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jQuery EasyUI 1.4 发布

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-07-28 阅读:

程序员必上的开发者服务平台 —— DevStore



  • menu: The menu should not has a correct height when removed a menu item. fixed.

  • datagrid: The 'fitColumns' method does not work normally when the datarid width is too small. fixed.


  • The fluid/percentange size is supported now for all easyui components.

  • menu: Add 'showItem', 'hideItem' and 'resize' methods.

  • menu: Auto resize the height upon the window size.

  • menu: Add 'duration' property that allows the user to define duration time in milliseconds to hide menu.

  • validatebox: Add 'onBeforeValidate' and 'onValidate' events.

  • combo: Extended from textbox now.

  • combo: Add 'panelMinWidth','panelMaxWidth','panelMinHeight' and 'panelMaxHeight' properties.

  • searchbox: Extended from textbox now.

  • tree: The 'getRoot' method will return the top parent node of a specified node if pass a 'nodeEl' parameter.

  • tree: Add 'queryParams' property.

  • datetimebox: Add 'spinnerWidth' property.

  • panel: Add 'doLayout' method to cause the panel to lay out its components.

  • panel: Add 'clear' method to clear the panel's content.

  • datagrid: The user is allowed to assign percent width to columns.

  • form: Add 'ajax','novalidate' and 'queryParams' properties.

  • linkbutton: Add 'resize' method.

New Plugins

  • textbox: A enhanced input field that allows users build their form easily.

  • datetimespinner: A date and time spinner that allows to pick a specific day.

  • filebox: The filebox component represents a file field of the forms.


