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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-21 阅读:


第一部分  听力(共三节,满分30分)



1. What does the man want?

A. Some stamps.   B. A telephone number.    C. The location of the post office.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. In the open air.  B. In the bookshop.   C. In a restaurant.

3. Who can keep the students awake in class?

A. Mr. Jackson.   B. Mr. Butler.     C. Mr. Bucher.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A.A physics exam.   B. An experiment.    C. A health exam.

5. Why did the man visit the woman?

A. To say sorry to her.   B. To borrow some milk  C. To help cook a meal.




6. Where is the woman working?

A. In a restaurant.     B. In a bookstore.  C. In a post office.

7. What do we know about the man?

A. He is quite lazy.     B. He can’t afford to play golf.

C. He is busy preparing for his examination.

8. What does the woman enjoy doing on weekends?

A. Watching TV.   B. Reading.       C. Working.


9. What is the man probably doing?

A. Buying a car.     B. Having his car repaired.  C. Renting a car.

10. What is he asked to do before he leaves?

A. Have a careful look at the car.

B. Pay for the small scratch (刮痕) he’s caused.

C. Write down his address on the form.

11. What surprised the man?

A. The small scratch.  B. The inside of the car.  C. The full tank(油箱) of gas.


12. Who is the man?

A. A history teacher.  B. A foreign student.   C. A worker.

13. Why does he like the apartment?

A. It’s very quiet.   B. It’s quite big.     C. It’s near where he works.

14. What will the woman do next?

A. Say goodbye to the man.               B. Clean the kitchen.

C. Get the man to sign an agreement.


15. What’s the conversation mainly about?

A. The hardships of raising children.        B. How to raise kids.

C. Being childless or not.

16. What’s the woman’s opinion?

A. She would prefer not to have children.      B. She wants to have a child immediately.

C. She would rather listen to her husband.

17. What does the man think of raising children?

A. A child may destroy a couple’s happiness.

B. A child can help keep a family together.

C. It takes a lot of time and energy.




18. Where did the woman live?

A. She lived in the countryside.

B. She lived in a small town.

C. She lived in the centre of the city.

19. Why was the lady behaving strangely?

A. Because she was afraid to meet the policeman.

B. Because she was afraid to cross the tramlines.

C. Because she was afraid to be in town by herself.

20. What can we learn from the story?

A. The lady had no knowledge of electricity.

B. The lady was too old to cross the street.

C. The lady shouldn’t go to town all alone.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 语法和词汇知识(共l5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(原创)

21. — How do you find the birthday party of _____Smiths?

— I should say it was _____ complete success.

A. /; a    B. the; a     C. /; the     D. the; /

22. —Do you mind me putting your photo on the Internet?


A.Yes, go ahead, please B.No, I do mind

C.I'd rather you didn't D.No, I'd love to

23. When I got on the bus, I _____ I had left my wallet at home.

A. was realizing  B. realized     C. have realized  D. would realize

24. Do you wake up every morning _____ energetic and ready to start a new day?

A. feel     B. to feel       C. feeling      D. felt

25. —He is from America and majors in Chinese history in China.


A. So does his girlfriend          B. It’s the same as his girlfriend

C. It’s the same with his girlfriend        D. So is his girlfriend

26. _____ an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.

A. Being offered  B. Offered   C. Offering    D. To offer

27. —What do you think of the equipment we’ve just bought?

—You mean _____ over there? _____ is pretty good.

A. the one; It    B. that; That     C. it; That       D. that; It

28. _____air pollution getting worse, the government needs to come up with some effective measures to deal with it.

A. With        B. Because     C. As         D. For

29. How long is it _____ we last spent the holiday in the countryside together?

A. until       B. before       C. since        D. after

30. — Make sure you have turned off the air conditioners before going out.

— _____.

A. Heard it    B. Got it     C. Forgot it     D. Made it

31. ____ the dog barking fiercely, away_____.

A. To hear; running the thief     B. Hear; was running the thief

C. Heard; the thief ran    D. Hearing; ran the thief

32. In the last few years thousands of films _____ all over the world.

A. have produced                  B. had been produced

C. have been produced              D. were being produced

33. _____, Elizabeth is the most attractive person in the novel Pride and Prejudice.

A. Bravely and prettily              B. Brave and pretty

C. Bravely and pretty               D. Brave and prettily

34. That piece of music sounds quite good. Who _____ the piano upstairs?

A. is playing      B. played    C. plays       D. has played

35. —Do you have jobs in your company?

—I’m afraid not. _____, we’ll tell you.

A. If necessary     B. If any     C. If so     D. If possible

第二节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)(原创)



Monty owns a horse ranch(牧场) in San Sedro. Once when he was asked about his  36 , he told the story about a young man, son of a horse trainer.

One day at high school the boy was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.

That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his dream of someday  37  a horse ranch. He  38  about his dream in great detail and even drew a diagram (简图) of a very large ranch, showing the location of everything important there.

The next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he got his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a  39  that read, “See me after class.”

The boy went to the teacher. The teacher said, “This is an impossible dream for a young boy like you. You come from a  40  family. Having a ranch requires a lot of money. There’s no way you could ever do it.” Then he  41 , “If you rewrite this paper with a more practical goal, I will  42  your grade .”

The boy went home and thought about it long and  43 . Finally, the boy turned in the same paper, making no  44  at all. He said, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my  45 .”

Monty then said, “I was that boy. And the best part of the story is that two summers ago that  46  teacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week. When he was leaving, the teacher said, ‘When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams. Luckily, you had enough  47  not to give up yours.’”

36. A. life B. success C. family D. education

37. A. buying B. selling C. owning D. building

38. A. thought B. argued C. reported D. wrote

39. A. suggestion B. letter C. note D. notice

40. A. special B. poor C. rich     D. successful

41. A. replied B. nodded C. explained D. added

42. A. remind B. react           C. reconsider D. reflect

43. A. far B. hard C. wide D. late

44. A. answers B. exchanges    C. changes D. mistakes

45. A. dream B. paper C. picture D. decision

46. A. same B. friendly C. rude D. familiar

47. A. reasons B. encouragement C. courage D. respect


You have waited 40 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes’break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings, you can’t  48  how quickly time has passed.

If you are familiar with this scene, you’ll know how time flies when you are having fun and how slowly time goes when you are  49 . Now scientists have  50  a reason.

Scientists have found that patterns(模式) of activity in the brain  51  according to how we pay our attention to a task. When we feel uninterested, we pay more attention to how time is passing. And this  52  our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly.

It is thought that  53  the brain is busy focusing on many aspects of a task, it has to spread its energy, and pays less attention to the clock. Therefore, time passes without us really  54  it, and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so  55  , it concentrates its full energies on the passing of time. As a result, time seems to slow.

48. A.expect   B. understand    C. believe       D. doubt

49. A. bored     B. excited     C. interested    D. surprised

50. A. thought over   B. made up        C. put up with       D. come up with

51. A. change         B. develop       C. grow       D. stop

52. A. tells         B. makes          C. asks            D. shows

53. A. though     B. since           C. unless        D. if

54. A. facing          B. watching        C. noticing        D. counting

55. A. sleepy          B. active          C. tired          D. enthusiastic

第三部分 阅读理解(满分40分)



Recently, my college degree has just been completed. The last project was called “Smile”. The class was asked to go out to smile at three people and write down their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake.

My husband, the youngest son and I went out to McDonald. We were standing in line when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away. As I turned around, an unpleasant body smell came to my nose and two poor homeless men stood just behind me. As I looked at the short blue-eyed gentleman closest to me, he was “smiling”. The second man fumbled(摸索)with his hands as he stood behind his friend.

The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted. He said, “Coffee is all, Miss,” because that was all they could afford.

Then I really felt it — I embraced(拥抱)the little man with the blue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action. I smiled and asked two more breakfast meals and gave them to the men.

The blue-eyed gentleman looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Thank you.”

I turned in my project. My teacher said, “Can I share this?” I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings share this need to make people happy and to be made happy.

In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald’s and every soul that heard the story in the classroom. But, I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn.

56. The underlined part “a piece of cake” in Paragraph 1 means _______.

A. easy      B. embarrassing        C. moving         D. comfortable

57. Why did people around the writer in the McDonald step back?

A. Because they were very polite to the two men.

B. Because they were moved by the two men.

C. Because the two men smelt terrible.

D. Because the two men seemed unfriendly.

58. Why did the two men only buy coffee?

A. Because they didn’t have enough money.

B. Because they didn’t feel hungry.

C. Because they knew others would help them.

D. Because they were looked down upon.

59. How did the teacher think of the author’s project?

A. Hard to believe.       B. Interesting to read.

C. Very puzzling.        D. Very satisfying.

60. What did the writer think she learn from the story?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed

B. Helping others can bring pleasure to many people.

C. Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.

D. Don’t judge people according to their appearance.


Fluency(流利) in another language is one of the most important aims of a newcomer to another country. In addition, understanding the culture and learning to communicate comfortably with people of that culture are as important as learning the rules of the language. Language learning and culture learning go together and may take a long time.

Sometimes people feel that they understand a culture after a few weeks or months. People do learn a lot when they first begin living in another culture, but this is only the first stage of learning. It usually includes things like learning everyday activities and some basic customs.

To really understand another culture, people have to go beyond the first stage, This is challenge because it is often difficult to know what to learn. Much of what we call “culture” is hard to see.

Culture is like an iceberg(冰山). Picture in your mind a huge iceberg in the ocean. The only part of the iceberg that you see is the top. You don’t see the rest of the iceberg because it is hidden from sight in the water. It is easy to forget that it is there. Most of the iceberg is deep within the ocean, just as much of a culture is deep within its people.

When you meet someone from another culture,certain culture differences are easy to see: You hear another language or you hear your own language spoken with an accent(口音). You see different foods, clothes and sometimes physical characteristics of people. You notice new customs or habits, such as the use of chopsticks, and, bowing or kissing as a way of saying hello. These differences are interesting and important, but they are usually not too difficult to understand. They are visible so they are seen easily and quickly.

The part of culture that is like the underwater part of the iceberg consists of assumptions(设想), communication styles, values, and beliefs about what is right and wrong. The hidden part of culture affects much of a person’s way of thinking and communicating. It is the meaning behind his or her verbal (言语的) and nonverbal language. Learning to communicate well with people from another culture includes getting to know the hidden part of culture.

61. What’s the subject of this passage?

A. Learning about culture.          B. Language learning.

C. The hidden part of the iceberg.    D. Fluency in another language.

62. What is learning about culture?

A. Learning the hidden part of the iceberg, which is underwater.

B. Learning everyday activities and some basic customs.

C. Learning the culture of an iceberg.

D. Learning the visible as well as the hidden differences of culture.

63. What’s the writer’s opinion?

A. Communication styles can be easily seen and learned.

B. Language learning is more important than culture learning.

C. Learning about culture is not easy and may take a long time.

D. People usually learn a culture after a few weeks or months.

64. The underlined phrase “consists of” can be replaced by “______”.

A. is compared with      B. is made up of     C. agrees with      D. is different from

65. What conclusion can we draw after reading this passage?

A. Values and beliefs are like the top of the iceberg.

B. People are often clear about the hidden part of culture.

C. The top of the iceberg is larger than the hidden part.

D. The hidden part of culture has a great effect on people’s communication styles.



People is America’s No.1 magazine about fascinating people. It’s a guide to who and what’s hot in the arts, science, business, politics, television, movies, books, music and sports. It is published weekly.

Publisher: The Time Inc. Magazine Company

Cover Price: $211.47

Our Price:$117.00

Issues(期数):53 issues/ 12 months


Lucky is the shopping magazine with the best buys, and the fashion tips you’ll need before you hit the stores. What makes Lucky really different is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it.

Publisher: Conde Nast Publications Inc.

Cover Price: $35.40

Our Price:$15.00

Issues: 12 issues/ 12 months


The most trusted magazine for parents who want to raise smart, loving and self-confident children. Each issue has age-specific child-development guidance, advice on your child’s health and safety, and the best ways to encourage your child’s learning.

Publisher: Meredith Corporation

Cover Price: $42.00

Our Price:$9.97

Issues: 12 issues/ 12 months


This magazine covers movies, television, music, Broadway stage productions, books, and popular culture. Unlike celebrity-focused magazines like People, its main concentration is on entertainment media and reviews. It’s intended for a more general audience.

Publisher: The Time Inc. Magazine Company

Cover Price: $199.50

Our Price:$38.95

Issues: 62 issues/ 12 months

66. Which of the following comes out every week?

A. Lucky.       B. Parents        C. Entertainment.        D. People.

67. According to the passage, what makes Lucky so special?

A. It has lots of cartoons.                 B. It has pictures of stars.

C. It tells you where to find bargains.       D. It has information no one else has.

68. The underlined phrase, “celebrity-focused magazines”, probably refers to magazines focusing on ______.

A. hot events and famous stars           B. festivals and celebrations

C. political events                     D. daily life

69. You’re most likely to find the above information ______.

A. on a magazine club website             B. in an educational magazine

C. in a guide to magazines                D. in a magazine sales report

70. Buy ______, a reader can save most.

A. Lucky.       B. Parents        C. Entertainment.        D. People.


“Be nice to people.” This sounds like a platitude(老生常谈),but I’ll never forget my father’s words. I was 10, and I had been unkind to someone. He said, “There is no point in being unkind to anyone at any time. You never know who you’re going to meet later in life. And by the way, you don’t change anything by being unkind. Usually you don’t get anywhere.”

“Remember you can do anything you want to do. Don’t let anyone say, ‘You’re not smart enough, it’s too hard, it’s a foolish idea, no one has done that before, girls don’t do that.’ ”My mom gave me that advice in 1973. And it allowed me to never worry what others were saying about my job direction.

“Always do the best job you can do at whatever you’re given, even if you think it’s boring.” Jerry Parkinson, my boss at P&G, told me this in 1979. Here I was fresh out of Harvard Business School(HBS), and I was told to decide how big the hole in the Ivory shampoo bottle should be: 3/8 of an inch or 1/8 of an inch. I did research, focus groups and I would come home at night wondering how I had gone from HBS to this. But later I realized any job you’re given is an opportunity to prove yourself.

“Don’t be greedy(贪婪的). If you’re constantly in the neighborhood of good things, good things will happen to you.” Tom Tierney, who was my boss at Bain in 1981 and is now on the eBay board, told me this. It’s true that you get ahead by praising other people.

Finally, in 1998, I was in New York watching the ticker(倒计时牌) as eBay went public. My husband is a surgeon(外科医生).I called him and told him the great news. And he said, “That’s nice. But Meg, remember that it’s not brain surgery.”

71. According to the passage, which of the following is different from the other three?

A.P&G.     B. HBS.       C. Bain.       D. eBay.

72. How many pieces of advice were given by her family?

A. Two.       B. Four.        C. Three.        D. One.

73. This passage was written by _____ order.

A. story development      B. time      C. working conditions       D. place

74. According to the last paragraph, what her husband actually meant was that _____.

A. he was a nice doctor            B. he was better than Meg

C. 1ife matters the most            D. eBay was nothing at all

75. What’s the main idea of the whole passage?

A. Advice in life really makes a difference to us.

B. We should be nice to people around us.

C. People can succeed by praising others.

D. Too unkind persons will get nothing from life.

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分35分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(原创)


76. We have 6,000 ________(失业的) young people in this district.

77. The good news was that many poor people ________(活下来) the winter.

78. After a heated discussion, let’s draw a _______ (结论) now.

79. He told the _______(采访者) secretly that he had seen the whole robbery.

80. The result of the exam was a _______ (完全的) surprise to me.

81. The man _______ (提及) to at the meeting was our headmaster.

82. _______ (幸运的是), the fire was discovered soon after it started.

83. Teachers gave us a lot of ________(专业的) advice when we hunted for jobs.

84. We should have a positive _______ (态度) towards life.

85. Our holiday is _______ (接近) and we still can’t decide where to go.

第二节 课文填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

The train was wonderful and the food was great. We ate great meals cooked by 86 . For the first few hundred kilometers of the 87 , the scenery was very colorful. There were fields and the soil was dark red. After that, it was  88 . The sun  89 , there was no wind and there were no clouds in the sky. Suddenly, it looked like a place from another time. We saw  90  farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.

第三节 书面表达(满分20分)


1. 询问病情,表示关心。

2. 介绍近期情况。

1) 刚考完月考(monthly exam),你取得很大进步。感谢他的鼓励。

2) 学校即将举办运动会。希望他能参加。

3. 表达期望。




Dear Peter,


Li Hua



1-5 BABCB   6-10 ABCCA       11-15 CBACC   16-20 ABBBA





48-55 CADAB  DCB


56-60 ACADB   61-65 ADCBD    66-70 DDAAC   71-75 BABCA


76. unemployed;  77.survived; 78.conclusion;   79.interviewer;   80.complete;

81. referred; 82.Fortunately;  83.professional; 84.attitude;     85.approaching


86.experts     87.journey     88. desert    89.shone    90.abandoned


One possible version

Dear Peter,

It has been three weeks since you went to hospital. How are you feeling now? I hope you will recover soon because all of our classmates miss you very much.

As you may know, we have just finished our monthly exam. I am very happy to say that I made great progress this time. I really appreciate your encouragement. Besides, our school’s sports meeting will be held next Friday and Saturday. Our  class did really well last year and I believe we would get more prizes this year if you were to join us.

We are looking for ward to your coming back.


Li Hua


