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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-11 阅读:




一. 课前阅读--阅读下列文章,根据其内容选择最佳答案.

Tom comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. Every day he gets up at about six thirty and has breakfast at seven o'clock. Then he leaves home at seven fifteen. He gets to school at seven forty-five. His first class begins at eight. There are four lessons in the morning. Morning classes are over at eleven fifty, and he has lunch ten minutes later.

Afternoon classes begin at one thirty. There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at three ten. Tom stays at school for another hour to play games, and he gets home at about four thirty.

Tom usually has supper at six. In the evening he does his homework. Sometimes he watches TV. He goes to bed at about ten.

( )1.Tom comes from ________.

A.England B.Canada C.America D.Australia

( )2.It takes Tom ________ to get to school every day.

A.one fourth of an hour B.half an hour

C.three fourths of an hour D.an hour

( )3.Tom usually has lunch at ________.

A.11:50 B.12:00 C.12:10 D.12:20

( )4.Tom does his homework ________.

A.in class B.at school C.in a park D.at home

( )5.Tom has ________ lessons every day.

A.six B.four C.eight D.two

二. 用英语写出下列词组,并要求能朗读,会写,会用。

1) 靠近___________ 2)在早上____________ 3)吃早餐_____________

4)上课___________ 5)做作业 ____________ 6)下课 _____________

7)我在学校的一天_____________ 8)休息_________; ____________

9)在餐厅_______________ 10)起床 _____________ 11)和...交谈____________

8)上床睡觉 ________________ 12)去学校_____________





三. 选择填空.

( )1.—Where is Mrs. Black from? —________ is from London.

A.He B.She C.It



( )2.—What is your favourite ________, Jane? —I like football best.

A.subject B.sport C.colour

( )3.—When do you often leave home ________ the morning? —________ half past seven.

A.at; At B.in; In C.in; At

( )4.Can you help ________ with ________ English, please?

A.I; my B.me; me C.me; my

( )5.Lily and Lucy are twins. Lily likes Chinese food, ________ Lucy doesn't.

A.and B.but C.so

( )6.Class is over. Let's ________ home.

A.to go B.go C.going

( )7.Would you like ________ for a walk with us?

A.to go B.go C.going

( )8.—________ you like noodles?

—Yes, I like them very much.

A.Do B.Will C.Are

( )9.What time do you get up ________ the weekend?

A.at B.on C.in

( )10.—________ is the Taijiquan class? —It's in the morning.

A.Where B.What C.When

四. 完成句子.


____________________ now?


What ______________________ today?.


We ____ five lessons _____________ and ___________ in the afternoon.


They ___________ Art lesson ______________ two.


My _______ subjects ______________________.


1.This is a new bus.(改成复数)


2.I often have lunch at school.(改成一般疑问句)


3.The Lion King is in the afternoon.(改成否定句)


4.The magic show is at the Children's Palace.(就画线部分提问)


5.The swimming lesson is at three in the afternoon.(就画线部分提问)



Ex1. 将所给词连成一个正确的句子,注意写出标点和大小写

1).go to, we, every, school, day, don’t __________________________________

2).have, an, lesson, this morning, we, English ____________________________



3).they, football, today, have, match, don’t__________________________________

4).Monday, Friday, he, to, from, goes, to school ______________________________

5). every, she, early, gets, morning, up __________________________________

Ex2: 选择方框中适当的单词填空

write play see have listen watch stay

1.Do you often ________ TV in the evening?

2.My classmates want to ________ a party on Saturday.

3.Please ________ an e-mail to your pen friend.

4.Don't ________ computer games very often.

5.Helen likes to ________ to the music before exam.

6.I like to ________ at home and read some books in the evening.

7.Let's go to ________ a film called The Lion King tomorrow.

Ex3: 找出所给音标的单词。

( )1 / ɑ: / A. back B. fast C. have D. map

( )2 / ɔ / A. go B. no C. cold D. hot

( )3 /i / A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday

( )4 / ɔ: / A. warm B. garden C. march D. party

( )5 /e/ A. tea B. meat C. weather D. reach

Ex4: 阅读理解:

Jack's mother is ill. His father goes to New York and the boy has to look after(照顾)her. He gets up early this morning, cooks breakfast for his sister and gives his mother some medicine(药)and water and then goes to school.

On the way to school, Jack meets Bob, one of his friends. Bob asks, “Are you late(迟到)this morning, too?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I'm sure Mr. Brown will criticize(批评)us,” says Bob, “We can't go to school.”

“Where are we going, then?”

“To the zoo. There are many monkeys in it. We'll have a good time(玩得高 兴)there.”

“We can't do that,” says Jack, “or we'll fall behind(落后)our classmates. Mr. Brown is good. He wants us to be good, too.”

Bob thinks Jack is right and they go to school.

( )1.Jack is late for school because ________.

A.he gets up late. B.he goes to the zoo.

C.he meets Bob. D.he looks after his mother and sister.

( )2.Bob wants to ________.

A.go to the zoo. B.look after the animals in the zoo.



C.go to school. D.see Mr. Brown.

( )3.Bob doesn't want to go to school because ________.

A.he wants to go home. B.he wants to look after his mother.

C.he wants to play outside. D.he doesn't like Mr. Brown.

( )4.Which of the following is not true?

A.Jack is good to his mother and sister. B.Jack doesn't go to the zoo.

C.Jack and Bob go to the zoo at last. D.Bob wants to go to play in the zoo.

( )5.Jack ________.

A.is a good student. B.is a bad student.

C.doesn't like study. D.doesn't like animals.

Ex5: 完形填空

The best way to study

What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often 1 very very hard for long hours. This is a 2 habit, and it is not a better way to study. An efficient(讲效率)student must 3 enough sleep, enough food and enough 4 Ever 5 you need to take a walk, or play basketball or ping-pong or sing a song. When you return to your studies, you'll find yourself stronger than 6 and you'll learn more.

Perhaps we can 7 that learning English is 8 taking Chinese medicine. We mean that like Chinese medicine, the effects(效果)of your studies come slowly but surely. 9 every day and effects will 10 just like Chinese medicine.

( )1.A.play B.study C.sleep D.think

( )2.A.best B.better C.good D.bad

( )3.A.have B.do C.want D.make

( )4.A.friends B.meals C.studies D.rest

( )5.A.year B.week C.day D.hour

( )6.A.ago B.before C.after D.ever

( )7.A.say B.guess C.talk D.know

( )8.A.about B.on C.as D.like

( )9.A.Take B.Come C.Give D.Learn

( )10.A.start B.work C.come D.go


