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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-08-19 阅读:


第一部分   听力测试(20%)


A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍10%

1. Where has Jack gone?

A. Garden.             B. Kitchen.          C. Bedroom.

2. How long has Xiao Wang learnt English?

A. last year            B. About one year      C. About three years

3. Will her friend go to Shanghai?

A. Yes, he will          B. No, he won’t       C. No, he isn’t

4. What is Mike now?

A. A teacher            B. A doctor          C. A student

5. What are they talking about?

A. Earthquake          B. Typhoon         C. Storm

6. How far is it from the woman's home to school?

A. 60 miles.            B. 16 miles.          C. 6 miles.

7. When should the man return the book?

A. Wednesday.          B. Tuesday.          C. Friday.

8. How much will the man pay for two shirts?

A. $4.                 B. $8.               C. $16.

9. Where do you think the man and the woman are talking now?

A. In the supermarket.     B. In the classroom.  C. In the cinema.

10. What is Mary doing?

A. She is reading.         B. She is writing.    C. She is drawing


B) 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍10%


11. How did Mr King come to China?

A. By car.            B. By train.              C. By air.

12. How many people can the waiting hall hold?

A. 5,000.            B. 500.                   C. 50


13. What did the girl usually use the computer to do in the past?

A. Chat with her friend.  B. Play computer games.  C. Search for information.

14. What will the girl use his father’s computer for this time?

A. Writing a report for a history project.

B. Searching for a history project.

C. Studying history on the Internet.

15. The girl has decided to work hard at her lessons, hasn’t she?

A. Yes, she has.       B. No, she hasn’t.        C. We don’t know.


16. Where did John live in the story?

A. In the northeast of England.    B. In the middle of England.

C. In the south of England.

17. Why did he go to London?

A. He wanted to study there.    B. He wanted to find a job there.

C. He went to see his friends there.

18. How did he go to London?

A. By bus.              B. By car.             C. By train.

19. How many people were there in his compartment (车厢) when the man with a knife came in?

A. Three.               B. Two.               C. One.

20. Why was John shaking so much when he saw the man with a knife?

A. Beacause he thought the man would kill him.

B. Because he had no money.

C. Because he thought the man was a conductor (列车员), and he didn’t have a ticket.

第二部分   书面测试(80%)


21. You don’t need to tell me about her. We _____ many times.

A had met           B met          C meet       D have met

22. He ___a worker in a factory, but he___ a pop star two years ago.

A used to be… has become             B used to be… became

C was used to be…becomes            D was used to being… has become

23. Look! What a clean room ! Who _______it ?

A has cleaned       B is cleaning      C will clean    D cleaned

24. That ________ trip made us quite________.

A pleased , pleasant                  B pleased , pleased

C pleasant, pleasant                  D pleasant, pleased

25. The neighbors often visit the old man, so he doesn’t feel ______any longer.

A alone            B lovely          C lonely            D friendly

26.He’s never late for class, _______he?

A  has            B hasn’t          C is              D isn’t

27. Which do you enjoy ________ your summer holidays, staying at home or travelling abroad?

A. to spend     B. spending   C. spend      D. spent

28.——When _______ you ______breakfast?

—— At 7.00a.m.

A.have  had     B. did   have   C. have  eaten     D. had  had

29.The girl _________ the basketball team for 3 years.

A. has been on     B. joined    C. joins        D. has joined

30. –I bought this dictionary two weeks ago.

–You mean you ________ it for only half a month.

A. have kept       B. have had   C. have bought    D. have taken


Each morning, I walked past a security guard(保安)。He 31 everyone that walked by him. I 32 how he knew so many people by their first names.The first few times I saw him. I didn’t say hello back to him 33 he greeted me. I was lost in my own world. On Monday he asked, “How was your 34 ?” I told him about my visit to my sick, elderly mother. He told me how 35 he was for my mother’s sickness. As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his 36. The following day, I asked, “What’s your name?” He answered , “Gary.” I said, “I’m Deborah.” After that, we talked a couple of times a week. We 37 stories about our weekends , our dreams, and our families. Gary got a new job and moved 38 . It has been years since I last spoke to him, yet the memory feels like yesterday.

I look back at what became a friendship of sharing stories from the heart. When you say 39 to a stranger(陌生人) you become a pebble(鹅卵石)thrown into a lake. With each ripple(涟漪)you create, you spread(传播) 40 that continues to give.

31.A. watched        B. believed      C. thanked     D. greeted

32.A. forgot          B. admired      C. expected    D. complained(抱怨)

33.A. when          B. until         C. before       D. and

34.A. visit           B. weekend      C. mother      D. sickness

35.A.afraid          B. glad          C. sorry        D. surprised

36.A.age            B. job           C. name       D. family

37.A. wrote          B. heard         C. read        D. shared

38.A. away          B. over          C. on          D. in

39.A.yes            B. hello          C. no         D. goodbye

40.A.news           B. virus(病毒)    C. love        D. sadness



Mary Cassatt is considered as(被认为是) one of American most famous female artists.She was born in Pennsylvania in 1844.When she was a child,Mary and her family spent five years travelling and living in Europe(欧洲).Mary saw the great art museums,and she wanted to become an artist.

When she was seventeen,she said that she wanted to go to Paris to study art.At that time people thought that only men could become painters.It was not considered proper work for a woman. Her father refused to let her study art.Finally he said she could study it if she went to a school near their home.She attended the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.

At her graduation(毕业)in 1866,she again said that she had to go abroad to learn more about painting.Her father agreed to let her go.At 22 she sailed for Paris.She lived in France,but she went to other countries in Europe.She spent a lot of time in museums.She worked hard to improve her work.She studied the famous paintings of the old masters,and she copied and sketched(画素描)for hours.

She found,though,that she preferred(更喜欢) the new ideas used by a group of artists living in Paris.They called themselves impressionists(印象派画家).Like them Mary Cassatt tried to show real people and the real world.Because these ideas were new,it took some years before people recognized(承认)her as the great artist.

41.Mary Cassatt went to art school near home because________.

A.she did not have enough money to go away

B.she was frightened about leaving home

C.her father would not let her leave home

D.it was the best school

42.Mary Cassatt showed that she was serious about becoming an artist by________.

A.spending long hours painting

B.taking many trips to Europe

C.reading many art books

D.talking to older artists

43.From this passage we can learn that in the 1800s_________.

A.all jobs were open to women

B.some jobs were not open to women

C.all women wanted to stay at home and have children

D.male artists welcomed female artists


They’re best friends. They go to school together every day. They often go to the shopping mall at weekends. Both of them have hair,but one has big blue eyes and the other deep brown eyes.

One of the friends, Jenny Siegle, is in a wheelchair. The other, Augie, is an amazing dog who helps Jenny .Jenny, who is 14 years old, is a quadriplegic(四肢瘫痪者),which means she cannot use her arms or legs.Augie is a Freedom Service dog who is Jenny’s arms and legs.

How does Augie do this? In school, he picks up the pencil or notebook that Jenny drops. Jenny is also training Augie to pull off her jacket ,so Jenny doesn’t have to ask anyone for help.

At home, Augie brings her the newspapers. He even helps clean Jenny’s room. Augie also carries his food dish back to Jenny so she can fill it with dog food. Then Augie puts it back neatly in its place.

At the mall, Augie wears a pack that tells everyone he is a Freedom Service dog. When Jenny wants to buy things, Augie carries them to the counter (柜台). He gives the cashier(收银员) Jenny’s wallet and waits for the change(找零)。

P. J. Roche, who started Freedom Service Dogs ,says , “These dogs are a social bridge, Kids who don’t know Jenny come up to talk to her because she’s got a dog.” Augie is truly Jenny’s best friend and helper and her bridge to the world.

44.Augie is _____________.

A. a girl in a wheelchair            B. a 14-year-old girl

C. a helpful dog                  D. a cashier

45.Augie helps Jenny do many kinds of things except _______________.

A.helping her take off her clothes

B. carrying things to Jenny at home

C. paying money to the cashier at the mall

D. helping Jenny learn all kinds of things at school

46. “Augie is Jenny’s bridge to the world” means that_____________.

A. it helps Jenny a lot in her life

B. it does everything it can for Jenny

C. it picks up things Jenny drops at school

D. children who don’t know Jenny come to talk to her because of Augie


Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book heroes of all time.He was created by Stan Lee in 1963 and was first introduced to the world in the pages of Marvel comic books.

Spiderman's story is the story of Peter Parker,a child who lost his parents and lives with his aunt and uncle.Peter is a shy,quiet boy wearing glasses and has few friends.One day,on a high school class trip to a science lab,he gets bitten by a special spider(蜘蛛).Soon Peter realizes he has amazing powers:he is as strong and quick as a spider and also has a type of sixth sense.He no longer needs his glasses and he can use his super power to fly through the city streets! Remembering something his Uncle Ben has told him,that“with great power,there must also come great responsibility(责任),”Peter decides to use his powers to fight enemies who do cruel things to people.And so,Spiderman is born.

Life is not easy for Peter even though he is a superhero.He is in love with Mary Jane but cannot tell her about his amazing powers.Besides,his best friend Harry hates Spiderman! Peter is also short of money and time.He has to sell photos of Spiderman(himself!)to a newspaper and he keeps losing his other jobs because he’s so busy saving people! Yet he has to fight different kinds of cruel enemies(敌人).

47.Who created Spiderman?

A.Stan Lee.


C.Peter Parker.


48.What happened to Peter Parker after he was bitten by the spider?

A.He could not see with his eyes.

B.He became a spider.

C.He developed spider-like powers.

D.He was sick.

49.What does“with great power,there must also come great responsibility”mean?

A.Powerful people can do whatever they like.

B.People with power are always good.

C.Powerful people should have a responsibility to do good.

D.Powerful people are to blame(责备) for all the bad things that happen.

50.In what areas does Peter have problems that are similar(相似的)to common people?








1. How many  __▲___(工厂) are there in your hometown?

2. Hainan is in the__▲___ (南方的)part of China.

3. He __▲___ (意识到) that he left his homework at home when he got to school.

4. Xi’an is one of the __▲___ (文化)centers in China.

5. He jumped with__▲___ (激动) when he heard the news.

6. He __▲___ (丢弃)the waste into the river yesterday.

7. Suzhou has changed a lot in the __▲___ (最近的)years.

8.We__▲___ our hands when the headmaster finished his talk.

9. Please stop smoking, it does  __▲___ to your health.

10. He likes water sports, __▲___sailing.

八年级   英语   答题纸


1._____________ 2.____________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5._________

6.____________ 7.____________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10._________














五年前 现在

外貌 短发,肥胖 长发,苗条

性格 害羞,安静,从不跟同学说话,喜欢一个人呆在教室 善于与同学交谈,已经交了很多好朋友

饮食 很少吃早饭,喜欢不健康的食物,如…… 每日三餐,经常吃蔬菜和水果

生活方式 每天花很多时间看电视,痴迷于电脑游戏,几乎不运动 喜欢运动,如……

学习 对学习不感兴趣,学习成绩不理想 经常看书,认真做作业,每门功课都学的很好

Hi! My name is Li Ming. I have a classmate named Wei Fang. We have been classmates for five years. I find she______________________________

Five years ago, ________________________________________





However, now, __________________________________________________



八年级英语 参考答案

卷Ⅰ:1—5、ABBCB  6—10、AABBA  11—15、BABAA  16—20、ABCCC

21—25、DBADC26—30、CABAB 31—35、DBABC  36—40、CDABC 41—45、CABCD 46—50、DACCB

卷Ⅱ:1. factories  2.southern  3.realized  4. cultural   5. excitement

6.dumped  7.recent    8.clapped   9.harm     10.especially

1. Mr Li has been in Beijing for 3 days.

2. How long can I keep this story book?.

3. The shop has been open since three years ago.

4. The environment in the countryside is quite different from that in the city.

5.The government has turned the park into a museum

Hi! My name is Li Ming. I have a classmate named Wei Fang. We have been classmates for five years. I find she has changed a lot in the past five years.

Five years ago, she had short hair and she was very fat. She was a shy and quiet girl and never talked with classmates. She liked staying alone in the classroom. She seldom had breakfast. She liked unhealthy food such as snacks and cola. She spent lots of time watching TV and she was crazy about computer games. She seldom exercised. She was not interested in her study, so she did badly in her lessons.

However, now, she has long hair and she is very slim. She is good at talking with classmates and she has made lots of friends. She has three meals now, and she often has fruit and vegetables. She likes sports like swimming, badminton and tennis. She often reads books and does homework very carefully every day, so she studies every subject very well.




