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【人教版】英语必修一第一轮复习句型:(unit1 Friendship)

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-09 阅读:


1. settle (1). vi. 安家,定居,停留 eg. The family has settled in Canada.    The butterfly settled on the flower. (2).vt.  使定居,安排,解决

Eg. The old couple settled themselves in the countryside.    The problem has been settled.

▲ settle down  vi. 定居下来;vt./vi. (使)平静下来 eg. When are you going to get married and settle down?    The teacher tried to settle the students down.

I must settle down this morning and finish the term paper(论文) 2. suffer  vt./vi. 遭受,忍受,经历 (1) vt. 遭受(令人不愉快的事情)(宾语常是:pain, loss, defeat, punishment, disappointment, hardship, damage等)Eg. During the war, he suffered much pain.

The country suffered a heavy loss in the flood.

(2). vi. 常用suffer from结构,意为“遭受…之苦,患某种疾病” Eg. The old man suffers from loss of memory.     He is suffering from a bad cold. 3.recover  vt/vi. 痊愈,恢复,

eg. He is seriously ill and unlikely to recover.

The patient recovered his health quickly after the operation. (recover one’s health恢复健康) He is still recovering from his operation. (recover from 从…中恢复)

She seemed upset but quickly recovered herself.(recover oneself 恢复过来,清醒过来) 4.. get/be tired of  对…厌烦be tired with/from  因…而疲倦

eg. Though I am often tired from my job, I am never tired of it. In fact, I like it. be tired out  疲惫不堪 We were tired out after a long walk.

▲ pack (sth.) up 将(东西)装箱打包  eg. Do you need me to help you pack up? 5.“ with + 复合宾语”结构:(该结构常在句中做状语或者定语)    with + 宾语(n./pron.) + 宾补( doing/done/to do/adj./adv./介词短语) eg. With so many people helping her, she feels very happy.    With his work finished, he left his office.

I can’t play football with you with so much homework to do.    I like sleeping with all the windows open.    With Tim away, we will have more room.

The young mother came downstairs with her baby boy in her arms.

She came to a small river with beautiful flowers and green grass on both sides.


【人教版】英语必修一第一轮复习重点词组:(unit1 Friendship) 

