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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-06 阅读:



Ⅱ. 单项选择(15分)

1. This is _____ our school.  There is one computer in  _____  class.

A. /;  /           B. /; an           C. the;  a            D. /;  a

【解析】选D。考查冠词的用法。句意:这是我们的学校,每个班上有一台电脑。our是物主代词,前面不用冠词; “每个班”用冠词a class,class是以辅音音素开头的单词,不能用冠词an,故选D。

2. _____  name is Tom. _____  is a boy in Class One.

A. My; I                            B. His; He

C. Her; She                      D. Your; You


3. There _____ a bed and two chairs in my bedroom.

A. are             B. is         C. have             D. has

【解析】选B。考查there be句型的“就近原则”, be 动词的形式取决于离其最近的名词。根据a bed可知用is,故选B。

4. —Is there a dictionary on the desk?

— _____

A. Yes, there is.                        B. No, there is.

C. Yes, there isn’t.                   D. No, there aren’t.

【解析】选A。考查对there be(is)句型一般疑问句式的回答。肯定回答:  Yes,  there is. ;否定回答: No, there isn’t. 。比较四个选项可知选A。

5. There are many books  _____  our school library.

A. next to        B. in        C. behind           D. under


6. —Are there  _____  trees on the hill?

—Yes,  there are  _____ .

A. some; any    B. any; any

C. any; some                   D. some; some

【解析】选C。考查some/ any的用法。some一般用在肯定句中,any一般用在否定句或疑问句中,根据句式可知选C。

7. John is in front of Jim and Jim is _____ John.

A. in front of  B. in the front of

C. next to                      D. behind

【解析】选D。考查表示方位的介词。in front of (在……前面)与behind(在……后面)是一组反义词,故选D。

8. — _____ is your classroom?

—It’s next to the dining hall.

A. Where B. What C. When         D. How

【解析】选A。由答语可知,上句是对your classroom的方位进行询问,用疑问词where,故选A。

9. —Do you like the red bag?

—No,  I want the black _____  .

A.  it            B. them         C. one              D. ones


10. _____  the classrooms next to the school offices?

A. Is           B. Am        C. Are           D. Is there

【解析】选C。句意: 教室在学校办公室的旁边吗?由the classrooms可知用复数形式are,故选C。

11. How many  _____  are there in your school?

A. sciences labs                       B. science labs

C. sciences lab                        D. science lab

【解析】选B。句意:你的学校里有多少个科学实验室?由how many可知用名词的复数形式,science lab的复数只在lab后加s,故选B。

12. There are two apple trees  _____  Mike’s house.

A. in the front of                 B. in the front at

C. in the front                     D. in front of

【解析】选D。句意:在迈克的房子前面有两棵苹果树。in front of 固定短语 “在……前面”; in the front of 是指在某个物体内部的前面,故选D。

13. There are two pictures _____ the wall _____ my classroom.

A. in; on          B. in; in         C. on; on           D. on; in

【解析】选D。考查介词的用法。句意:在我的教室的墙上有两张图画。图画是在墙的表面上,用介词on;“在教室里”用介词in,  故选D。

14. There are 52 students in my class. _____ 30 boys and 22 girls.

A. This’s                                B. That’s

C. These are                          D. What are

【解析】选B。句意: 我的班上有52名学生,即30名男生和22名女生。“即,也就是”用that’s,故选B。

15. —What’s behind the door?

— ______________

A. Yes,  it is a ball.                      B. No,  it isn’t a ball.

C. There is a ball.                       D. It’s in front of the door.


Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

Look!   This is my new school.       1very big.  There      2 fifty-two classroomsin it. They’re   3    a tall building.  The labis next    4    the classrooms.  The library is behind    5    lab.  It’s in front   6    the dining hall.  The offices   7   next to the classrooms,    8   .    9    is a gym behind the tall building.  We often    10    basketball in it.

1. A. It                          B. It’s

C. They                       D. They’re


2. A. be            B. is                C. am                   D. are

【解析】选D。考查there be句型中be动词的选择。由classrooms可知,be动词选用are。

3. A. in             B. on            C. under              D. next

【解析】选A。in a tall building “在一栋高楼里”。“在……里”用介词in。

4. A. at            B. of              C. to              D. in

【解析】选C。next to 固定短语“在……旁边”。

5. A. a             B. an                 C. /                 D. the


6. A. /          B. at            C. of              D. on

【解析】选C。in front of 固定短语“在……前面”。

7. A. are           B. is             C. be                D. am


8. A. and              B. but              C. too              D. /

【解析】选C。句意:办公室也在教室旁边。too “也”,一般用在句尾,用逗号和前面的句子隔开。

9. A. This            B. There           C. It                D. He

【解析】选B。句意:在这栋大楼的后面有一个体育馆。表示某处有某物用there be句型,故选B。

10. A. speak          B. play          C. ride            D. swim

【解析】选B。“打篮球 ”play basketball。

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10分)

This is Tom’s bedroom.  There is a desk near the window.  You can see a chair under the desk.  There are some Chinese books,  English dictionaries and a cup on the desk.  This is his bed.  And there is a bag and a coat on the bed.  What’s in his bag?  It’s his English book.  Where is his football?  Oh,  it’s behind the door.

1. The passage is about Tom’s _____ .

A. school                                B. family

C. bedroom                           D. friend’s room

【解析】选C。由短文第一句话This is Tom’s bedroom. “这是汤姆的卧室”可知。

2. His chair is _____ .

A. under the desk                   B. near the window

C. on the floor                         D. under the bed

【解析】选A。由短文的第三句话You can see a chair under the desk. “你可以看到桌下有一把椅子”可知。

3. There are some _____ on the desk.

A. cup                              B. flowers

C. dictionaries                D. English books

【解析】选C。由短文的第四句话There are some Chinese books,  English dictionaries and a cup on the desk. “桌上有一些语文书、英语词典和一个杯子”可知。

4. _____ is in the bag.

A. A cup                                      B. A coat

C. An English book                   D. A picture

【解析】选C。由短文的第七、第八两句话What’s in his bag?  It’s his English book. “书包里是什么?是他的英语书”可知。

5. _____ is behind the door.

A. A bag          B. A football     C. A coat        D. A chair

【解析】选B。由短文的最后两句话Where is his football?  Oh,  it’s behind the door. “他的足球在哪儿?哦,它在门后面”可知。


Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)


1.  Let’s play basketball in the _____(   ).

答案: gym

2.  We can borrow(借) some books from the _____(    ).

3. There is a science_____  (      )in Mary’s school.

答案:2. library             3. lab

4. I have lunch in the d_____  hall in our school.

5. Your answer(答案) isn’t r_____ .  Twenty and ten is thirty.

答案:4. dining           5. right


6. There _____ (be) five chairs in the room.

7. How many _____  (office) are there in your school?

8. Are there  _____ (some) flowers on Lily’s desk?

9. They are in Class Two. _____  (they)English teacher is Miss Gao.

10. The tall _____ (build) is a bank.

答案:6. are    7. offices    8. any    9. Their   10. building

Ⅵ. 完成句子(10分)

1. 老师的桌子上有一些书。

_____ _____ _____  books on the _____  desk.

2. 这个房间里有两张桌子和一把椅子。

_____ _____ _____ _____ and a chair in the room.

答案:1. There are some;  teacher’s

2. There are two desks

3. 我们学校旁边有家医院。

Our school is  _____ _____  a hospital.

4. 教室里没有学生。

_____ _____ _____ _____ in the classroom.

5. 在小明家的后面有一棵大树。

_____ _____ a big tree _____  Xiaoming’s house.

答案: 3. next to          4. There aren’t any students

5. There is;  behind

Ⅶ. 句型转换(10分)

1. There are some boys under the tree. (改为否定句)

_____ _____ _____ boys under the tree.

2. There is a car in front of the building. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

_____ _____ a car in front of the building?

_____ , _____ _____ .

答案:  1. There aren’t any      2. Is there;  Yes;  there is

3. The hospital is next to a factory. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ the hospital?

4. There are ten cups on the desks.  (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ on the desks?

5. Tom is behind Lingling. (改为同义句)

Lingling is _____ _____ _____ Tom.

答案: 3. Where is     4. How many cups are there

5. in front of

Ⅷ. 选词填空(10分)


be,  library,  book,  school,  some,  in,  class,  student,  science,  classroom

I am Zhang Yu.  I am a student in Yuxin Middle School.  My (1)_____ is very big.  There are about 3, 000 (2) _____ in our school,  and we have lessons (上课) in  different (3) _____ .  There is a tall building near the school gate.  The (4) _____ and the teachers’ offices are in the same building.

There is a (5) _____ behind the building.  We can borrow(借) (6) _____ from it.  Next to the library is our science lab.  We have (7) _____ lessons in it.  We have a gym (8) _____ our school,  and it is behind the science lab.  There are (9) _____ trees and flowers in our school.

Our school (10) _____ nice.  We like it very much.

答案:1. school    2. students     3. classes       4. classrooms

5. library    6. books    7. science     8. in      9. some       10. is

Ⅸ. 书面表达(15分)

以My Classroom为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,注意there be句型及方位介词的使用。



