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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-04-07 阅读:


一、单项选择题 (25分)    从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确的答案

(     ) 1. 下面字母中哪一个不是元音字母?

A . Ii      B.  Uu       C. Ww     D. Aa

(     ) 2. 中央电视台的英语简称是________

A. BBC           B. CCTV         C. SDTV       D. UFO

(     ) 3. --- Nice to meet you.      ---_________.

A.  Hello!     B.  Thank you.   C.  Nice to meet you, too.   D. I’m OK.

(     ) 4. Look! This is ______ ID card.

A. a      B. an     C. the     D. /

(     ) 5. --- What’s your _______ ?    --- It’s 8086-0246.

A. name     B. telephone     C. telephone  number     D. color

(     ) 6. She is a nice girl. _____ name is Linda.

A. My      B. Her     C. His      D. Your

(     ) 7. --- What’s that in English? ---__________________.

A. This is a computer game      B. That’s a computer game

C. It’s a computer game         D. It’s computer game

(     ) 8. --- How is your mother?  ---  _______ fine.

A. I’m  B. He is  C. She is  D. It is

(      ) 9. ---What color is the jacket?  ---____________________

A. It’s a blue        B. It’s blue jacket.     C. It’s blue.   D. They’re blue

(     ) 10. His name is John Brown. Brown is his ____ name.

A. first      B. family    C. given     D. full

(     ) 11. ---Let’s watch TV.     ---              .

A. Yes, I do    B. That sounds good     C. Sorry, I don’t   D. No, I don’t.

(     ) 12. ---_____.Is that your notebook? ---- Ah, no, it’s her notebook.

A. Hello.     B. Sorry.    C. Excuse me.    D. Thanks.

(     ) 13. This ___ my sister and those ______my parents .

A. are , is       B. is, is      C. are, are      D. is , are

(     ) 14. --- Is Paul your brother ?  --- No, ____。

A. it is   B. he is  C. he isn’t  D. it isn’t

(     ) 15 .I like Wang Nan and I like to play     ping-pong.

A. a          B. this         C. the         D. /

(     ) 16. Here are two nice ______ of my family.

A. photo     B. photos    C. picture     D. photoes

(     ) 17. ---______ is she?  --- She’s my sister.

A. What     B. Where    C. How     D. Who

(     ) 18. --- ______are my dictionaries ?  ---They’re in the schoolbag.

A. Where           B. What            C. What color     D. Who

(     ) 19. ---Have a good day! ---__________________.

A . You are welcome       B. Nice to meet you, too.

C . Thanks! You, too.       D. I’m fine, thanks.

(     ) 20. --- Is this ________ books ? --- No. It’s not ______. It’s__________.

A. you, my, her   B. your, mine, his   C. his, him, her    D. she, hers, mine

(     ) 21. My books and tapes _______on the table .

A. am        B. be       C. is      D. are

(     ) 22. ---Is this your watch? Please call Alan____ 5353--4691.

A. for     B. at      C. to      D. in

(     ) 23. ---Where is the map? ---It’s in _________ room.

A. Kate       B. Kates’     C. Kate’s    D. Kates

(     ) 24. --- Where _______your books?   -- _______ in the bookcase

A. is , It’s    B. is, They’re    C. are, it’s   D. are, They’re

(     ) 25.      your brother      baseball?

A. Do; have       B. Does; has     C. Does; have      D. Do; has

二、完型填空:( 10分)

My name is Li Hua. I’m thirteen. I’m a middle school student. I’m   26  Class 5, Grade 7 . My English teacher   27   Mr. Lin. He is   28   old teacher. I have a good   29  , She is a girl. _ 30__ name is Lin Ping.   31   is thirteen, too. She is not  ¬¬ 32   today. I think she is at home. Look! What are those? Oh, they are two _ _33_   and a    34  . But they’re not my things. I think they are   35   things.

(    )26.  A. in              B. at               C. on            D./

(    )27.  A. are          B. am               C. is            D. has

(    )28.  A. a            B. an               C. /            D. the

(    )29.  A. sister         B. brother           C. friend        D. class

(    )30.  A. She         B. Her           C. His          D. She’s

(    )31.  A. Her          B. It                C. He          D. She

(    )32.  A. at school      B. where            C. at home      D. there

(    )33.  A. eraser          B. eraseres           C. erasers      D. watchs

(    )34.  A. pen        B. books            C. pictures      D.ID card

(    )35.  A. Lin Ping         B. Lin Ping’s         C. Lin Pings’    D. Lin Pings




(    )36. If (如果) you lost your pencil case, you may call _______.

A. 122-3454    B. 476-5656  C. 446-5567  D. 685-6034

(    )37. If you found a dictionary, it may be ________.A. Jim’s  B. Mary’s  C. Bob’s.  D. Tony’s

(    )38. Lily found a _________。A. notebook  B. pencil case  C. computer game D. video tape.

(    )39. What’s Mary’s telephone number?A. 476-5656   B.235-0285 C. 446-5567 D. 685-6034

(    )40. Tony lost his________. A. school card  B. pencil case   C. dictionary   D. video tape.


阅读短文,判断正误。 正确的请选择(A)错误的请选择(B)。

Mike:        Mother, this is my friend, Paul.

Paul:         Nice to meet you, Mrs. Brown.

Mrs. Brown:  Nice to meet you, Paul.

Mike:        And these are my grandparents, Kevin and Emma Brown. That’s my brother, Bob,

and this is my cousin, Tim.

Paul:         Hello! Everyone .And is this your sister?

Mike:        Yes, this is Jenny.

(      )41. Paul and Mike are brothers.

(      )42. Bob and Tim are cousins.

(      )43. Kevin and Emma are Mike’s grandparents.

(      )44. Jenny and Bob are sisters and brothers.

(      )45. Mrs. Brown is Jenny’s mother.


This is Tom’s bedroom. It is very nice. A pair of shoes is behind the door. They are black and blue. He likes

them very much. His desk is near the bookcase. It is not too big. A red sofa is behind the desk. You can see

a clock and some books on the desk. His English books are in his schoolbag.. The bag is on the red sofa. (    )46.It’s    ______ bedroom .    A. my     B. her    C. he   D. his

(    )47. His shoes are ________.

A. behind the door         B. behind a door      C. near the door  D. under the desk

(    )48. You can see _______ on the desk.

A. a book and a clock       B. some books and clocks

C. some books and a clock   D. a book and some clocks

(    )49. The desk is ________.

A. behind the door  B. near the bookcase       C. on the bed      D. behind the sofa

(    )50. The English books are _________.

A. on the desk   B. on the floor    C. under the desk   D. in the schoolbag


选择适当的句子,补全对话。  (注意:若选E选项涂AB)

Kate: Hello, Tom. ______51______?

Tom: I’m fine. What about you , Kate ?

Kate: I’m OK., thank you. Tom, _____52_____ ?

Tom: It’s a photo of my family.

Kate: _____53______.

Tom: He is my brother. He is only six years old.

Kate: ______54______.

Tom: No, she isn’t. She is my aunt.

Kate: Excuse me, Tom. ______55______ ?

Tom: Look, it’s under the chair. I like it very much.



56.Where ______ (be) your brother’s bed?

57.This is Harry’s book and _______ (this) are Lucy’s pens.

58.Are these your ____________ (dictionary)?

59.Tom and I ______ (be) good friends.

60.Look! ______ (her) is my aunt.

61._______ (those) is a pencil box.

62.Who ______ (be) you?

63.It’s ________ (Lucy) hat.

64.They are his _______ (cousin).

65.______ (he) name is Mike.

五、句型转换。( 每空一词 10分, 每空0.5分)

66. This is my backpack.   ( 改为否定句 )  This _____ ______ my backpack.

67. These are Tom’s parents. (变一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答))

__________ __________ Tom’s parents?  Yes, _________ _________.

68. My ID card number is 1971012649623456.  ( 对划线部分提问 )

_________ ________  ID card number?

69. The watch is under the bed.  ( 对划线部分提问 )  _______ ________ the watch?

70. My mother is a teacher.( 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 )

________ _______ mother a teacher?  Yes , ________ ________ .

71.It’s a nice box. (变为复数)  ___________ __________ nice ____________ .

72. Here’s my family photo.(同义句改写)Here’s a ________ ________ family photo.

73.on, sofa, the, is, the baseball .(连词成句) ________________________________________

六、汉译英: ( 每空一词 10分,每空0.5分)

74. ----你好吗?-----我很好,谢谢。----_________ _________ you?  ---- Fine. Thanks.

75. 那个用英语怎样表达?    ___________ ____________ in English?

76. 她的姓是格林吗?        Is her___________ __________Green?

77. 你的电话是多少?        What’s your____________ ___________?

78. 感谢你的来信.            ____________ ____________ your letter.

79. 请给拨打电话370-5641找我。Please ___________ me ___________ 370-5641 .

80. 梳妆台上有一串钥匙There is a _________ __________ _________ on the dresser.

81. 他的书在桌子上吗?       ____________ his books __________the desk?

82. 你怎么拼写 “ruler” 这个单词________ ________ you _______ the word “ruler”?

七、 任务型阅读。(5分  每题1分)

Bob:   Oh, no! My book isn’t in my backpack. Where is it?

Gina:  Your book is on the table.

Bob:   But where are my keys?

Gina:   Your keys are in your backpack.

Bob:   Yes, yes…Where are my pencils?

Gina:   They’re under the bed.

Bob:   And my hat?

Gina:   It’s on the bed.

Bob:   Where’s my pencil case?

Gina:   It’s on the chair. Oh!...No, it isn’t. That’s my pencil case.

Bob:   But where is my pencil case?

Gina:   Sorry, I don’t know.


83. Bob’s book is on the  ____________________ .

84. Gina’s ______________________ is on the chair.

85. Are Bob’s keys in his backpack?  (请用完整的形式回答)


86. Where is Bob’s hat? __________________________________________

87. But where is my pencil case?  (请将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语)


八、书面表达: (10分)


要求:1 语句通顺达意;2、至少要写5句;



