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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-18 阅读:




One day, a poor young man went to Paris to visit one of his father's friends and  36  that his father's friend could help him find a simple job for living.

"Are you good at mathemetics," his father's friend asked him.

The young man shook his heed.

"How are your history and geography?"

The young man shook his head again.

"How about your law?"

The young man   37   his head embarrassedly.

His father's friend asked again and again,   38  the young man could only shake his head and told him he himself couldn't find out any   39  .

"Then write down your address first."

The young man wrote down his address and turned to leave, but he was stopped by his father's friend. "Your name is written very   40  , which is your advantage. You shouldn't satisfy yourself with finding a job only for  41  ."

Years later, the young man wrote the classical works that won the world fame. He was Alexandre Dumas, a famous French writer of 18th century. One of his greatest  works   42   The Three Musketeers was popular  43   a great number of readers.

There are many ordinary persons in the world who all have many  44  advantages, but they are neglected ( 忽视 ) because of their self-abasement ( 自卑 ). In fact, there is a gold mine ( 矿 ) in every ordinary life. If you' re willing to dig, you will dig out treasures to   45   yourself.

36. A. wondered        B. expected         C. learn           D. thought

37. A. touched         B. lowered          C. raised          D. nodded

38. A. so              B. or               C. and             D. but

39. A. ideas           B. chances          C. advantages      D. feelings

40. A. badly           B. carefully        C. clearly         D. beautifully

41. A. fun             B. house            C. living          D. hobby

42. A. written         B. called           C. read            D. given

43. A. with            B. for              C. by              D. of

44. A. big             B. small            C. clear           D. exact

45. A. surprise        B. intent           C. believe         D. frighten




"Morn, I can' t do this."  My teenage son Bret stood in front of me with his hands full of papers.

"Can't do what?" I half—looked at him while preparing supper.

"~All these" he waved his hands up down . "There's no way I can do everything my teachers are asking me to do"

I stopped what I was doing and turned to face him. I had never seen him so upset. He made good grade in school and nothing ever seemed to brother him.

Walking over to the kitchen table, I sat down and asked him to join me.

"Showing me what you have to do."

"Mr Jones, my chemistry teacher, wants me to make a project for the Science Fair."

"Okay. And what else?"

"I have an algebra test next week, and that will be one-third of our semester grade" I knew how Bret hate algebra, which always gave him trouble.

"And 1 have to write an English composition. And midterm test are the next week! I need to study for them and I have to get help with Spanish. There's no way I can do everything!"

It broke my heart to see him so stressed out. I wanted to help him, yet I  couldn' t do the work for him. I looked at Bret and said. "You don't  have to do everything at once. You can do one at a time. Let's make a list of what you need to do."

So, one by one, we listed each item. Then we put the due date next to the item. Next we separated the items into parts. When we finished with the list, I asked,  "Do you think you can do this now?"

He smiled and I saw his confidence return. "Sure! Thanks, Mom"

From that day on, Bret made lists for everything he had to do. He completed all his tasks and kept his good grades.

There is a saying that asks, "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer is, "One bite(咬) a time."


46. Where was the mother when her son complained to her

A. In the living room.                  B. In the kitchen.

C. In the bedroom.                      D. In the bathroom.

47. What does the underlined "due date" mean in Chinese?

A.到期日    B.开始日    C.持续期    D.计划日

48. Why did Bred hate algebra?

A. Because he was not good at it.

B. Because he would have an algebra test.

C. Because it would be one-third of his semester grade.

D. Because he often got into trouble with his algebra teacher.

49. How did the mother help her son?

A. She did the work for her son.

B. She taught a method to her son

C. She made a list of the things she had to do.

D. She helped her son finish his science project.

50. What's the best title for this passage?

A. Make a list.                          B. Bite by bite

C. Nothing is impossible.                D. Never give up.


How do you greet people in your country? In the UK, a handshake has been the traditional way to say hello. But this seems to be changing.

A new survey shows that the handshake is now less popular. According to results, many British people now consider handshaking "formal, outdated" or "unhygienic" (不卫生). In the past, the British looked down on hugging or kissing as a form of greeting, but not any longer. In fact, almost 50 percent are using other ways to greet, with 16 percent preferring a European kiss on the cheek, and nearly one third choosing a hug.

The study of 1,003 people also found that one in five now feel that shaking hands is too formal, while 42 percent said they would only do it in a business meeting. Forty-two percent also said they would never shake hands when greeting friends, and one in twelve said they preferred not to shake hands in case germs are passed on. However, 87 percent still believe a handshake is more suitable in business.

Psychologist Dr. Jane McCartney said,  "I think the handshake depends on age. The older you are, the more likely you will prefer the handshake. It's  quite a formal introduction. So, it's quite nice that today's generation feel much less reserved."

So, what's your favorite form of greeting?


51. What is the traditional way to greet people in the UK?

A. Kissing.          B. Hugging.          C. Nodding.         D. Handshaking.

52. Why don't more and more British choose handshaking to greet?

A. Because they look down on handshaking.

B. Because they consider handshaking is unhygienic.

C. Because they like other ways to greet.

D. Because kissing on the cheek is more polite.

53. How many people never shake hands when greeting friends among the participants (参与者)?

A. 1003.            B. 42.              C. 421.             D. 83.

54 Whoa does the underlined word "germs" in the third paragraph mean in Chinese?

A.信息    B.胚芽    C. 细菌    D.礼貌

55. According to the passage, who will choose to shake hands to greet?

A. Two teenagers at the end-of-year party.

B. Two businessmen at a meeting.

C. A teacher and a student at school.

D. An old man and his grandson.

