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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-04-07 阅读:



A      B     C

D    E   F

1.         2.         3.         4.         5.



6. What day is it today?

A. Thursday.        B. Friday.           C. Saturday.

7.. Which subject does Mary like best?

A. History.            B. Math.              C. English.


8. Where is the supermarket?

A. On the 8th floor.    B. On the 9th floor.     C. On the 10th floor.

9. When does the gift shop close?

A. At 5:00 a.m.   B. At5:15 p.m.     C. At 5:45 p.m.


10. What is Miss Taylor waiting for?

A.A taxi      B. A bus    C. A car.

11. Where does Mr. Brown want to go?

A. The library   B. The bookstore   C. The bank

12.Whose car is it?

A. Miss. Taylor’s   B.Mr. Brown’s   C. Jenny’s


(    )13.How do the ten students get to school?

A. By bus.           B. By bike.          C. On foot.

(    )14.Is Mary’s home far from the school?

A. Yes, it is.    B. No , it isn’t.  C. We don’t know.

(    )15.Where do they have lunch?

A. At restaurant.   B. At school.  C. At their own home.


(   )16.Zhang Hua’s school is close to her home.

(   )17.They buy the apartment for¥300.

(   )18.Her grandparents live in a farmhouse.

(   )19.Many shops and restaurants are far from her home.

(   )20.Zhang Hua likes living in a noisy street.


( )21.Where does Tom work?

A. In a bank.    B. In a bus station.    C. In a hospital.

(  )22. What does he usually do at 6:30 A.M ?

A. He gets up.   B. He has  breakfast.  C.He plays sports.

(  )23.How does he go to work?

A.By bus .     B. By train           C. On foot.

(  )4.What is his wife?

A.A doctor.      B. A. nurse.          C. A. worker.

(  )25. What is he doing now?

A. He is walking along the river.

B. He is watching TV.

C. He is listening to the music.




(   )26.—How do they usually get to school?

— They usually get to school______..

A. on bike     B.ride bikes    C.with bike    D.by bike

(   )27. ——You can only turn left when you see the sign _____.

A.  B.  C.  D.

(   )28. The Reads live _____ the end _____ Zhonghua Road.

A.at; of B.in; of C.at; to D.in; to

(   )29. —What’s on the table?

—There         some beef and lots of tomatoes.

A.has     B. is     C. have     D. are

(  )30. —My brother often    books after school. But now he         basketball.

A. reads ;plays           B. reading; playing

C. reads; is playing        D. reads; is playing with

(   )31. —Where are you going?

— I’m going to the _______ to keep money.

A.  library   B. post office    C.bank    D. hospital

(   )32. —Mr Green speaks English very well and ______ students like his classes..

A. many  B. much  C. few   D. little

(   )33. — Lucy, don’t put your things here.___________.

A. Put they away  B. Put them away  C.Put away them  D. Put it away

(   )34. Why not ______ upstairs and have a look?

A. to go         B. going       C. go         D. go to

(   )35. — ______ do you watch TV?

— Three times a week.

A. How many times B. How often  C. How long  D. How far

(   )36. —______ do you ______the book?

—It’s very interesting.

A. What ; like  B. What ;think of  C. How;  think  D. How; think of

(   )37. — What is the time now?

—Sorry. I don’t know .Because there is ____________ with my watch.

A. anything wrong       B. something wrong

C. wrong something      D.nothing wrong

(   )38. —Hello,6702871.Who’s that?


A. My name is Ann   B.I am Ann

C. That’s Ann        D.This is Ann speaking.

(   )39.--____________?

---It’s a townhouse.

A. Where is your home     B. Which is your home

C. What kind of  home do you live in   D. Where do you live

(   )40. —Would you like to sing the song with me?

—         .

A. Yes, I like.   B. Yes, I would.  C. No, I don’t.    D. Sure, I’d love to


People in many countries are learning English. Some learn at school, others _41__ by themselves. A _42_ learn English on the radio.

Why do all these people want _43__ English? _44__difficult to answer that question. Many _45_ learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. _46_ people learn English because it’s useful for _47_work. Many students often learn English for their _48_ studies because _49_ the college(大学), some of their books _50_written_51_ English. It is not _52_ to learn a foreign language. But remember “there is _53_ difficult _54_ the world if you _55_ your heart into it.”

41.A.to learn   B.Learns          C.learn         D.Learning

42.A.few        B.little          C.few of        D.little of

43.A.to study   B.studies         C.are studying  D.study

44.A.That’s    B.It              C.Its           D.It’s

45.A.workers    B.boys and girls  C.doctors       D.Scientists

46.A.Some       B.Much            C.A lot         D.A little

47.A.his        B.their           C.my            D.theirs

48.A.lower      B.bigger          C.shorter       D.Higher

49.A.near       B.at              C.on            D.in front of

50.A.is         B.am              C.are           D.Be

51.A.in         B.with            C.on            D.from

52.A.free       B.difficult       C.busy          D.easy

53.A.something  B.anything        C.nothing       D.some

54.A.in         B.on              C over          D.of

55.A.keep       B.put             C.take          D.Bring

阅 读 理 解



看Li Lan 的课程表,完成下列各题。


Time Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7:30-8:15 1 English Chinese Math Chinese English

8:25-9:10 2 Chinese English Music Math Computer science

9:30-10:15 3 History Geography English Music Math

10:25-11:10 4 Math Art Politics Geography P. E

14:00-14:45 5 P. E Biology History English Chinese

15:00-15:45 6 Politics History Art Biology Class meeting

After classes Outdoor activities

(  )56.Li Lan has ______ English lessons every week .

A . 4     B . 5    C . 6    D.  7

(  )57.How often does she have Computer science ?

A. once a day       B .twice  a  week

C. .Never          D. Once  a week

(  )58.How many lessons does she have a day ?

A. 4      B . 5        C . 6    D. 8

(  )59.It’s  8:30  , on Tuesday .  What is she doing ? She is __________

A.  having a Chinese  lesson      B. having an English lesson

C.  having a music lesson        D. having a math teacher

(  )60. Does she have Music lessons in the afternoon ?

A  Yes , she does .    B . No , she doesn’t     C .  I don’t know .


Mr.Brown is 80 years old. Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he comes home at half past twelve for lunch. But today a car stops at his house at twelve. Two policemen help him get out. One of them says to Mr.Brown’s daughter. “The old man can’t find his way  in the park. He asks us to take him home by car.” The daughter thanks the policemen and leave. Then she asks her father, “ Dad, you go to that park every day. But today, you can’t find the way. What’s wrong with you?” The old man smiles like a child and says, “I can find my way. I don’t want to walk home.”


(   ) 61. Every morning, Mr. Brown often comes  home at ______.

A. twelve           B. eleven thirty

C. twelve thirty      D. twelve fifteen

(   )62. Today Mr. Brown comes home______.

A. by car           B. by bike

C. by bus           D. on foot

(   ) 63. The policemen says Mr. Brown_________ in the park.

A. doesn’t want to walk home

B. can’t find his way home

C. knows the way

D. is ill

(   ) 64. Mr. Brown’s daughter thinks_______.

A. he wants to go home

B. he wants to have lunch early

C. he doesn’t want to go to the park

D. something is wrong with him

(   )65. Mr. Brown has lunch________..

A. at home       B. in the car

C. in the park   D. in the police office



Basketball Game

Place : School Gym

Time : 4:30 P.M.---- 5:30 P.M.

Team :  Class 1


Class 2


Old house in center of the city .One bedroom and a kitchen . $500 per month .

Please call Mr. Ling

Tel : 332--0178


(  )66. The game begins at ________ .

A . 4:30 in the morning.     B  5:30 in the afternoon.

C . 4:30 in the afternoon.    D.  5:00 in the morning.

(  )67. Is there a basketball game between Class 1 and Class 2 on the playground ?

A . Yes , it is.             B . No , there isn’t .

C . Yes,  there  is.        D.I don’t know.

(  )68. You can rent an old house ________ from Mr. Ling.

A. ¥500 a month.       B. $500 a month.

C. 450yuan a month.      D. $500 a year.

(  )69. If you want to rent a house with a bedroom ,  a kitchen and a living room ,

you can call____________.

A. Mrs. Ling          B . School Gym

C . 332—0178         D. 332--0187

(  )70. You want to go to the zoo , go along the road , turn right at the first street . The zoo is on your left . Which picture is right ?

A.①           B.②                 C.③.


This is a street crossing. There are red and green lights at each corner. ______71________________When there is a green light, the cars may go.

______72_________________They must wait until the red light changes to green. Then they can go on. _______73___________They can make a right turn when the light is green or red._________74_________

Some people are color-blind(色盲). They can not tell the difference between the red and green lights.__________75___________________We must keep our streets safe. And we must obey the traffic rules. All of us should be very careful when we are near the traffic.

1._________  2.__________   3._________ 4.__________  5._________


76. 我正在找一家邮局。

I’m  ________ ________ a post office.

77. 汤姆学习一直很努力。

Tom always ________ _________  .

78. 驾车不要太快。

too fast.


The pay phone is                            the bank.


kind              you to show me the way.




要求:条理清楚, 语言表达准确,行文连贯,段落分明, 书写整洁规范,60词左右。

提示词:move from…to…,like doing, shopping, traffic, easy, there be,

fresh, I think…



答 题 卷              分数


1-5                               6-10

11-15                             16-20

21-25                                                   得分


26-30                             31-35                                                  36-40                                                   得分


41-45                             46-50

51-55                                                   得分


56-60                             61-65

66-70                             71-75



76.                             77.

78.                             79.

80.                                                    得分




