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ApacheDS 2.0.0-M20 发布, LDAP 目录服务器

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-25 阅读:

开源中国的 IT 公司开源软件整理计划介绍

ApacheDS 2.0.0-M20 发布,此版本主要有以下更新:


  • [DIRSERVER-2025] - ApacheDS fails to return sortedResults when
    searched against a certain number of entrie

  • [DIRSERVER-2026] - Version M19 does not allow eszet (?) in any
    tested field of inetOrgPerson

  • [DIRSERVER-2034] - ReplayCache entries can't be written to disk

  • [DIRSERVER-2035] - Sporadic test failure due to fix for DIRSERVER-2034

  • [DIRSERVER-2047] - Some data can be lost when using ldapadd
    command to insert data into apacheds

  • [DIRSERVER-2048] - Searching for entries with numerous MV
    attributes can be long

  • [DIRSERVER-2055] - Apacheds M19 not starting

  • [DIRSERVER-2057] - Server returns search continuation only if
    'ref' or '+' attributes are requested

  • [DIRSERVER-2060] - Bind not working after server startup

  • [DIRSERVER-2065] - apacheds.sh in tar.gz archive is not executabl


  • [DIRSERVER-1809] - Allow password policy changes to take effect
    without server restart.

  • [DIRSERVER-2030] - Remove the casting in generateResponse() method
    of SearchRequestHandler

  • [DIRSERVER-2031] - Use a properly random port when creating a
    KDCServer via annotation

  • [DIRSERVER-2033] - Upgrade BouncyCastle dependency

  • [DIRSERVER-2036] - Upgrade EhCache dependency

  • [DIRSERVER-2050] - Move configuration from single LDIF to multiple
    LDIF structure

  • [DIRSERVER-2061] - Logging config bundled with installers is too strict




ApacheDS (Apache Directory Server)的核心是目录服务,可以保存数据,并对不同类型的数据进行搜索操作。协议的实现在目录服务器顶层工作,提供与数据存储、搜索和检索有关的 Internet 服务。 ApacheDS 最重要的特性可能是利用不同协议公开目录服务的能力...

