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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-03 阅读:



从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. I don’t think they had an exam in English yesterday, __________?

A. don’t I   B. do I    C. didn’t they   D. did they

2. The newly-built library, which is       ----will be open to the students next Saturday.

A. as three times large as the old one

B. three times larger than the old one

C. three times of the old one’s size

D. the size of the old one’s three times

3. The teacher praised him for _____ he had _____.

A. the progress; made    B. the progress; took

C .a progress; made        D. the progress; taken

4. Your performance in the driving test did not reach the required standard, ____, you failed.

A. in the end   B. after all   C. in other words  D. at the same time

5. The football match between the Chinese team and the Brazil team seemed ______and attractive. The audience felt so ____ that they all shouted at the top of their voices.

A .satisfied; exciting     B. satisfied; excited

C. satisfying; excited        D. satisfying; exciting

6. _________ it is to jump into a river to swim on such a hot day.

A. What a fun  B. What fun  C. How fun   D. How a fun

7. I wonder if your wife will go to the ball, if she _______, so_______ I.

A. will; does  B. does; will   C. does; do   D. would; will

8. If you take this medicine following the        on the bottle, you will feel better tomorrow morning.

A. instructions   B. direction  C. explanation    D. introductions

9. The culture of America are more like ______ of England than any other country.

A. those    B. that   C. what     D. these

10. I don’t know the restaurant, but it’s_______ to be quit a good one.

A. said    B. told    C. spoken   D. talked

11. Tom _______ tell the truth to his boss because he didn’t want to make trouble.

A. daren’t to     B. don’t dare to       C. dare not        D. didn’t dare

12. Oh, my God! It’s rainy again! I ______ stay at home ______ go out.

A. prefer; to    B. would; rather     C. choose; than    D. would rather; than

13. My father was so tired that he soon fell asleep ______ the light still _______.

A. with; burnt    B. on; burnt      C. with; burning     D. on; burning

14. When asked by the police, he said that he remembered ______ at the party, but not ______.

A. to arrive; leaving  B. to arrive; to leave

C. arriving; leaving  D. arriving; to leave

15. We narrowly escaped ____in the forest of South America 15 years ago.

A. killing    B. to be killed    C. to have been killed   D. being killed

16. The Afghans and their camels carried food and other supplies and returned with wool and other products until _______.

A. 1920s   B. the 1920   C. the 1920s   D. in the 1920s

17. –Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?


A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually

B. Of course not, it’s not allowed here

C. Great! I love pets.

D. No, you can’t

18. We ____ the train in Yantai and ____ in Shanghai.

A. got in, got out of     B. got on, got off

C. got off, got on       D. got to, got on

19. –I haven’t seen you for ages.

--Oh, I went to Beijing and _____ two months there. It ____ us 12 hours to get there by train.

A. spent, took     B. spent, spend   C. takes, takes       D. spend, takes

20. The first textbook ________for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written  B. written   C. being written     D. to be written


