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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-04-09 阅读:



1. In the eyes of _____ local people, the young soldier is _____ second to none, for he managed to save _____ old lady at the risk of his life.

A. /; /; the             B. the; the; the          C. the; /; an        D. /; a; an

2. By the time you have finished this book, your meal ____ cold.

A. gets            B. has got               C. will get         D. is getting

3. The origin of Chinese culture ____ more than 5,000 years ago.

A. is dated back to      B. dates back to          C. is dated from     D. dates back

4. Studying Wendy’s menu, I found that many of the items are similar to ____ of McDonald’s.

A. ones               B. those                C. any             D. that

5. Nobody but doctors or nurses and those____ by Dr.Hu ____ to enter the patient’s room.

A. invited; is allowed                    B. are invited; are allowed

C. being invited; allowed                 D. invited; are allowed

6. It was the training ____ he had as a young man ____ made him such a good engineer.

A. what; that          B. which; that      C. that; which            D. that; what

7. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only ____.

A. occasionally        B. anxiously       C. practically             D. urgently

8. All flights ____ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.

A. had been canceled                     B. have been canceled

C. having been canceled                   D. being canceled

9. — Don’t worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu.

—____! I’ll tell Dad there’s nothing serious.

A. What a relief                          B. Congratulations

C. How surprising                        D. I’m so sorry

10. The success of a government should be measured ______ the happiness of the people as well as the development of economy.

A. in face of          B. in place of        C. in terms of        D. in honor of

11. Gorge came into the interview room and sat down at the desk, ____ to answer questions.

A. preparing          B. prepared         C. prepare           D. to prepare

12. Without the ____ of my friends, how could my company have lived through the hard times.

A. admiration     B. assistance   C. admission       D. achievement

13. Wind power is an ancient source of energy ____we may return in the near future.

A. on which          B. by which         C. to which          D. from which

14. How long do you think ____ he publishes his new work?

A. will it be until      B. it will be before    C. will it be when    D. it will be that

15. But for the fact that China ______ also affected by the global economic crisis, we ______ fewer unemployed workers now.

A. is; would have                        B. were; would have

C. was; would have had                   D. is; would have had


