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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-08-25 阅读:


Unit 5

词汇:1.球类名词小结soccer ball英式足球 ping-pong ball乒乓球tennis网球volleyball排球basketball篮球

2.“球拍”的表达 tennis racket网球拍 ping-pong bat乒乓球拍

3.play + 名词 结构的短语play sports参加体育运动play computer games玩电脑游戏

4.“play + 球类名词”结构的短语 play ping-pong ball打乒乓球play tennis 打网球 play soccer踢足球 play volleyball打排球

5.sports club运动俱乐部 6.first name名 last name=family name姓

7.watch TV看电视 on TV在电视上,通过电视

8.常用的描述某物或某事的形容词:interesting有趣的fun有趣的 relaxing轻松的 boring无聊的difficult困难的9.have a great sports collection有大量的体育收藏品 10.every day每天

句式:1.Do引导的一般疑问句 —Do you have a TV?—Yes,I do. / No,I don’t.—Does he have a tennis racket? —Yes,he does. / No,he doesn’t.

2.祈使句——Let’s do sth. Let’s play ping-pong.

3.主系表结构——主语 + 系动词 + 形容词 That sounds good.

1) _______his parents _______(have) a ping-pang ball?


2) _________our English teacher ______(have) a basketball?


3) My friend ____________(看电视) every day.

4) ______(他弟弟)______(有)many__________(sport)_________(club).

5)You ___________( not ,have) ______(sport) every day.

6)She ___________( not,watch TV) in the evening. She _________(study) English every day.

7)Let’s_________(play) volleyball with ______(she).

She ________(play) every day.

8)Let your sisiter _______(play) the computer game.

9)We _________(have) a __________(sport)_____________(collect).


10)My parent __________(not like)__________(play)________(sport).

Because it’s _____________(bore)

11._________(他们)___________(not play) sports every day.

_____(they) only _____(watch)_____(they)____(in\on\with\by)TV.

12.-------_______(let)______(he)_____(play)_______(the\a\an\\) baseball.

--------_________(sound) good.

Unit 6

词汇:1.水果banana香蕉 orange橙子strawberry草莓 pear梨 apple苹果

2.蔬菜 tomato西红柿 carrot胡萝卜broccoli花椰菜

3.食品 hamburger汉堡包 French fries薯条ice cream冰淇淋

salad沙拉chicken鸡肉 egg鸡蛋

4.countable nouns可数名词 uncountable nouns不可数名词

5.running star赛跑明星

6.lots of = a lot of非常多,很多(后面既可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词)

7.healthy food健康食品

8. have sth. for breakfast/lunch/dinner/dessert早餐/中餐/晚餐/甜点吃……


—Do/Does sb. like sth.? —Yes,sb. do/does. —No,sb. don’t/doesn’t.

—Do you like salad?—Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.

—Does he like pears?—Yes,he does. / No,he doesn’t.

2.祈使句——Let’s do sth. Let’s have ice cream.

3.一般现在时的肯定句及否定句 I like oranges. I don’t like bananas.

They like salad. They don’t like broccoli.

She likes bananas. She doesn’t like ice cream.


