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Commons Email 1.4 发布,Java 邮件工具包

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-04-06 阅读:

#深圳# 6月10日 亚马逊AWSome Day云计算免费培训报名中

Commons Email 1.4 发布了,该项目是Apache的Commons子项目下的一个邮件客户端组件,它是基于JavaMail的,大大简化了邮件的收发操作。

与 1.3.3 版本比较主要改进包括如下几个方面:

== Compatibility ==

* Java 5 or later is required (unchanged since 1.3).

* JavaMail dependency has been upgraded to version 1.5.2,
  as a consequence, the maven dependency has changed to:


== New Features ==

* Added getter for the bounce address of an email to class Email.
  Issue: EMAIL-146. Thanks to Alexander Lehmann.

* Added support for mapping of content-ids to DataSource in "MimeMessageParser".
  Issue: EMAIL-141. Thanks to Stephen Kruger.

== Updates ==

* Update Oracle JavaMail dependency from 1.4.5 to 1.5.2.
  Issue: EMAIL-144.

== Fixed Bugs ==

* "Email" threw an "EmailException" when trying to send the email if neither a from
  nor bounce address was specified, although a "mail.from" property was set in the mail session.
  Issue: EMAIL-149. Thanks to Richard DiCroce.

* "ImageHtmlEmail" failed to embed attachments if their data source name was null.
  Issue: EMAIL-151. Thanks to Andreas Kohn.

* Html emails did not have the correct content-type set when using the Apache Geronimo
  JavaMail implementation v1.8.x.
  Issue: EMAIL-147. Thanks to Can Eskikaya.

* An "HtmlEmail" with both, an html and plain text content but no attachments or embedded
  images will now be created with mimetype "multipart/alternative" instead of "multipart/mixed".
  Issue: EMAIL-142. Thanks to Marcin Tomiak.

