[译] Angular 编程风格引导(二)
一个好的编程风格有助于团队的协同开发,所以在做 angular 开发时,我们也有一些约定,本文章主要是针对于使用 angular 和 coffeescript 编程的团队。(这是一个粗糙的翻译版本,原文的链接在文章下,感兴趣的同学可以去看)
Angular 编程引导
【note】:所有的 angular 服务都是单例模式,这就意味着服务的每次注入都只有一个实例
// serviceangular .module('app') .service('logger', logger);function logger() { this.logError = function(msg) { /* */ };}// factoryangular .module('app') .factory('logger', logger);function logger() { return { logError: function(msg) { /* */ } };}
【note】所有的 Angular 服务都是单例
将服务器的可调用的成员(暴露的接口)提升到服务器前面,(从《学习 javascript 设计模式》中派生出来)
当你的函数超过一行代码的时候,会降低你的代码可读性,阅读时也会造成多余的滚动操作,所以你要把可调用接口的定义,和服务的return ,提升到文件的顶部定义,把实现的细节放在文件下面,这样来增加代码的可读性
### 不推荐方式 ### (-> dataService = ()->someValue = ''save = ()-> # ... #validate = ()-> # ... #return save: save, someValue: someValue, validate: validate angular .module('app') .service('dataService', dataService) )() ### 推荐方式 ### (-> dataService = ()->someValue = ''##########return save: ()-> # . # validate: ()-> # . # angular .module('app') .service('dataService', dataService) )()
### 不推荐方式 ### angular .module('app.widgets') # order directive that is specific to the order module .directive('orderCalendarRange', orderCalendarRange) # sales directive that can be used anywhere across the sales app .directive('salesCustomerInfo', salesCustomerInfo) # spinner directive that can be used anywhere across apps .directive('sharedSpinner', sharedSpinner) ### implementation details ### ### 推荐方式 ### ### # @desc order directive that is specific to the order module at a company named Acme # @file calendarRange.directive.js # @example <div acme-order-calendar-range></div> ### angular .module('sales.order') .directive('acmeOrderCalendarRange', orderCalendarRange) ### # @desc spinner directive that can be used anywhere across the sales app at a company named Acme # @file customerInfo.directive.js # @example <div acme-sales-customer-info></div> ### angular .module('sales.widgets') .directive('acmeSalesCustomerInfo', salesCustomerInfo) ### # @desc spinner directive that can be used anywhere across apps at a company named Acme # @file spinner.directive.js # @example <div acme-shared-spinner></div> ### angular .module('shared.widgets') .directive('acmeSharedSpinner', sharedSpinner) ### implementation details ###
一个指令一个文件,把所有的指令混到一个文件中容易,但是,后面你要把这些指令从这个文件中分离出来就没那么容易了。所以那些需要在 App 和 模块中被共享的指令,一定要分离出来到一个文件中,这样也有利于代码的维护
### 不推荐方式### angular .module('app.widgets') # order directive that is specific to the order module .directive('orderCalendarRange', orderCalendarRange) # sales directive that can be used anywhere across the sales app .directive('salesCustomerInfo', salesCustomerInfo) # spinner directive that can be used anywhere across apps .directive('sharedSpinner', sharedSpinner) ### implementation details ### ### 推荐方式 ### ### # @desc order directive that is specific to the order module at a company named Acme # @file calendarRange.directive.js # @example <div acme-order-calendar-range></div> ### angular .module('sales.order') .directive('acmeOrderCalendarRange', orderCalendarRange) ### # @desc spinner directive that can be used anywhere across the sales app at a company named Acme # @file customerInfo.directive.js # @example <div acme-sales-customer-info></div> ### angular .module('sales.widgets') .directive('acmeSalesCustomerInfo', salesCustomerInfo) ### # @desc spinner directive that can be used anywhere across apps at a company named Acme # @file spinner.directive.js # @example <div acme-shared-spinner></div> ### angular .module('shared.widgets') .directive('acmeSharedSpinner', sharedSpinner) ### implementation details ###
Limit DOM Manipulation: When manipulating the DOM directly, use a directive. If alternative ways can be used such as using CSS to set styles or the animation services, Angular templating, ngShow or ngHide, then use those instead. For example, if the directive simply hide and shows, use ngHide/ngShow, but if the directive does more, combining hide and show inside a directive may improve performance as it reduces watchers.
Why?: DOM manipulation can be difficult to test, debug, and there are often better ways (e.g. CSS, animations, templating)
限制DOM的操作,用指令来直接操作DOM,如果有可以替代的方式,如使用css来设置样式,使用 animation 服务,angular 的模版,ngShow 或者 ngHide ,那么就用这些来代替指令。举个例子,如果指令就是定义一个简单的显示和隐藏,那么久用 nghide 和 ngShow 来代替,但是如果指令除了显示隐藏还需要处理更加复杂的事情,那就把显示隐藏和其他需要实现的操作,一起封装到这个指令里,这样能减少 angular 的监听,来提高应用的性能。
对 DOM 的操作不太容易进行测试和调试,我们有更好的办法前提是对DOM的操作比较简单的话(css,animations,templating)
限制元素和属性:当创建一个指令,这个指令的如果表现的像一个元素,那么 restrict 设置为 E ,也可以选择设置成 A,,如果这个指令能有他自己的控制器, restrict 设置为 E 是最理想的,不过通常的话,一些引导是将 restrict 设置为 EA,但当指令被封装在独立作用域时,倾向于元素指令表现
,当增强于现有的 DOM 元素,倾向于属性表现
如果指令倾向于表现得像元素或者属性,这就允许我们定义的指令使用 class 属性
<!--不推荐方式--> <div class="my-calendar-range"></div> ### avoid ### (-> myCalendarRange = ()-> link = (scope, element, attrs)-> # ... #directive = link: link, templateUrl: '/template/is/located/here.html', restrict: 'C'return directive angular .module('app.widgets') .directive('myCalendarRange', myCalendarRange) )() <!-- recommended --> <my-calendar-range></my-calendar-range> <div my-calendar-range></div> ### 推荐方式 ### (-> myCalendarRange = ()->link = (scope, element, attrs)-> # ... #directive = link: link, templateUrl: '/template/is/located/here.html', restrict: 'EA'return directive angular .module('app.widgets') .directive('myCalendarRange', myCalendarRange) )()