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Detective stories

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-05-25 阅读:

以下是常梦网为您推荐的Detective stories,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

 Detective stories

Write a detective story for a writing competition at your school.


1. Use reported speech to talk about what someone else said. 用间接引语谈论其他人说的话。

2. Use reported speech to report questions. 用间接引语来转述问题。

3. Use appropriate language to talk about crimes, suspects, innocence and guilt. 用恰当的语言来谈论罪行、嫌疑犯、无辜和有罪。

4. Write a detective story for a writing competition at your school.

二. 重点、难点:

Grammar B

B: Reported speech with tense changes. 改变时态的间接引语。


(直接引语) (间接引语)

1、一般现在时 改为 一般过去时

The witness said “I’m scared.”

The witness said (that) he was scared.

2、现在进行时 改为 过去进行时

“I’m doing my homework,” said she.

She said (that) she was doing her homework.

3、现在完成时 改为 过去完成时

Tom said, “I’ve received the letter.”

Tom said (that) he had received the letter.

4、一般过去时 改为 过去完成时

“I didn’t see the cat,” said he.

He said (that) he hadn’t seen the cat.

5、一般将来时 改为 过去将来时 (would + v.)

“We’ll look for more clues,” said Detective Lu.

Detective Lu said (that) they would look for more clues.


直接引语 间接引语

today that day

tonight that night

this morning / week that morning / week

tomorrow the next / following day

yesterday the day before

last week the last week

now then

two days ago two days before

e.g. “I was in another place at that time yesterday,” the suspect said.

The suspect said that he had been in another place at that time the day before.


“Why are you late?” the teacher asked him.

The teacher asked him why he was late.

“How many crimes have you solved?” the interviewer asked Detective Lu.

The interviewer asked Detective Lu how many crimes he had solved.

(四)一般疑问句改为间接引语时,①要把问号改为句号;②要在间接引语前加if / whether;③要把疑问句改为陈述句。

“Can you finish it in time?” my mother asked.

My mother asked if/whether I could finish it in time.

“Does he know the victim?” I asked

I asked if/ whether he knew the victim.

Integrated skills

1、A child has been kidnapped. 一个孩子被绑架了。

has been kidnapped 现在完成时的被动语态

e.g. A new bridge has been built already.

2、He was wearing a red T-shirt, blue shorts and a brown jacket.


short 在这里是名词:短裤

3、Well, what did you think of our first suspect, Wang Gang?



4、He seemed a nice man. 他好像是个好人。

seem 似乎、好像,后面可以直接跟表语,也可以用动词不定式作表语。所以上句也可以写成: He seemed (to be) a nice man.

e.g. You seem right = You seem to be right

Main Task

1、Tom planned to take the necklace to the police station the next day.


the next day 第二天,常用于过去时或过去将来时的句子中。

e.g. He said he would come to see me the next day.

2、Tom and the jewel thief Tom和珠宝小偷

jewel n. 珠宝,珍贵的人或物

jewellery n. 珠宝饰品,首饰

jeweler n. 珠宝商

3、Tom got along with all of his neighbours except the man who lived next door.


get along / on with sb. 和……相处

e.g. How are you getting along with your classmates? Well.

except 介词,除……之外

e.g. We go to school every day except Sunday.

4、No one knew what he did for a living.


for a living 为了生存

e.g. She sells books for a living. 她以卖书谋生/为生

5、You’re under arrest for murder. (P110) 因为谋杀,你被逮捕了。

arrest 在这里是名词

be under arrest 被逮捕


1、Detective Lu said the computer programmer’s boss was guilty of the crime.


be guilty of the crime 有罪

2、Was the man with blood on his shirt involved in the crime?


with “带有”

e.g. The teacher came in with a book in his hand.

be involved in 卷入、牵涉

e.g. She was involved in this trouble. 她被卷入这场麻烦之中。



1. They a ______ him with a gun because he was guilty.

2. The _______ (主人) of these dogs will come soon.

3. She is so beautiful today with a n_________ around her neck.

4. The poor little boy was _______ (绑架) on his way to school.

5. How can you ________(证明) that you have finished it?

6. Who do you think is the real m________ of the murder?

7. My uncle is able and hard working, so he is ________(待遇丰厚).

8. His d_______ made his parents sad for a long time.


1. “We will try our best to study hard,” said the twins. (直接引语改为间接引语)


2. “I’m afraid of snakes,” said Sandy. (直接引语改为间接引语)


3. “Where is Tom,” asked Peter. (直接引语改为间接引语)


4. Someone attacked the victim with a gun. (改为被动语态)


5. “Do you know the murderer?” the policeman asked me. (直接引语改为间接引语)


6. “Why did you move to Shanghai?” Sandy asked Millie. (直接引语改为间接引语)


7. “Did the man use a knife?” asked the interviewer. (直接引语改为间接引语)



1. The children _______ (fly) kites on the playground when it began to rain heavily.

2. Last night when we got to the cinema, the film _______ (be) on for over ten minutes.

3. Didn’t your teacher tell you that sound _______ (travel) move slowly than light?

4. It _______ (never snow) in Australia.

5. Look at the sun. What a lovely day it is today! We _______ (go) hiking.

6. Before I went to college, I _______ (learn) English for eight years.

7. I _______ (check) my e-mails today. But I haven’t got yours.

8. Mr. Green telephoned the headmaster to tell him that his family _______ (spend) a holiday the next week.


1. 能提供线索者请打电话:55888999。

2. 出门时请带上雨衣。

3. 据说他可能是杀人犯。

4. 嫌疑人说他没有犯罪。

5. 当电话铃响时,我正在看足球。

6. 他告诉我,Tom明天要来看我。

7. 警察们正耐心地听证人讲。

8. 请给我一杯水。



1. arrested 2. owner 3. necklace 4. kidnapped

5. prove 6. murderer 7. well-paid 8. death


1. The twins said that they would try their best to study hard.

2. Sandy said that she was afraid of snakes.

3. Peter asked where Tom was.

4. The victim was attacked by someone with a gun.

5. The policeman asked me if I know the murderer.

6. Sandy asked Millie why she had moved to Shanghai.

7. The interviewer asked if / whether the man had used a knife.


1. were flying

2. had been

3. travels

4. has never snowed

5. are going/ will go

6. had learned

7. have checked

8. would spend


1. Anyone who can offer some information should contact the police on 55888999.

2. Please take a raincoat with you when you leave.

3. It is said that he is a murderer.

4. The suspect said that he was not guilty.

5. I was watching the football match when the telephone rang.

6. He told me that Tom would come to see me the next day.

7. The police were listening to the witnesses carefully.

8. Please give / bring me a cup of water.



