MongoDB 查询的 JavaScript 实现 Mingo
Mingo 是 MongoDB 查询语言的 JavaScript 实现。
Mingo 利用 MongoDB 风格查询,在客户端或者服务器端环境下,允许直接查询内存的 JavaScript 对象。
Comparisons Operators ($gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne, $nin, $in)
Logical Operators ($and, $or, $nor, $not)
Evaluation Operators ($regex, $mod, $where)
Array Operators ($all, $elemMatch, $size)
Element Operators ($exists, $type)
Aggregation Pipeline Operators ($group, $match, $project, $sort, $limit, $unwind, $skip)
Conditional Operators ($cond, $ifNull)
Group Operators ($addToSet, $sum, $max, $min, $avg, $push, $first, $last)
Arithmetic Operators ($add, $divide, $mod, $multiply, $subtract)
String Operators ($cmp, $strcasecmp, $concat, $substr, $toLower, $toUpper)
Set Operators ($setEquals, $setIntersection, $setDifference, $setUnion, $setIsSubset, $anyElementTrue, $allElementsTrue)
Projection Operators ($elemMatch, $slice)
JSON stream filtering and projection. NodeJS only
var Mingo = require('mingo');// or just access *Mingo* global in browser// setup the key field for your collectionMingo.setup({ key: '_id' // default});// create a query with criteria// find all grades for homework with score >= 50var query = new Mingo.Query({ type: "homework", score: { $gte: 50 }});
// filter collection with find()var cursor = query.find(collection);// shorthand with query criteria// cursor = Mingo.find(collection, criteria);// sort, skip and limit by chainingcursor.sort({student_id: 1, score: -1}) .skip(100) .limit(100);// count matchescursor.count();// iterate cursor// iteration is forward onlywhile (cursor.hasNext()) { console.log(;}// use first(), last() and all() to retrieve matched objectscursor.first();cursor.last();cursor.all();// Filter non-matched objects (var result = query.remove(collection);