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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-08-13 阅读:




(  )1.下列字母全是元音字母的一组是________。

A.a, e, i, o, y  B.a, e, j, o, y

C.a, e, i, o, u D.a, e, r, o, u

[答案] C

(  )2.Jerry, ________ is Rose. Rose, ________is Alice.

A.this; the B.this; this

C.the; she D.the; the

[答案] B

(  )3.—Hello!My name __________ Emma.

—Hello!I __________ Betty.

A.is; am B.am; is

C.is; is D.am; am

[答案] A

(  )4. —Hi! How are you?


A.Fine, thanks

B.Good morning

C.I'm fine, thanks you

D.My name's Tom

[答案] A

(  )5.__________ is an English girl. __________ name is Kate.

A.She; She B.She; Her

C.Her; She D.Her; Her

[答案] B

(  )6.—What class are you in?

—__________ .

A.I'm 10 B.I'm fine

C.Thank you D.I'm in Class 2

[答案] D

(  )7. It's time __________ home now.

A.go B.going

C.to go D.goes

[解析] C It's time to do sth.表示“该做……的时候了”。

(  )8.—__________ books are there in your bag?


A.How B.What

C.How many D.How much

[解析] C 对可数名词的数量提问用how many。

(  )9.—Hello, what's________ name?

—________ name is Bob.

A.my; My B.your; Your

C.your; My D.you; I

[答案] C

(  )10.Tom is __________ friend. __________ in Class Three.

