Jack is very interested in Chinese ________ (文化).

9. Do you think “13” is an ___________ (不吉利的) number?

10. Why did you want to join the ___________ (陆军)?


11. Your hands are very dirty. Please go and have a wash with _______ .

A. a soap B. soaps C. soap

12. — ______ do you think of the movie? — It’s very interesting. I like it.

A. Why B. Which C. How D. What

13. It’s too hot in the classroom. We can’t _________ it. We all _______ ___ up and go out of the classroom.

A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand

14. How about _________ out for a walk?

A. to go B. going C. go D. goes

15. —Who is our teacher talking _________ ? —Mr. Zhang.

A. / B. of C. at D. to

16. There is a _________ building next to the supermarket.

A. 15 meter tall B. 15 meters high C. 15-meter-high D. 15-meters-high

17. ________ on the farm is better than __________ classes at school.

A. To work; having B. Working; having C. Work; have D. Work; to have

18. Thanks for _________ me to your party.

A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asks

19. We want to play soccer. Please __________ us soon.

A. join in B. join C. take part in

20. She agrees ________ her husband almost(几乎)__________ everything.

A. with; to B. with; in C. to; with D. to; in 三、完形填空

A new library 21 in the school. It is a very big library. Some robots(机器人) 22 there as library assistants(图书管理员). The robots can help you find the books and do 23 things. But you must(必须)say “Please” when you ask for something and “Thank you” when you 24 something.

Li Lei wants to borrow(借) a book 25 the new library. He comes to the library with Jim. They see a robot standing there.

Li Lei: Hey, give me the book Little Tom, Why, the robot doesn’t work. There must be something wrong 26 it.

Jim: No, nothing wrong. When you borrow a book, you must 27 “ Please”.

Li Lei: Would you please give me the book Little Tom, Mr. Robot?

Jim: Look! The robot is bringing(拿来)you the book. 28 it, Li Lei.

Li Lei: What’s wrong with the robot? It won’t let me 29 the book.

Jim: You must say “Thank you”.

Li Lei: Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Robot.

The robot smiles and 30 t he book to Li Lei.

21. A. is opening B. open C. opens D. opening

22. A. work B. are working C. at work D. works

23. A. the other B. other C. another D. others

24. A. get B. gets C. are getting D. are get

25. A. at B. in C. from D. with

26. A. with B. for C. on D. of

27. A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell

28. A. Bring B. Takes C. Take D. Brings

29. A. to have B. have C. having D. has

30. A. gives B. goes C. gets D. borrow



It was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun was warm but not hot. Mr. Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella(伞)in his hand.

Mr. Black said to him, “Do you think we are going to have rain today?”

“No,” said the old man, “I don’t think so.”

“Then are you carrying(拿)the umbrella because the sun is too hot?”

“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”

Mr. Black looked at the big umbrella again, and the man said, “I am an old man, and my legs(腿)are not very strong, I must have a walking-stick(拐棍)but people will say ‘Look! That man is so old,’ and I don’t like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, ‘Look at that stupid(傻的)man. ’ ”

31.This story happened(发生)________.

A. on a spring morning B. on a cold day

C. on a summer evening D. in the afternoon

32. —What was the weather like that day? —________.

A. It was raining

B. The sun was too hot

C. It was sunny and the sun was warm but not too hot

D. It w as cloudy 33. Mr. Black saw the old man________.

A. in the park B. at the bus stop

C. on the hill D. in the street

34. The old man had ________in his hand.

A. an old walking-stick B. a brush

C. a big box D. an umbrella

35. Which is right?

A. The old man carried an umbrella instead of(代替)his walking-stick.

B. The old man borrowed an umbrella from Mr. Black.

C. Mr. Black and the old man were good friends.

D. The old man thought(想)it was going to rain.


A young man went to a car shop. He was wearing rubber boots(橡胶靴子) and a dirty jacket (脏夹克衫). He needed a haircut(理发)very much. The young man looked at an expensive car carefully(仔细地)and then asked the shop owner(店主),“How much is this car?” “Nine thousand two hundred and eighteen,” the owner answered. “I want sixteen of them,” the young man said. The shop owner smiled coldly. He showed the door to the young man.

In another shop on the other side of the street the business was done(生意做成了). The young man took money out of his pocket and paid for the cars. He said the cars were for himself and his friends. Each of them wanted to get one. He said that he and his friends working on a fishing-boat. “We have got much money this season,” the young man said, “and we want to buy cars.”

36. The shop owner showed the young man the door means________

A. to ask him to go away

B. to ask him to look at the door of the car

C. to tell him where the door of the shop was

D. to let him enjoy the beautiful door of the car

37. How many cars did the young man want to buy for his friends?

A. 18. B. 17. C. 16. D. 15.

38. How much did the young man pay for the cars?

A. 9218. B. 92180. C. 147488. D. 138270.

39. —What was the young man? —He was a________.

A. bank clerk B. school teacher

C. shop owner D. fisherman

40. The story tries to tell us________.

A. we can’t tell whether(是否)a man is rich(有钱、富有)by his clothes(根据他的衣服)

B. cars are expensive

C. people wearing rubber boots are rich

D. we can’t show the door to others 五、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

41.They put their ______(watch) on.

42.This morning I ______(show) my friend a new wallet.

43.They think that old people have no right to be ______(beauty).

44.I enjoy ______(watch) TV on Saturday evenings.

45.How about ______(listen) to the radio tonight?


假如你是学校英文周刊的特约小记者,刚刚采访了丹尼(Danny)一家对电视节目的喜好。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇调查报告。X K b1.C o m


1. What programs does your father love? 2. What programs can’t your mother stand?

3. What programs don’t you mind? ...


1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥; 2. 65词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

What do Danny’s family think of different TV shows? Let’s have a look.










一、1.hope 2.rich 3.appear 4.become 5.lose 6.joke 7.expect 8.culture 9.unlucky 10.army

二.11.C soap为不可数名词,不能用不定冠词a修饰,也没有复数形式,故选C。

12.D What do you think of...? 为固定句式,意为“你认为……怎么样?”。

13.B 此题考查的是stand的两个词义。句意为“教室里太热了,我们不能忍受。我们都站起来走出了教室”。

14.B How about…?中about为介词,其后的动词应用动名词形式。

15.D 问句句意为“我们的老师在跟谁交谈?”。“与某人交谈”应用talk to sb.或talk with sb.。

16.C 此题考查用连字符连接的复合形容词,复合形容词中的名词用单数。

17.B 此题动词短语充当句子的主语,故用动名词形式。

18.C Thanks for…中for为介词,其后的动词要用动名词的形式。

19.B join in多指“参加正在进行的活动”;join多指“参加并成为其中的一个成员”;take part in多指“参加活动”。由题意可知是“加入并成为我 们中的一员”,故选B。

20.A 此题考查的是agree与不同的介词连用时的不同用法,此句意思是“她几乎每一 件事都同意她丈夫的意见” 。“同意某人”用“agree with sb.”,“同意某事”用“agree to sth.”。

三.21.C open打开,开办,开门(营业)。

22.A work…as任……职,当……。

23.B other其他的(形容词),后面可接单、复数名词。当表示两个中的另一个,或表示这一群中的另一些(其余的)时,前面可以用定冠词。例:the other eye另一只眼睛。other还可作代词用。I find one sock. Where is the other?当代替复数名词时可以用others。Some are singing,the others are dancing.

24.A 句意:……当你要某物时,你必须说“请”,当你拿到某物时,你必须说“谢谢”。get拿到,得到,获得。

25.C borrow(借)…from…从……借到……。

26. A There is something wrong with… ……出毛病了。

27.B talk谈论,常用于talk about,talk to/with sb.结构;say后接具体内容,常用于say sth. to sb.结构;speak讲话,发言,常用于speak to sb.或 speak+(语言)结构;tell常用于tell sb. sth.,tell sth. to sb. 或tell sb. to do sth.结构。

28.C bring带来,拿来,是指从其他地方拿到说话人跟前。take带走,拿走,是指从说话人处拿开。

29. B let sb. do sth.让某人做某事,为固定搭配。

30. A 此处应与and前面的smiles并列作谓语,因此用一般现在时。 四31.A 由文章第一段第一句话It was a beautiful spring morning.可知。

32.C 由文章第一段第二句话…no clouds…the sun was warm but not hot.可知。

33.B 由文章第一段第三句话Mr. Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big,strong,black umbrella in his hand.可知。

34.D 由文章第一段第三句话Mr. Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big,strong,black umbrella in his hand.可知。

35.A A.老人拿了一把伞来替代他的拐棍。B.老人从Mr. Black处借了一把伞。C. Mr. Black和这个老人是好朋友。D.这个老人认为就要下雨了。根据短文内容,很容易判断A是正确的。

36.A 由下一段的首句In another shop on the other side of the street the business was done.可知,第一个店主没有将汽车卖给那个年轻人,而是让他走开。ask him to go away叫他走开。

37.D 由第一段中的I want sixteen of them…及第二段第三句He said the cars were for himself and his friends.可知,他和朋友一共要16辆,显然给朋友的是15辆。

38.C 由第一段中的“How much is this car?” “Nine thousand two hundred and eighteen.” “I wan t sixteen of them.”。可知一辆车 是9218元,16辆9218×16应是147488元。

39.D 由第二段第五句话…working on a fishing-boat.可知。

40.A 这个故事想要告诉我们的是:我们不能依据一个人的穿着来判断他是否有钱。

五.41.watches 42.showed 43.beautiful 44.watching 45.listening





