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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-08-27 阅读:


1、transport n. 运输;运送

the public transport of the city 城市公共运输系统 the transport of goods by air 空运货物

in the process of/during transport/transportation 在运输过程中


transport… (from…) to… 把…从…运到…

transportation n. 运输a means of transportation 一种运输方式

2、prefer vt. 更喜欢 prefer coffee to tea. 更喜欢咖啡而不是茶

prefer doing to doing 更喜欢干……而不愿干……

prefer to do rather than do 宁愿干……而不愿干……

prefer sb to do sth. 宁愿让某人做某事 prefer that sb (should) do 更宁愿某人干…

preference n. (两者之中) 较喜欢的东西;偏好;偏爱

have a preference for… 对……偏爱 have no particular preference 没有特别的偏好

in preference to… 而不是

3、ever since. 从那以后

4、persuade vt. 说服;劝服、

persuade sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做……

persuade sb. not to do=persuade sb. out of doing 说服某人停止做……;劝阻某人做……

persuade sb. of sth. 或persuade sb. + that 从句 使某人相信

persuasive adj. 有说服力的 persuasion n. 说服;劝说

5、graduate. v. 毕业

graduate from… 从……毕业 graduate sb. 授予某人学位或毕业文凭

n.毕业生:a high school graduate: 高中毕业生 a science graduate 理学士

graduation n. 毕业 after/before graduation 毕业后/前

6、schedule: n. 时间表;进度表 class schedule: 课程表

ahead of schedule 较预定的时间提前 on schedule 按照预定的时间,按时

behind schedule 迟于预定的时间;拖后

vt. 为……安排时间

schedule the meeting for that night会议的时间定在那天晚上

be scheduled to do sth. 预定做某事

7、be fond of (doing) sth.

be into /crazy about (doing) sth. 喜爱(做)某事;对做某事感兴趣

be interested in (doing) sth.

8、organize. vt 组织;成立;安排;整理

organize a football match 组织一场足球赛 organize your thoughts 整理你的思路

organize sb. to do sth. 组织某人干某事

9、care about 关心;忧虑;惦念 care for 喜欢;照顾

10、determine vt.& vi.确定;决定;使…下定决心

determine sth. 确定某事 determine to do 决定做某事

determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定做某事

determine on early start=determine to start early 决定早动身 determine +从句

determined adj 已决定了的;坚定的;坚决的

be determined that 从句

be determined to do sth 决定干某事

=make up one’s mind to do

a determined look 坚定的表情 a determined man 意志坚定的人

determination 决定;决心 with determination 坚决地

a man of great determination 意志坚定的人

11、go on/ make/ take a journey to sp. 去某地旅行

12、altitude. n. 海拔;高处

at an altitude of =at a height of 在……高度

at 表示“在……处/时;以……” at a price of 以……的价格

at a speed/ rate of 以……速度 at a length of 在……长度

at a depth/ width of 在……深度,宽度 at a distance of 在……远的距离

at the cost of 以……为代价

13、make up one’s mind 下决心 read one’s mind 看出某人心思

keep one’s mind on 专心于 speak one’s mind 直言不讳

bear/ keep sth. in mind 记住某事

14、give in (to sb./ sth.) (向……)屈服;让步;投降 give off 发出(蒸汽、光、热等)

give out 分发;筋疲力尽 give way to 让位于;妥协

15、pace. n. 一步;速度;步调 at a good pace 相当快地

keep pace with 跟……齐步前进

16、attitude, n. 态度;看法

take a friendly attitude to/ towards us. 对我们采取友善的态度

hold a positive/ negative attitude 持积极/消极态度

17、as usual: 照常

18、at midnight 在午夜 at noon 在正午

19、flow through sp. 流经某地

20、insist v. 坚决要求;主张

insist on (sb’s) doing sth. 坚决要求(某人)做

insist on (my) giving up smoking 坚决要求(我)戒烟

insist + 从句

He insisted that he was right. 他坚持认为他是正确的

He insisted that he should be set free. 他坚决要求他被释放

21、go/ run like clockwork 按计划进行;进展顺利

22、weather forecast 天气预报

23、view. n. 视野;视力;景色;看法;观点

be/ go out of view 从视野消失 come into view 进入视线

admire the view 欣赏景色 in my view = from my point of view 依我看来

take the view that 从句, 持有……观点 V. 考虑;观看view sb. as sth. 把……看作

24、put up the tents. 搭起帐篷 put up your hands 举手

put up the post 张贴海报 put up ten people for night 为十人提供食宿过夜

25、give my love/ best wishes to sb. 请代我向……问好/候


