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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-27 阅读:




1.The panda comes f    China. Its f    food is bamboo. It can c    trees.

2.The snake is Asian. It h    no friends. It doesn't like w   ,but the elephant likes water. It can eat 600 kilos of g    in a day.

3.The camel lives in the d    in Africa.

4.The wolf lives in the E    forest. It likes to eat m   .

5.The kangaroo comes from A   .

答案:1.from;favourite;climb 2.has;water;grass 3.desert 4.European;meat 5.Australia


6. Kangaroos _________ (live) in grassland.

7. The tiger _________(like) to eat meat.

8. Would you like_________ (help) me with my English?

9. I think maths________ (be)difficult.

10. The snake __________ (not live) in water.

11. There __________ (be) a tiger and some monkeys in the zoo.

答案:6.live 7.likes 8.to help 9.is 10.doesn'tlive 11.is


1. The panda eats bamboo.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)

________the panda___________ bamboo?

__________, it_________ ./__________, it___________ .

2. The zoo has five thousand animals.(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________animals__________ the zoo have?

3. The tiger eats meat.(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________the tiger _________?

4. Is there a panda in the zoo?(作出否定回答)

No,_________ _________ .

5. The kangaroo is from Australia.(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________the kangaroo from?

答案:1.Does;eat;Yes;does;No;doesn't 2.How many; does 3.What does; eat 4.there isn't5.Where is


1. The tigers' favourite food is meat.

2. There are about 1600 pandas in the wild in China.

3. Elephants like water.







4. Kangroos eat grass and leaves.

5. Sixteen thousand people visit Beijing zoo every day.

6. Does the wolf live in the European forest?

我综合 我发展


1. The kangaroo likes to eat ________ .

A. leaf          B. leafs          C. leaves

1.C eat leaves表示“吃树叶”,用名词的复数表示一类。

2. Which is different from the others?

A. Asia.      B. Europe.     C. Japan.

2.C A(亚洲),B(欧洲),而C项Japan(日本)表示国家。

3._______ is pandas' favourite food.

A. Bamboo     B. Fruit      C. Grass

3.A 熊猫最喜欢的食物为竹子。

4.—Where ______ the lion come from?


A. is;America    B. does;American   C. does;America

4.C 因为句子中使用“come from”,故疑问句使用助动词does。第二空需要一个国家名词,故选America。

5.—What do you do on Sunday?

—I want a trip ________ the zoo.

A. about      B. at      C. to

5.C 短语a trip to 表示“一次去……的旅行”。

6. The panda likes ________ trees.

A. climb     B. climbs     C. climbing

6.C 短语“like doing sth.”表示喜欢做某事。

7. The pandas eat ________ about 12 hours a day.

A. with      B. for      C. at

7.B 表示“一段时间”用介词for。

8. Let me ________ you something ________ the tiger.

A. tell;to      B. tells;with    C. tell;about

8.C let sb. do sth.表示“让某人做某事”;tell sb. about sth.表示“告诉某人关于……的事”。

9. The elephant can eat ________ bamboo a day.

A. 15 kilo of     B. 14 kilos of    C. 16 kilo

9.B 表示“一千克……”使用:a kilo of...,如果等量超过一,kilo则用复数形式。

10.—Where does the kangaroo come from?


A. Australia does    B. Australian    C. Australia

10.C “袋鼠来自澳大利亚”,需要表示国家的名词Australia。

11. Tony can speak English_________ he can't speak Chinese  Japanese.

A. and;and      B. but;and     C. but;or

11.C 表示意思转折使用连词but,在否定句中,连接并列成分使用or。

12. Tony helps_______ sister with English.

A. Betty     B. Bettys     C. Betty's

12.C 表示“某人的妹妹”使用名词所有格或形容词性的物主代词。

13. _______— does the history lesson start?

—At nine o'clock. Let's go at once.

A. What      B. When     C. How

13.B 答语是时间,所以疑问词该为when。

14. There are_________ letters in English.

A. 26      B. 23      C. 21

14.A 英语中有26个字母。

15. Henry usually watches games________ television.

A. from       B. on      C. about

15.B “在电视上”使用介词on。


A:Do you like the snake?

B: Yes, 1 .What about you?

A: I don't like it. 2 

B: No, 3 .It comes from Australia.

A:  4 

B: No, it doesn't. It likes meat.

A: Does it eat grass?

B: No, it doesn't, but it lives  5 .

A. Does it like water?

B. I do

C. it doesn't

D. in grassland

E. Does it come from the Arctic?

答案:1~5 BECAD


One summer morning a tiger is walking near(附近) a lake. He wants to eat something. He is very hungry. In the lake, a duck is swimming(游泳).“That is my breakfast,” thinks the tiger.

“Good morning, Mr. Duck!” says the tiger.

“Go away, you bad tiger!” says the duck.

“I want to tell you something about your friend, Miss Chicken. If you don't come, I'll go. Good bye. Mr. Duck.”

“Wait a minute,” says the duck. “Tell me!”

The tiger looks around(周围),“I don't want other animals to know it. Come up to me,” says the tiger. Then Mr. Duck swims to the tiger. As soon as(一……就……) he gets to the bank(湖岸),the tiger gets it and eats it up.

He laughs best that laughs last.笑到最后的人才笑得最好。

1. The tiger wants to find ______.

A. a duck

B. some food

C. some water

D. a chick

1.B 根据“He wants to eat something”,所以老虎想找食物。

2.The tiger pretends(假装) he is_______ to the duck.

A. sorry    B. careful

C. running   D. friendly (友好的)

2.D 根据“Good morning, Mr. Duck.”可看出老虎假装是友好的。

3. The duck _______ from the tiger.

A. like

B. likes

C. wants to see

D. wants to know something about his friend

3.D 根据“Wait a minute,”says the duck.“Tell me!”可知。

4.At last(最后),the tiger_______ .

A. eats the duck

B. eats the chick

C. is afraid

D. tells something about the chick

4.A 根据“the tiger gets it and eats it up”可知。

5.What's the best title(题目) of the story?

A. The Duck

B. The Tiger

C. The Tiger's Breakfast

D. Miss Chicken

5.C 根据整篇文章的意思,文章的题为“The Tiger's Breakfast”。



