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2014English around the world测试题unit 2

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-23 阅读:

高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,常梦网小编为大家整理了测试题unit 2,希望大家喜欢。



21.I won't give you any help ________ you tell me the truth. It's none of my business.

A.unless        B.since

C.as if  D.even if

答案:D 考查连词。句意:即使你告诉我事实,我也不会帮助你的。这不关我的事。even if“即使”;unless“除非”;since“自从”;as if “好像”。

22.I asked my boss for a month's holiday and, ________she agreed.

A.what's more B.that is to say

C.believe it or not  D.in other words

答案:C believe it or not“信不信由你,我说的是真话(常用作插入语,也叫独立成分)”。what's more“而且;此外”,表示的是递进关系;that is to say“也就是说”;in other words“换句话说”,是解释关系。

23.He seems to be a learned man. ________, he knows nothing at all.

A.Indeed B.Surely

C.Truly  D.Actually

答案:D 考查副词辨析。indeed“真正地”;surely“的确的”;truly“真正地”;actually“事实上,实际上”。句意:他看上去是一个博学的人,实际上他一无所知。

24.—Can you order a taxi for me, please?

—________, sir.

A.Straight away B.Never mind

C.Not at all  D.Yes, help yourself

答案:A 句意:——请为我叫辆计程车,好吗?——好的,先生,立即就办。straight away意为“立刻,马上”,符合语境。Never mind“没关系”;Not at all“一点也不”;Yes, help yourself “是的,请自便”。

25.—What do you think________an important part in their lives?


A.plays B.takes

C.makes  D.acts

答案:A play a part in...表示“在……中起作用”,是固定短语,动词不能更换。另外,要注意句中的do you think是插入语。例如:Who do you think will go with the teacher?你认为谁会跟老师一起去?

26.Tonny's parents thought he was at school, but________he was in a net bar.

A.actually B.especially

C.hopefully  D.exactly

答案:A 考查副词辨析。 actually意为“事实上,实际上”;especially“尤其,特别地”;hopefully“有希望地;充满希望地”;exactly“确切地”,只有A项符合题意。

27.Complete the map of each site________what you drew last time.

A.based on B.bases on

C.basing on  D.to base on

答案:A 句意:在你上次所画的基础上完成那张包括各个地点的地图。be based on指“以……为基础”。根据句子可知,此处不需要谓语动词,排除B项。被修饰词map与base之间为被动关系,故选A。

28.________the heavy rain, we were all stopped from getting there on time.

A.Because B.Because of

C.Owing for  D.Thanks for

答案:B because为连词,其后须跟从句;because of是介词短语,其后跟名词或动名词。空格后为名词rain,故选B。C项和D项搭配错误,owing to和thanks to也表示原因。

29.From her________, I guess she must come from the West of America.

A.sound B.voice

C.accent  D.noise

答案:C 句意:从她的口音判断,我猜她一定来自美国西部。sound“声音”;voice“嗓音”;accent“口音”;noise“噪音”。

30.Everything comes with________price; there is no such________thing as a free lunch in the world.

A.a; a B.the; /

C.the; a  D.a; /

答案:D 本题考查冠词。从语境来看,价格是可数的名词,且单数形式,故加“a”;而形容词no后跟单数或复数名词,但不需要冠词,no+n.=not+a+n.(后跟单数名词时),故选D。句意:任何东西都有代价;世上没有免费的午餐。

31.China Daily is________a newspaper; it helps us improve our English.

A.more than B.no more than

C.not more than  D.no less than

答案:A more than后接名词,表示“不仅仅是,不止是”。句意:《中国日报》不仅仅是一份报纸,它还帮助我们提高英语水平。no more than“仅仅”,相当于only;not more than“不多于”,用来指数量;no less than“不少于”,修饰不可数名词。

32.No one likes the way________he speaks to others.

A.which B./

C.how  D.if

答案:B 考查定语从句的关系词。the way作先行词,定语从句的关系词可用that或in which,也可以省略。

33.Kitty and Lucy are both from England, so they are________English speakers.

A.native B.international

C.foreign  D.same

答案:A 句意:Kitty和Lucy来自英国,所以她们都是使用英语本族语的人。根据句意,native为正确答案,意思是“本地的;本国的”。

34.—You won't go to Kay's wedding party, will you?


A.even if B.if

C.unless  D.as

答案:B 考查连词辨析。句意:——你不参加凯的婚礼,是吗?——如果被邀请,我会参加。if invited=if I am invited。if(如果)与unless(除非)连接条件状语从句;even if(即使,虽然)引导让步状语从句;as作连词时,意为“当……时候,尽管”,连接时间或让步状语从句。

35.My son has changed so much that I could hardly______his voice on the telephone.

A.hear B.realize

C.recognize  D.find

答案:C hear“听到”;realize“认识到”;recognize“认出,辨别出”;find“发现,找到”。根据题意,正确答案为C,recognize one's voice意思是“辨别、识别出某人的声音”。

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。常梦网为大家整理了测试题unit 2,供大家参考。

