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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-08-03 阅读:



阅读理解 阅读下列短?, 从每题 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中, 选出?个能回答所提问题或完成所给句?的最佳答案.( 30 分)

Reid tried to draw a sports car like Peter's. But no pictures looked good. He hated them and threw them away.

"Is there a secret to being a good artist?" he felt sad and asked his teacher Mrs. Lee for help.

"Yes, of course." said Mrs. Lee. "Draw that car again. No throwing away. Give it to me when you're done. Then do a drawing every day. Don't worry about how good the drawings are or throw them away. Hand in one picture to me each day for four weeks. Then I'll tell you the secret."

Reid did as the teacher told him.

One day, Reid started to feel like drawing more. "Is it OK to do more than one picture a day?"

he asked. "Draw as much as you'd like," said Mrs. Lee.

Finally, four weeks passed. "It's time for the secret," Mrs. Lee said, "But first I want you to do one more drawing." Reid did. He showed it to Mrs. Lee when he finished. Mrs. Lee smiled and showed him the drawing he did the first day. Reid looked at the two pictures. What a difference! The new one wasn't perfect, but it looked much more like Peter's car.

"What's the secret?" he asked.

"It's practice! You drew every day, and look how much better your pictures got. If your work

improved this much in four weeks, just think what'll happen in three months or a year."

"Would you hold on to these for another four weeks? I want to keep learning the secret." said


1.Reid tried to draw   .

A. Peter B. Mrs. Lee C. a sports car D. himself

2.Mrs. Lee asked Reid to do a drawing every day for   .