Apache Marmotta 3.2 发布
Apache Marmotta 3.2.1 发布,改进记录:
[MARMOTTA-498] - Database Connections remain in "Idle in Transaction"
而 Marmotta 3.2.0 改进记录包括:
[MARMOTTA-26] - Analyze the alignemt of the current resource management with LDP-R
[MARMOTTA-27] - Outline the LDP-C implementation
[MARMOTTA-342] - Document the new KiWi Loader
[MARMOTTA-371] - Update Versions in the source-code
[MARMOTTA-416] - Use the d3.js webjar
[MARMOTTA-417] - Use the prototype.js webjar
[MARMOTTA-419] - Remove 3rd-party source-code from marmotta-splash
[MARMOTTA-420] - Check N&L requirements for the sesame-json-parser
[MARMOTTA-425] - Check L&N requirements for FreebaseFixit.java
[MARMOTTA-440] - Implement the initial LDP service stubs
[MARMOTTA-462] - Support LDP Client Interaction Model
[MARMOTTA-470] - Check L&N requirements for the new caching infrastructure
[MARMOTTA-477] - Check the L&N requirements for the squebi webjar
[MARMOTTA-480] - Clarify if we can include the LDP Test Cases data
[MARMOTTA-168] - listVersions() seems not to work for urn: resources
[MARMOTTA-199] - uninstaller.jar is invalid or corrupt
[MARMOTTA-248] - Prefixes with some special character are not registered
[MARMOTTA-257] - system-config.properties file is reset on not clean shutdowns
[MARMOTTA-294] - Already existed directories are not registered at boot time
[MARMOTTA-295] - Already existed files are not imported at boot time
[MARMOTTA-314] - getGraph is returning wrong datatype
[MARMOTTA-317] - module description in installer is not properly formatted
[MARMOTTA-322] - Construct queries return mime type of application/sparql-results+xml
[MARMOTTA-323] - Splash Screen of version 3.1.0-incubating shows version 3.0.0
[MARMOTTA-324] - Create random IDs for database primary keys
[MARMOTTA-330] - "Data View" in platform-core results in HTTP 415 errors
[MARMOTTA-339] - ldpath-backend-linkeddata deploys tar.gz and zip to maven repository
[MARMOTTA-347] - site-build fails because of the marmotta-reactor being not deployed
[MARMOTTA-348] - cleanup managed dependencies in parent-pom
[MARMOTTA-349] - BeanManager not setup correctly
[MARMOTTA-357] - Login widget broken
[MARMOTTA-358] - Configuration Interface: boolean option not saved properly
[MARMOTTA-360] - Text Selection does not work properly in Code Mirror (Sparql and LDPath)
[MARMOTTA-362] - Versions are not listed on the webpage
[MARMOTTA-368] - Configuration user interface unusable: cannot save any value
[MARMOTTA-379] - SPARQL Query Interface HTML Error
[MARMOTTA-382] - SPARQL Query Interface results file extension
[MARMOTTA-392] - Many paths in our launchers are os-dependant
[MARMOTTA-393] - ClassCastException when loading Literal thats stored as a URI
[MARMOTTA-395] - Fix/update archetypes
[MARMOTTA-398] - LDPath Query Editor style issue
[MARMOTTA-401] - Cache keys for triples with literal nodes are not created correctly
[MARMOTTA-402] - KiWiConnection#loadLiteral(double) is synchronized
[MARMOTTA-404] - load.triple SQL Statement only selects for inferred triples
[MARMOTTA-405] - The SPARQL query crashes with https resources
[MARMOTTA-407] - Wrong path to jquery webjar in user profile
[MARMOTTA-410] - KiWi not initialized without network
[MARMOTTA-412] - Infinispan has transitive LGPL dependency
[MARMOTTA-426] - Sparql Update POST urlencoded expects wrong parameter
[MARMOTTA-434] - fix rebel.xml generation
[MARMOTTA-441] - Automatically reconnect to the database
[MARMOTTA-445] - The ContextAwareSesameConnectionBackend for Sesame does not apply the parsed contexts
[MARMOTTA-447] - Marmotta web app doesn't load properly on Fedora(17)/Google Chrome(29.0.1547.57 beta)
[MARMOTTA-451] - "Core module" webpage is empty
[MARMOTTA-455] - "SPARQL" webpage is empty
[MARMOTTA-466] - CDI injection of error handling does not work in the embedded Marmotta
[MARMOTTA-472] - Error in the deb-package build process
[MARMOTTA-476] - Clean-Up the multiple LICENSE and NOTICE files in the source
[MARMOTTA-482] - Allow to customize the error template
[MARMOTTA-483] - admin template cannot be found: WELD-000049
[MARMOTTA-142] - LDPath Query Editor should be improved
[MARMOTTA-182] - Provide marmotta-themed error pages
[MARMOTTA-238] - Improve the error handling at the Web Services
[MARMOTTA-239] - Improve the information/features at the contexts' panels
[MARMOTTA-245] - Possible solutions for improving triple store's storage and retrieve performance.
[MARMOTTA-259] - Implement SPARQL 1.1 service description
[MARMOTTA-296] - Support compressed files in the local import
[MARMOTTA-325] - Support arbitrary Tuple and Boolean results formats
[MARMOTTA-346] - update admin-ui for marmotta-reasoner-kiwi to use the skwrl-mode for codemirror
[MARMOTTA-354] - Marmotta Cloud: Zookeeper Integration
[MARMOTTA-364] - kiwi-contextaware should allow multiple 'read' contexts.
[MARMOTTA-365] - rename module kiwi-tripletable to sesame-tripletable
[MARMOTTA-366] - rename module kiwi-transactions to sesame-transactions (or similar)
[MARMOTTA-376] - Allow a directory as input for the KiWi loader
[MARMOTTA-378] - Unavailable content
[MARMOTTA-380] - DataView loading progress
[MARMOTTA-381] - KiWi Console blocked
[MARMOTTA-384] - DataView visualization improvement
[MARMOTTA-385] - Inconsistent feedback
[MARMOTTA-386] - Inconsistent interface representation
[MARMOTTA-403] - Add default value to dataview graphics
[MARMOTTA-413] - Make default context configurable
[MARMOTTA-415] - SPARQL: create fulltext indexes in parallel
[MARMOTTA-418] - Improve LDCache API
[MARMOTTA-422] - Move backends bundling to profiles in the webapp launcher
[MARMOTTA-423] - Freebase returns wrong data
[MARMOTTA-431] - Provide a Debian package
[MARMOTTA-433] - Upgrade sgvizler to 0.6
[MARMOTTA-446] - Support parsing the includeInferred switch to the Sesame RDFBackends
[MARMOTTA-450] - Modularize Caching Infrastructure
[MARMOTTA-467] - Remove sgvizler dependency from marmotta-core (Data Views)
New Feature
[MARMOTTA-189] - Add versions graphical timeline
[MARMOTTA-223] - add ldpath function to resolve HTML/XML entities
[MARMOTTA-310] - Create kiwi-loader module
[MARMOTTA-356] - Deploy HTML templates in the home folder
[MARMOTTA-409] - jsonp-Support for Marmotta Webservices
[MARMOTTA-481] - Include the LDP module in the default launchers
[MARMOTTA-24] - Start a draft implementation of LDP
[MARMOTTA-85] - Allow modular triple store backend packaging
[MARMOTTA-86] - Implement marmotta-backend-memory
[MARMOTTA-87] - Implement marmotta-backend-native
[MARMOTTA-271] - Upgrade Jackson to 2.2.2
[MARMOTTA-308] - Upgrade Guava to 15.0.x
[MARMOTTA-315] - Provide documentation about the module system
[MARMOTTA-316] - Add our new committers to the installer welcome screen
[MARMOTTA-321] - update/cleanup the entries in the LICENSE file for "Apache Marmotta code subcomponents"
[MARMOTTA-345] - Refactor the local file import
[MARMOTTA-363] - rename module kiwi-contextaware to sesame-contextaware
[MARMOTTA-397] - Find an appropriate, unique naming scheme for the sesame tools
[MARMOTTA-437] - RDFFormat.forFileName / forMIMEType will be deprecated in Sesame 2.8
[MARMOTTA-443] - Clean the remains of ehcache
[MARMOTTA-448] - Move sesame-vocabularies into a separate module
[MARMOTTA-468] - remove the sgvizler webjar module
[MARMOTTA-475] - remove the snorql source
[MARMOTTA-487] - Create LDP page
[MARMOTTA-488] - Update the site for 3.2.0
[MARMOTTA-67] - Implement a mechanism for the promotion of a resource to context
[MARMOTTA-318] - provide a start-script for the platform within the installer
[MARMOTTA-351] - Implement SPARQL full-text search extensions
[MARMOTTA-352] - Implement RDFHandler for bulk imports
Apache Marmotta 项目的目的是提供 Linked Data Platform 的开源实现,可让组织轻松的使用、扩展和发布 Linked Data 或者构建基于 Linked Data 的应用。