Magento XML cheatsheet
Event Observer
<config> <frontend> [1] <events> <catalog_product_load_after> [2] <observers> <yourModule> [3] <type>singleton</type> [4]<class>module/observer</class> [5] <method>catalogProductLoadAfter</method> [6] </yourModule> </observers> </catalog_product_load_after> </events> </frontend></config>
[1] Area: adminhtml, frontend, oder, global
[2] Event Code
[3] Must be unique within the event observer.
[4] "model" or "singleton"
[5] Your_Class_Name oder module/class
[6] The method to be called on the observer instance.
Rewrite Controllers
<config> <frontend> [1] <routers> <checkout> [2] <args> <modules><yourModule before="Mage_Checkout">Namespace_Module_Overwrite_Checkout</yourModule> [3] </modules> </args> </checkout> </routers> </frontend></config>
[1] Depending on the controllers area "frontend" or "admin"
[2] Router node of the module to be overridden (look it up in the config.xml of that module)
[3] The tag <yourModule> can be anything, it must be unique within the <modules> node.
Your_Module_Overwrite_Checkout (is mapped to directory)
Register Module Controllers
<config> <frontend> [1] <routers> <yourModule> [2] <use>standard</use> [3] <args> <module>Namespace_Module</module> [4] <frontName>yourmod</frontName> [5] </args> </yourModule> </routers> </frontend></config>
[1] Depending on the controllers area "frontend" or "admin"
[2] Must be unique
[3] "admin" for Adminhtml controllers, otherwise "standard"
[4] Namespace and Name of the Module as defined in the <config><modules> node
[5] The URL part to point to the controller directory (e.g.
Magento will look in Namespace/Module/controllers/ for the called controller.
Rewrite a Model/Block/Helper
<config> <global> <models> [1] <sales> [2] <rewrite> <order_item>Namespace_Module_Model_Sales_Order_Item</order_item> [3] </rewrite> </sales> </models> </global></config>
[1] Depending on object type "models", "helpers" or "blocks"
[2] Modul shorthand
[3] The tag is the class to override, the content is the full name of the replacement class.
Define a Model / Block / Helper module shorthand
<config> <global> <models> [1] <yourModule> [2] <class>Namespace_Module_Model</class> [3] </yourModule> </models> </global></config>
[1] Depending on object type "models", "helpers" or "blocks"
[2] The module shorthand, must be unique for the module
[3] Classname prefix, will replace the shorthand [2] when resolving a class name.