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初一上册英语单元训练题:Unit 2 This is my sister

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-07-07 阅读:



1.These are our______(friend).

2.Who______(be)these girls?

3.Ask that woman.I think it's______(she)bike.

4.______(you)books are in the backpack.

5.______(that)two boys are David and Bill.

6.—Are ______(this)girls his  cousins?

—Yes,they are.

7.These are my ______(grandparent).

8.Anna and I ______(be not)friends.

9.I have two ______(picture)of Sichuan.

10.I ______(be)your new friend.


1.—______ these her hats?


A.Is;isn't          B.Am;are

C.Are;isn't        D.Are;aren't

2.—Is this your ruler?


A.Yes,it is        B.No,they aren't

C.Sorry         D.Yes,they are

3.Is that your aunt?What's ______ name?

A.his     B.her    C.she     D.hers

4.—Is that her notebook?

—No,______ isn't.

A.it      B.that    C.its      D.it's


—The girl under the tree?I don't know.

A.What's that        B.What the girl

C.Who's that girl       D.Whose is she

6.—Is it his notebook?


A.It is his notebook.       B.It isn't his notebook.

C.Yes,it isn't.        D.No,it isn't.

7.—What's this in English?


A.It's my ring        B.Yes,it's a ring

C.It's a ring        D.That is a ring

8.Thank you ______your pen,Helen.

A.to      B.for     C.from     D.of

9.—Dad,this is my pen friend,Alan.


A.Thank you        B.OK

C.Nice to meet you       D.Good

10.My mother's sister is my ______.

A.grandmother        B.sisters

C.cousin         D.aunt

11.This is my mother,and I'm her ______.

A.teacher         B.daughter

C.parents         D.mother

12.This is Mr. Black and ______ is my English teacher.

A.this     B.she    C.he      D.it


—No,he isn't.

A.Is she your daughter     B.What's this

C.Who's this       D.Is the man in white your uncle

14.Mum,______ my friends,Dale and Helen.

A.this is        B.they is

C.he and she        D.these are

15.This is my good ______.

A.friends         B.friend

C.sisters         D.brothers


Hello!I'm Mary Brown.I'm__1__English girl.Look!Here__2__ a photo__3__my family.This is__4__sister.__5__name is Mona.__6__is in Class One,Grade Eight.__7__ is my uncle.His__8__ name is Bill.His__9__ is Tony Brown.He is a student,too.Oh,Tony is my __10__.

1.A.a     B.an    C.the      D./

2.A.is       B.am    C.are      D.be

3.A.for    B.in    C.at      D.of

4.A.me       B.you    C.my        D.she

5.A.Your    B.Her    C.His         D.Its

6.A.She    B.I     C.He      D.Her

7.A.Those   B.This    C.It      D.These

8.A.last    B.first    C.family     D.give

9.A.daughter   B.sister    C.mother     D.son

10.A.cousin   B.aunt     C.brother    D.uncle




1.John Brown and Anna Smith are Sally's ______.

A.parents        B.grandparents

C.brother and sister      D.uncle and aunt

2.Mary is Sally's ______.

A.aunt        B.mother

C.sister        D.grandmother

3.Ann is John Brown's ______.

A.son        B.granddaughter

C.daughter       D.sister

4.To m and Kate are Ann's ______.

A.cousins        B.uncle and aunt

C.brothe r and sister      D.father and mother

5.From the family tree,Sally has(有)______ cousins.

A.two    B.three    C.four     D.five


Hello,I'm Kate.This is a photo of my aunt's family.The woman in the photo is my aunt,Jane.She is a  teacher and she is very kind(善良).These are my cousins,Jeff and Jack.They are seven and they are twins(双胞胎). Look!That lovely(可爱的)baby is my aunt's little daughter,Rose.I love them very much.

6.There are(有)______ people in the photo.

A.three    B.four    C.five     D.six

7.My aunt has ______.

A.two daughters     B.two sons and a daughter

C.two daughters and a son   D.only one s on

8.Rose is my aunt's ______.

A.son        B.sister

C.mother        D.daughter

9.Jeff and Jack are______.

A.eleven        B.brother and sister

C.mother and son      D.twins

10.Rose is Kate's ______.

A.sister    B.mother   C.cousin     D.teacher


Come  and look at the picture.It is a picture of an American family.The man in the hat(戴着帽子)is Mr. John White.He is a teacher.He teaches(教)English in a middle school in China.You can see Mrs. White,too.She is Dora White.She's from Canada(加拿大).She's a doctor.Mr. and Mrs. White have two children,Tom and Mary.Tom is ten and Mary is six.They love them very much.


(   )11.Tom's father in the picture is in the hat.

(   )12.Mary's father is Canadian and her mother is American.

(   )13.Mrs. White is a teacher,too.

(   )14.Tom,Mary and their father and mother are in China.

(   )15.Tom is eight and Mary is eight,too.










一、  1.friends 2.are 3.her 4.Your 5.Those 6.these 7.grandparents 8.aren't 9.pictures 10.am

二、 1. 答案:D 点拨:考查一般疑问句及答语。题目为一般疑问句,her hats是复数形式,所以谓语动词应用are。否定回答需用aren't。故选D项。

2. 答案:A 点拨:考查一般疑问句答语。题目为一般疑问句,而且是单数形式,故应用“Yes,it i s.”或“No,it isn't.”回答。故选A项。

3. 答案:B 点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。aunt是女性,先排除A项。name前应用形容词性物主代词;C项是人称代词;D项是名词性物主代词,在本句中相当于her name。故选B项。

4. 答案:A 点拨:考查代词。回答“Is this/that...?”一般疑问句时,需用it代替this或that。故选A项。

5. 答案:C 点拨:考查特殊疑问句 。由答语“The girl under the tree?I don't know.(树下的那个女孩?我不知道。)”可知,题目是问“那个女孩是谁?”。浏览各选项,只有C项符合题意。故选C项。

6.  答案:D 点拨:考查一般疑问句答语。题目为一般疑问句,应用Yes或No回答,先排除A、B两项。C项本身前后矛盾,排除。故选D项。

7. 答案:C 点拨:考查特殊疑问句的答语。对于“What's this in English?”的回答,应用It's a...句型。故选C项。

8. 答案:B 点拨:考查介词。“感谢……”应用“Thank you for...”,故选B项。

9. 答案:C 点拨:考查交际用语。题目内容是在向爸爸介绍自 己的笔友艾伦,答语应是爸爸向艾伦打招呼。A、B、D三项均不是招呼语,排除。故选C项。

10. 答案:D 点拨:考查词汇。句意:我妈妈的姐姐(或妹妹)是我的姨妈。A项意为“祖母”;B项意为“姐妹”;C项意为“表(堂)兄弟(姐妹)”;D项意为“姑妈;姨妈;婶婶”。故选D项。

11. 答案:B 点拨:考查词汇。A项为“老师”;B项意为“女儿”;C项意为“父母”;D项意为“妈妈”。句意:这是我妈妈,我是她的女儿。故选B项。

12. 答案:C 点拨:考查人称代词。Mr. Black是男士,故人称代词应用he,选C项。

13. 答案:D 点拨:考查一般 疑问句。由答语可知题目应为一般疑问句,排除B、C两项;再由答语中的he可知选D项。

14.  答案:D 点拨:考查指示代词。my friends是复数形式,系动词应用are,排除A、B两项;C项没有系动词,排除;近距离向别人介绍朋友或其他人时,应用“This is...”句型,复数形式应为“These are...”。故选D项。

15.  答案:B 点拨:考查词汇。由题目中的“This is...”可知空格处的单词应为单数形式。浏览各选项,只有B项是单数形式。故选B项。

三、1.B 点拨:考查冠词。English是以元音音素开头的单词,前用an修饰。故选B项。

2.A 点拨:考查系动词。a photo 是单数,谓语动词应用单数形式。故选A项。

3.D 点拨:考查介词。a photo of my family 意为“我的一张全家福”。

4.C 点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。因为前文说过“Here __2__ a photo __3__ my family.(这是我的一张全家福。)”,所以此处指“我的”姐姐。故选C项。

5.B 点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。表示“女性的”需用物主代词her。故选B项。

6.A 点拨:考查人称代词。依然是介绍“我姐姐”的情况,在句首作主语应用人称代词she。故选A项。

7.B 点拨:考查指示代词。my uncle是第三人称单数,不能用these,those代替;指人时,除了特殊情况外,不能用it代替;在介绍近处的人或照片时,可以用this代指。故选B项。

8.B 点拨:考查词汇。比尔(Bill)是名,不是姓,故用first。

9.D 点拨:考查词汇。根据下句“He is a student,too.(他也是一名学生。)”可知是“叔叔的儿子”。故选D项。

10.A 点拨:考查词汇。托尼(Tony)是我叔叔的儿子,我们就是堂姐弟或堂兄妹。故选A项。



1.B 点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Sally 的妈妈是Kate,Kate是John Brown和Anna Smith的女儿,故John Brown和Anna Smith是Sally的外祖父母。故选B项。

2.A 点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Kate(Sally的妈妈)与Tom 是兄妹或姐弟关系,自然Tom 是Sally的舅舅,而Tom 和Mary 是夫妻关系,故Mary 是Sally 的舅母。故选A项。

3.C 点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Ann是John Brown和Anna Smit h的女儿。故选C项。

4.C 点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Ann,Kate和Tom 都是John Brown和Anna Smith的子女,故他们是兄妹或姐弟关系,所以Tom和Kate是Ann的brother and sister。选C项。

5.B 点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Sally的舅舅家有三个孩子,故她有三个表兄妹。选B项。


6.B 点拨:细节理解题。由短文内容可知,照片中有my aunt(Jane),Jeff,Jack and Rose四个人。

7.B 点拨:细节理解题。由句子“These are my cousins,Jeff and Jack.(这些 是我的表兄弟杰夫和 杰克。)”和“ Look!That lovely(可爱的)baby is my aunt's little daughter,Rose.(看,那个可爱的婴儿是我姑姑的小女儿,罗丝。)”可知,我姑姑有三个孩子,两个儿子和一个女儿。故选B项。

8.D 点拨:细节 理解题。由句子“ Look!That lovely(可爱的)baby is my aunt's little daughter,Rose.”可知。

9.D 点拨:细节理解题。由句子“They are seven and they are twins(双胞胎).”可知。

10.C 点拨:推理判断题。因为Rose是Kate's aunt's daughter(凯特的姑姑的女儿),所以Rose应是Kate的cousin(表妹)。故选C项。


答案:11.T 点拨:细节理解题。由句子“The  man in the hat(戴着帽子)is Mr. John White.(戴着帽子的那个人是约翰• 怀特先生。)”和“Mr. and Mrs. White have two children,Tom and Mary.(怀特先生和夫人有两个孩子,汤姆和玛丽。)”可知。

12.F 点拨:细节理解题。由句子“She's from Canada(加拿大).”可知,玛丽的妈妈是加拿大人,而不是美国人。

13.F 点拨:细节理解题。由句子“She is a doctor.(她是一个医生。)”可知。

14.F 点拨:细节理解题。通读全文我们只知道“Mr. White teaches(教 )English in a middle school in China.”,但并不知道其他人是否在中国。故题目错误。

15.F 点拨:细节理解题。由短文倒数第二句“Tom is ten and Mary is six.(汤姆十岁,而玛丽六岁。)”可知。

五、答案:I have a happy family.There are five people in it.They are my grandfather,grandmother,father,mother and me.My grandfather and grandmother are old.This is my father.This is my mother.Is the boy my brother?No,he isn't.The boy is me.I'm a student.



初一上册单元检测卷:This is my sister 

