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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-20 阅读:




第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.Where is the woman going to spend her Thanksgiving ?

A.In her mother’s B.In the sister’s C.At home

2.Where are the speakers?

A.At the man’s home B.At the woman’s home C.At a café

3.What can we learn about Mr. Robert?

A.He is strange B.He is rich C.He is excellent

4.What’s the weather like?

A.Fine B.Snowy C.Windy

5.What book has the woman bought ?

A.A history book B.An English book

C.A book for a music course

第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.Why didn’t the woman take this course last semester?

A.Because she failed in this course B.Because she took this course before

C.Because she didn’t know about it in time

7.In what aspects does the man get a lot of practice ?

A.In speaking and reading B.In speaking and writing

C.In reading and writing


8.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a store B.In a market C.In a bar

9.How much is one box of mooncakes?

A.Forty yuan B.Twelve yuan C.Twenty yuan


10.How long will King be away on vacation?

A.Four weeks B.A couple of days C.Three weeks

11.Why will King take the vacation?

A.To relax B.To see her parents C.To meet a friend

12.Which country does King most probably come from ?

A.China B.America C.Canada


13.What is the girl doing ?

A.She is chatting with her friend B.She is taking part in a talk interview

C.She is having a job interview

14.What is the girl experienced in ?

A.The marketing B.Public relations C.Paperwork

15.What will the girl’s salary be if she is accepted?

A.5,000 yuan a month B.6,000 yuan a month

C.Not mentioned

16.Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

A.The girl is an undergraduate

B.The girl thinks she needs improving before she is qualified for the position

C.The girl once did some research on the company


17.What do we learn from the passage?

A.More can be done to reduce the damage of earthquake

B.Earthquakes always cause serious damage

C.Nothing can be done to reduce the damage of earthquake

18.How many people died in the Kobe earthquake?

A.75,000 B.Nearly 310,000 C.More than 6,000

19.What is the major difficulty in doing more to reduce the earthquake damage?

A.Engineers do not have the knowledge

B.Protection is too costly at present

C.No one take earthquakes seriously

20.How many ways to reduce the damage are mentioned in the passage?

A.5 B.3 C.4


21. —Honey. I apologize for behaving so rudely in front of your family.

— They should know you meant well.

A.OK B.It all depends C.I am sorry too! D.Oh, that’s all right

22. ---- Do you know our town at all?

----No, this _______ the first time I _________ here.

A. was; has come B. is; come

C. is; had come D. is; have come

23. ---My sister is very upset today.

---It’s your fault. You ______ the bad news to her yesterday.

A. should tell B. should have told

C. shouldn’t have told D. must tell

24. The number of the students who attended the meeting yesterday ________ more than 400.

A. was B. were C. will be D. has been

25. Every minute is made full _______ of _______ our lessons well.

A. to use; study B. use; studying

C use; to study D. used; studying

26. All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he _____ at once.

A. should be; be operated on B. were; must be operated on

C. be; was operated on D. was; be operated on

27. That hero who died in the war was so brave that he never ____ to the enemies until death.

A. gave up B. gave out C. gave in D. gave away

28. ---Why does she always ask you for help?

---- There is no one else __________, is there?

A. who to turn B she can turn to

C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn

29. One way to learn English better is to gain knowledge of the culture of English speaking countries.

A./ B.the C.a D.one

30.______ of the land in that district _______ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two-fifth; is B. Two- fifth; are

C. Two-fifths; is D. Two-fifths; are

31. Only when you do it yourself _________ it more difficult than it is expected.

A. you will find B. will find you

C. did you find D. will you find

32.Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice , ______ they knew it to be valuable.

A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that

33. --- Are you still busy ?

---- Yes, I ______ my homework , and it won’t take long.

A. just finish B. am just finishing

C. have just finished D. am just going to finish

34. It was in the factory ________ I worked when I was twenty _____ I met Linda who later became my wife.

A. that; where B. where; that

C. that; that D. where; where

35. Einstein’s theory proved _______ and soon he became world famous.

A. being corrected B. correctly C. as correct D. to be correct


Science seems to be getting closer to answering a very old mystery. Homing pigeons can be  36  hundreds of miles from their homes. When they are let to go to  37  again, they find their way home. Because of this special ability to  38 ,pigeons have been used   39  messengers for hundreds of years.

Today people even breed homing pigeons for  40  at a sport. The birds are shipped to some chosen  41  a few hundred miles away. Then all of them are let to go together. The winner is the bird that gets home  42 .A good race can make it home from 500 miles away  43  a single day.

The mystery of the homing pigeons is how they   44  directions and how they find home. The first part seems to be pretty well   45 ,and we know of two ways that pigeons tell directions. First, they use the sun. Experiments show that homing pigeons can tell  46  by the sun. What happens when the  47  is darkly overcoat by clouds and no one can  48  where the sun is? Then the pigeons still find their way home.

Naturally, people have wondered whether pigeons might have a built-in compass  49  that would tell them about the direction of the   50   magnetic(磁的)field. Many different kinds of experiments were   51  .Here’s what the scientists decided   52  they had made experiments many times. When pigeons can see the sun, they use it as their   53   means of direction-finding. When they can’t see the sun, they use some  54  way to sense direction from the earth’s magnetic field.

But how do pigeons know  55  direction is toward home? What do they use that we would call a map? These are other questions to be answered.

36. A. carried B. taken C. shipped D. brought

37. A. escape B. get C. fly D. run

38. A. find home B. sense directions C. send messages D. make friends

39. A.by B. as C. for D. to

40.A.performing B. directing C. showing D. racing

41.A.place B. port C. city D. country

42.A.fast B. quickly C. safely D. first

43.A.on B. at C. in D. over

44.A.tell B. recognize C. realize D. know

45.A.explained B. answered C. shown D. understood

46.A.courses B. roads C. directions D. ways

47.A.sun B. heaven C. land D. sky

48.A.see B. find C. notice D. observe

49.A.anything B. something C. someone D. anyone

50.A.earth’s B. sun’s C. planet’s D. destination’s

51.A.carried B. done C. taken D. had

52.A.before B. when C. while D. after

53.A.important B. major C. main D. most

54.A.quick B. strange C. special D.easy 55.A.what B. where C. how D. which



We like to keep our distance from others and there are very specific social rules about how close we can go to others in particular situations. The social distances here are approximate, of course and will vary with people. But they are still a good general rule. Hall identified four zones that are common for Americans:

Public Zone: >12 feet. The public zone is generally over 12 feet. That is, when we’re walking around town, we’ll try to keep at least 12 feet between us and other people. Of course there’re many times when we cannot do this. We’ll start to notice other people who are with in this distance. The closer they get, the more we become aware.

Social Zone:4-12 feet. Within the social zone, we start to feel a connection with other people. When they’re closer, then we can talk with them without having to shout, but still keep them at a safe distance. This is a comfortable distance for people who are standing in a group but maybe not talking directly with one another.

Personal Zone: 1.5-4feet. In the personal zone, the conversation gets more direct, and this is a good distance for two people who are talking seriously about something.

Intimate(亲密的)Zone: <1.5 feet. When a person is within arm’s reach or closer, then we can touch them in intimate ways. Romance of all kinds happens in this space. Entering intimate zone of somebody else can be very threatening.

The rules about social distances vary with different groups of people. People who live in towns spend more time close to one another. In a large and crowded city, the distances will be less than in a small town. Different countries also have different rules about social distances. Watch a Japanese person talking at a party with a person from a Western country. The Japanese will step in and the Westerner will step back. Speeded up, it’s like a dance around the room.

56.Which of the following shows how the text is organized? (①=Paragraph 1…)

A. B. C. D.

57.In a less crowded place, an American usually keeps a stranger at a distance of .

A.about 1.5 feet B.less than 4 feet

C.about 2 feet D.more than 12 feet

58.If eight people sit in a room and all of them don’t talk directly with one another, they prefer .

A.Public Zone B.Social Zone C.Personal Zone D.intimate Zone

59.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.There’re some rules about social distances

B.The Japanese are more polite than Americans

C.The rules about social distances can vary

D.Cities have fewer rules about social distances

60.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The Japanese would like to dance with people from Western countries

B.The Westerner would like to keep close to people they are talking with at party

C.The Japanese would like to keep a distance from people they are talking with at party

D.The social distance between people in small towns is longer than that in large and crowded cities.


Do you know how to prepare for and survive a major earthquake? According to Department of Conservation scientists, it is important to have the right answer to that question.

How to Be Prepared

Electricity, water, gas and telephones may not be working after an earthquake. The police and fire departments are likely to be tied up. You should be prepared to fend for yourself for at least three days, preferably for a week. You’ll need food, water and so on. It’s also a good idea to decide ahead of time how and where your family will reunite if separated during a quake. You might choose an out-of-the-area friend or relative that family members can call to check on you.

If you’re indoors, stay there. Get under a desk or table. The kitchen is a particularly dangerous spot. If you’re in an office building, stay away from windows and outside walls and do not use the elevator. If you’re outside, get into the open. Stay clear of buildings, power lines or anything else that could fall on you. If you’re driving, move the car out of traffic and stop. Avoid parking under or on bridges or overpasses.

After an Earthquake

Check for fire. If you smell gas, shut off the main gas valve(阀). If there’s sign of damage to electrical wiring, shut off the power at the control box. If the phone is working, only use it in case of emergency. Avoid driving if possible to keep the streets clear for emergency vehicles. Be careful that things may fall out of cupboards when the door is opened, and also that chimneys can be weakened and fall with just a touch. Listen to the radio for important information and instructions. Remember that aftershocks, sometimes large enough to cause damage in their own right, generally follow large quakes. If you leave home, leave a message telling your friends and family your location.

61.The underlined phrase “tend for’’ in the second paragraph probably means“ ________’’

A. look for B.take care of C.be proud of D.think of

62.Which of the following would be the best subtitle for the third paragraph?

A. Before an Earthquake B. After Making Preparations

C. While Staying at Home D. During an Earthquake

63.What should you do when an earthquake happens?

A. You should stay away from the kitchen.

B. You should drive on a bridge.

C. You should turn off the power.

D. You should listen to the radio frequently.

64. According to the passage, why doesn’t the author advise driving after an earthquake?

A. Because it is dangerous to drive as there will be aftershocks

B. Because your car will be easily damaged in the streets full of blocks

C. Because you should make way for emergency vehicles

D. Because you can’t find a place to park your car

65.What will probably happen after a big earthquake?

A. The local people’s life will return to normal in a week.

B. There will be more earthquakes in a short time.

C. There won’t be any earthquakes in a short time.

D. The local people will stay at home waiting for help.


Indonesia is a dangerous country to call home. It lies above several active plates(板块)with many fire-breathing volcanoes around. The eruption of a volcano and the shaking of an earthquake this week is just one reminder of Indonesia’s burning base.

Indonesia, consisting of 17,500 islands, sits between the world’s most active region, the Pacific Ring of Fire, and the world’s second most active region, the Alpide belt. Being situated between them means the islands experience some of the strongest earthquakes and most powerful volcanic eruptions known on Earth.

The Pacific Ring of Fire is the world’s greatest earthquake belt according to U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), because of its series of fault (断层)lines covering about 25,000 miles from Chile through Japan and Southeast Asia.

Earthquakes usually occur along faults, which are breaks in the rocky plates. About 90 percent of all the world’s earthquakes, and 80 percent of the world’s largest earthquakes, strike along the Pacific Ring of Fire. About 17 percent of the world’s largest earthquakes and 5-6 percent of all quakes occur alone the Alpide belt. In 2009 alone Indonesia had 10 earthquakes greater than magnitude (震级) 6.0, according to the USGS.

Monday’s 7.7-magnitude earthquake that caused a 3-meter-high tsunami, killing at least 113 people, occurred when the Australian and Sunda plates struck into each other. One rocky plate took a dive below the other, resulting in an earthquake

The 9.1-mangitdue 2004 quake and Indian Ocean tsunami killed about 230,000 people in quite a few countries. Below Indonesia, the Eurasian Plate, Australian Plate, Sunda Plate and Pacific Plate meet together.

66.Which of the following is TRUE of Indonesia?

A.It covers 17,500 islands B.It’s about 25,000 miles long

C.It’s in the center of the Alpide D.It’s far from the Pacific Ring of Fire

67.How many of the world’s earthquakes occur along the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Alpide belt?

A.About 90 percent B.About 17 percent

C.About 80 percent D.About 95 percent

68.It can be inferred that Indonesia has many earthquakes because .

A.there are many volcanoes B.many plates met there

C.the environment is polluted D.the plates there are very thin

69.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The Pacific Ring of Fire is the world’s second most active region

B.There were ten earthquakes in Indonesia in 2009

C.Australian and Sunda plates’ striking caused Indonesia Monday’s 7.7-magnitude earthquake

D.The 9.1-magnitude 2004 quake killed 230,000 Indians

70.What is the text mainly about?

A.Indonesia’s volcanoes B.Indonesia’s earthquakes

C.Indonesia’s geography D.Indonesia’s environment


New York has taken the title of the world’s top fashion capital from Milan. The annual survey suggest that the top five fashion cities are facing competition from Asia and Australia. New York had been the top fashion city for five years, but Milan took the title in 2009. the survey was made by the Global Language Monitor, a US based organization. It tracks the frequency (频率) of words and phrases in the media, on the Internet and throughout the blog. With the US economy recovering, New York once again took the top title. Hong Kong took second place. It was followed by London, Paris and Los Angeles. The other top 10 cities were Milan, Sydney, Miami, Barcelona and Madrid.

“Because of the new economic situation, the global fashion centers have also changed a lot, ” said Bekka Payack, the Manhattan-based fashion reporter for the Global Language Monitor. “The new list show that global fashion centers will change now and then. Compared with the traditional fashion cities, some new ones are performing better and better. ”she said that perhaps this is new trend(趋势), and it is the first sign that the traditional top five fashion cities- New York, Paris, London, Milan, and Rome-do not control global fashion any more.

The biggest changes in the list are Hong Kong, Madrid and Melbourne. The Group said that the top newcomers to the list include Amsterdam at number 17, Cape Town at 23, Johannesburg at 25 and Vienna at 27.

The following are the 10 top fashion cities of 2010 and the changes from 2009.

1.New York (up 1) 2. Hong Kong (up 5)

3.London (up 2) 4. Paris (down 1)

5.Los Angeles (up 1) 6.Milan (down 5)

7.Sydney (up 2) 8.Miami(up 5)

9.Barcelona (up 5) 10.Madrid (up 11)

71.New York has regained the title of the world’s top fashion capital mainly because .

A.the US economy has been recovering

B.Milan faced competition from other cities

C.few big cities took part in the competition

D.the survey was made by an American organization

72.Compared with the 2009 list, which of the following has the greatest change?

A.Hong Kong B.Milan C.Madrid D.Barcelona

73.We can infer from the text that .

A.New York has lost the top title several times

B.all the traditional fashion cities are in the 2010 list

C.economic situations influence global fashion centers

D.new fashion cities have performed better than traditional ones

74.Which of the following city ranked above the others in 2009?

A.Los Angeles B.Hong Kong C.London D.Sydney

75.The text is probably taken from a .

A.science report B.fashion magazine

C.geography textbook D.history book


[1] Teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet, a new study shows. It is not clear, researchers say, whether television itself is the reason, but it is possible that things like snacking in front of the TV or seeing ads for junk food influence young people’s diets.

[2] The study included nearly 1,400 high school students. It showed that those who watched TV for five hours or more every day had less healthy diets than other students five years later. As a group, they ate fewer fruits and vegetables, but ate more fast food, snack products and fried foods.

[3] “We’re not able to tell why,” lead researcher Dr. Daheia J. Barr-Anderson said. “But we have some speculations(推测).” People who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers, may have more snack. It may influence their long-term diet quality. It’s also possible that TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks make teenagers eat more of those foods. TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.

[4] The researchers found a clear relationship between TV time during high school and diet quality of the young. The heaviest TV viewers five years later, and those who’d watched fewer than two hours every day had the most fruits and vegetables.

[5] According to Barr-Anderson, the findings support experts’ advice that children should watch no more than two hours of television every day. “Parents should cut the TV time.” Barr-Anderson said. She advised that parents set a good example by eating right, being physically active and controlling their own TV time.

76. Complete the following sentence according to the underlined one in Paragraph 3.(no more than 5 words)

Some children may spend much time watching TV instead of .

77. What does “ it” refer to in Paragraph 1 line2 mean ? (no more than 3 words)

78. According to Barr-Anderson, what should parents do to set a good example for their children? (no more than 15 words)

79. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)

80. What is the passage mainly about ? (no more than 12 words)




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Volunteers wanted

Volunteers are wanted to teach English on weekends in local orphanages (孤儿院).

Those who are interested please send e-mail to volunteers@yahoo.com

before 25th July, 2007, talking about your advantages and reasons for applying.

Young Volunteer Club


