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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-06 阅读:




1.Many people use computers but not telephones to talk with their friends.

2.Please turn on the light.I can't see anything.

3.Lingling is looking after her grandmother.

4.We need to buy a new printer.This one is old.

5.Read the book again.Maybe you can get some information from it.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______


Who has a new computer?

6.A.I am.     B.Tom doesn't.   C.My father has.

How do I save the document?

7.A.Open a new document.

B.Write it in the document.

C.Click “save” and write a name for it.

Why not send Mary an email?

8.A .All right.    B.Yes,please.   C.Not at all.

How often do you go online?

9.A.I like it.     B.Sometimes.    C.I don't like it.

What don't you usually do on your computer?

10.A.Download music. B.Visit the website. C.Go  fishing.


M:Hi,Mary,could you please teach me how to write on the computer?

W:Sure.I think it's very easy.

M:What do I do first?

W:Please use the mouse to open a new document.

M:Like this?

W:Yes.Next,use the keyboard to write what you want,please.

M:OK.Finally,how do I save the document?

W:Click “save ”,please.

M:OK.Thank you.

When you want to______(11) something on the______(12),first,you can use the ______(13) to open a new document.Next,use the______(14) to write what you want.Finally,______(15) the document.



16.Don't______ the TV.My baby is sleeping now.

A.turn on     B.turn off    C.look at     D.pick up

17.When you write English,read it and ______ your spelling.

A.write      B.plan    C. check     D.speak

18.—Excuse me.______ do you say “autumn” in American English?

—It's “fall”.

A.How     B.When   C.Where     D.Why

19.—Do the students often______online______school?


A.play;at    B.go;with   C.go;at     D.play;in

20.I don't like to ______ the website today.

A.see      B.on    C.go      D.visit

21.Please connect the keyboard______the computer.

A.in      B.at    C.to      D.for

22.Before you switch off the computer,you must______the document.

A.keep     B.save    C.stay     D.hold

23.—______ seeing the TV play Scheming Beauty(《美人心计》)?

—That's a great idea.

A.How many    B.How about  C.How old    D.How often

24.—I think you can ______ money to buy a birthday present for your mother.

—OK.I'll try.

A.br ing     B.save    C.have     D.leave

25.—This is a present for you.

—That's so ______ of you.

A.kind     B.lucky    C.really     D.kinds


Do you know how to make a phone call?Let me __26__ you.First,you must __27__ the right number.If(如果) you're not sure about the __28__,you can check it.Second,you should __29__ the person some time to answer the phone.Please __30__ patient(耐心的)and wait for a few more minutes.Third,you must speak clearly.Don't shout(喊)__31__ mutt er(嘀咕).And your mouth should be one inch(英寸)away __32__ the phone.Fourth,after __33__ “hello”,you should tell the person your name and who you are.Fifth,if the person isn't __34__,you should let the person who is answering the phone take a message for you.__35__,please put the t elephone gently(轻放电话).It's not polite to throw the phone.

26.A.say     B.tell    C.talk     D.speak

27.A.write    B.read    C.know     D.see

28.A.website    B.person   C.number     D.email

29.A.give     B.use    C.take     D.spend

30.A.am     B.is    C.are      D.be

31.A.so     B.or    C.but      D.then

32.A.to     B.from    C.near     D.beside

33.A.saying    B.telling   C.speaking    D.asking

34.A.at     B.to    C.from     D.in

35.A.Finally    B.Firstly   C.Usually     D.Last



Computers are very popular with students now.It's very easy for them to surf the Internet(网上冲浪).Most of them go to the Internet bar and spend more than two hours there.They can do their homework,get some information for their study,download music,and send emails on the computer.But some of them spend too much time playing computer games,and it is bad for their study.

36.Which of the following is popular with students today?

A.The televisio n.  B.The radio.   C.The recorder.  D.The computer.

37.Where do most students surf the Internet?

A.At home.    B.At school.   C.At the Internet bar.  D.In the library.

38.How many hours do most of the students spend on the computers?

A.Two hours.   B.More than two hours. C.One hour.   D.Less than two hours.

39.What can the students do on the computer?

A.They can download music.    B.They can send emails.

C.They can do their homework.    D.All of the above

40.Spending too much time ______ on the computer is bad for their study.

A.playing games       B.getting information for the students' study

C.doing their homework     D.practising English



● I'll use computers for my work.Now I use my computer  to go on the Internet and play games.I also write emails on the computer.

● I use computers for many kinds of things,like homework.I can also use computers to surf the Internet.

● I use computers to look for information or use Microsoft Word to do my homework.I also use it for PowerPoint.

● When I use the computer,I sometimes surf (冲浪) the Internet.I use it for Microsoft Word and games.

Many students have computers now.They 41.______computers to do 42.______ kinds of things.43.______of them go online and pl ay 44.______or 45.______emails.Some use it to 46.______their homework.They often look for 47.______on the Internet.Other students use Microsoft 48.______or 49.______.Sometimes students can 50.______the Internet.


A.First,enter the name of the book here;then click“search”.

B.What's up?

C.Then you can get more information.

D.Thanks for giving me so much help.

E.But how can I do that?

A:Jenny,can you help me?


A:My classmates often buy some good books on the Internet.I also want to do so.52.______

B:It's just a piece of cake.What book do you want to buy?

A:Gone with the Wind.

B:OK.53.______.You will see a lot of entries(条目).Next,click the entry you are interested in.Usually,they have some instructions(介绍).54.______

A:Let me have a try(尝试).Oh,I've got it.Here are so many entries.

B:You can click any one to open it.Following this,you will ge t what you want.


B:You're welcome.


56.It's warm in spring,but s______ it's cold.

57.It's too dark(黑暗的)here.Can you help me ______(打开) the lights?

58.We use Internet to get lots of ______(信息).

59.After finishing your homework,you should ______(检查)it.

60.There is something wrong with my ______(键盘).So I want to buy a new one.


61.Have you got a ______(print)?

62.He ______(travel)40 miles to work every day.

63.Do you know how ______(send) emails?

64.There are different ______(kind) of websites on the Internet.

65.Tony doesn't use the computer______ (do) his homework.

66.There's much useful ______(information) in the book.

67.How many ______(mouse) are there in the house?

68.______(open)a new document,please.

69.My good friend often ______(search) for films on the Internet.

70.What computer______(game)can you play on the Internet?



We often ______ ______ ______ ______ the Internet.


______ Betty's mother______ ______the times of trains?


He also gets ______ ______ two sessions (两会) on the ______.


How______ you______ a new______?


What______of music______he often______?


现在很多家庭已经拥有了电脑,你经常用它做什么呢?请你以My Computer and I 为题来给同学们介绍一下。不少于50词。


