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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-26 阅读:



Ⅴ. 单词分类:将与所给单词相同类的单词的标号填在相应横线上。其中有一个不属于任何一项。(每题1分,共10分)

worker:______   _____    ______   _____

school:_______  ______   _______

happy:_______  ______   _______

Ⅵ. 看图选短语,将其标号写在相应的括号内,(每题1分,共10分)

1.(     )   2.(     )   3.(     )    4.(     )   5.(     )

6. (    )    7.(    )    8.(    )     9.(    )     10.(    )

Ⅶ. 单项选择。(每题2分,共10分)

(     ) 1. ________he live in the country?

A. Do      B. Does   C. Is

(     ) 2. My brother likes __________word puzzles.

A. doing  B. doe         C. do

(     ) 3. I_______ a book tomorrow.

A. buy   B. am going to buy  C. buys

(     ) 4. My pen pal goes to school_________ foot.

A. by a   B. on   C. by

(     ) 5. Mike _________home at 5:30 every day.

A. go   B. went    C. goes

(     )6. Her father works in a factory. He is a_____

A. postman    B. worker      C. pilot

(     ) 7. -------What does he________?

-------He is a doctor.

A. do      B. does           C. work

(     ) 8. How can I ____________there?

A. get to     B. gets       C. get

(     ) 9.------Where is the restaurant?

------It’s ________ to the museum.

A. next     B. beside   C. behind

(     ) 10. ------__________do you go to school?

------On foot.

A. What    B. Where        C. How

Ⅷ. 选词填空:用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每题2分,共10分)

John is my friend. He ________  from Australia. He goes to school on foot. He likes sports. He likes________  storybooks. On Sundays, he and I go to a bookstore. We often________the No. 6 bus there. The bookstore is next to a bus stop. His father is a doctor. He ________ in a hospital. John is going to Hong Kong  _______(跟……)his father this Friday.


(    )1. ------_________________________________

------I feel worried.

(     )2. ------- What is your hobby?


(     )3. ------ _______________________________

------ I go there by subway.

(     )4. ------ What do you want to be?


(     )5. ------ What are you going to do tomorrow?


Ⅹ. 阅读理解:认真阅读下列音乐剧门票,选择填空(每题1分,共5分)。

(     )1. When will you go to see the musical?

A. On Friday   B. In November C. In 2014

(     )2. How much is the ticket(票)?

A. 10          B. 2         C. 880

(     )3. Which row can you sit?

A. the third  B. the second  C. the tenth

(     )4. What time does the musical begin?

A. at 7:30p.m     B. at 7:30a.m

C. In the morning

(     )5. Where will you go to see the show?

A. Cinema        B. Bona Theatre



