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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-07-25 阅读:


1.让我们简要回顾一下动词的被动语态是什么。被动语态是指在句子中,动作的执行者成为了动作的承受者。例如,“The boy hit the ball”(这个男孩打了那个球)是主动语态,而“The ball was hit by the boy”(那个球被这个男孩打了)就是被动语态。被动语态的构成通常由“be”动词的不同时态和动词的过去分词构成。


  1. 在句子中强调受动者被动语态可以用来强调受动者,而不是动作的执行者。例如,“The cake was eaten by Tom”(这个蛋糕被汤姆吃了)这个句子中强调了蛋糕,而不是汤姆。

  2. 根据时态和语态改变动词形式被动语态的构成中,需要用到动词的过去分词形式。不同的时态和语态需要使用不同的动词形式,需要在语法上进行正确的变换。例如,“I am given a gift”(我被赠送了一件礼物)是现在时的被动语态,“I will be given a gift”(我将会被赠送一件礼物)是将来时的被动语态,“I had been given a gift”(我曾经被赠送过一件礼物)是过去完成时的被动语态。对于不规则动词,需要掌握其过去分词形式。

  3. 确定动作执行者被动语态中,动作的执行者通常由介词“by”引导。例如,“The book was written by Mark Twain”(这本书是马克·吐温写的)。

  4. 注意语态的正确使用被动语态通常用于在强调受动者时,主语的作用不那么重要的情况下。例如,“The cake was eaten by Tom”(这个蛋糕被汤姆吃了)强调了蛋糕而不是汤姆,但如果想要强调汤姆,则需要使用主动语态,“Tom ate the cake”(汤姆吃了蛋糕)。

在使用被动语态时,需要注意时态、语态和动作执行者的正确使用。正确使用被动When to Use Passive Voice in English

The passive voice is a useful tool in English writing and speaking. It is used to shift the focus of a sentence from the subject to the object. In the active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb, while in the passive voice, the object of the verb becomes the subject of the sentence. Here are some itances when it is appropriate to use the passive voice:

  1. When the doer of the action is unknown or unimportant:In many cases, the person or entity performing the action is not known, or it is not important to mention. For example, "The building was constructed in 1920" instead of "The architect constructed the building in 1920." The focus is on the building, not the architect.

  2. When the doer of the action is obvious:Sometimes, the person or entity performing the action is obvious from the context. For example, "The cake was baked at 350 degrees for 30 minutes" instead of "I baked the cake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes." The focus is on the cake and its preparation, not the person who baked it.

  3. To be more tactful:Using the passive voice can help to avoid assigning blame or responsibility. For example, "Mistakes were made" instead of "I made mistakes." This can be useful in professional or political situations.

  4. To make a sentence more concise:Using the passive voice can help to make a sentence more concise by removing unnecessary words. For example, "The book was published in 1990" instead of "The publisher published the book in 1990."

  5. To create a more formal tone:The passive voice can be used to create a more formal tone in writing or speaking. For example, "The document has been signed by the CEO" instead of "The CEO signed the document."

However, it is important to use the passive voice appropriately and not overuse it, as it can make writing sound awkward and stilted. In general, it is best to use the active voice unless there is a good reason to use the passive voice.

Examples of Passive Voice in English

Here are some examples of sentences in the passive voice:

  1. The car was stolen.
  2. The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg.
  3. The room was painted blue.
  4. The report was written by the marketing department.
  5. The concert tickets were sold out in minutes.
  6. The proposal was rejected by the committee.
  7. The cake was eaten by the children.
  8. The book was translated into Spanish.
  9. The project was completed ahead of schedule.
  10. The message was received loud and clear.

Note that in all of these sentences, the object of the verb becomes the subject of the sentence.

