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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-12 阅读:



一、 Read and write


(1)m ________            (2)n ________________         (3)o______________      (4)q ________________


(1)___ P _____             (2)______ n_________         (3)________ o_______   (4)_______ I ________

二、Look and circle(圈出正确的单词)(共20分)

1、I see an                     A.    cow       B. hen

2、Draw a   on the board.       A.    sheep     B. duck

3、I hear the  .                 A.    rabbit     B. pig

4、I like the                    A.    monkey    B. panda

5、Look at the                 A.    panda      B. tiger

三、Read and circle(圈出不同类的单词)(共30分)

1. hen        duck         hear                   2.  see           sheep              pig

3. draw       paper        ground                 4.  cow          milk               juice

5. see         hear         on                     6.  sheep         nose               hand

7. horse       bear         big                    8.  monkey       panda              pencil

9. brown     big          small                  10.  come          go                 here

四、Look, read and tick.(在正确的句子后面打√)(共15分)

1、       2、          3、           4、                5、

1. Look at the elephant. It’s big and white. (      )

Look at the bear. It’s big and brown.   (       )

2. Come here, Spotty. (         )

Go there, Spotty.  (         )

3. Look at the animal. It is white and black. (         )

Look at the animal. It has a long nose.   (         )

4. Draw the cow on the paper. (         )

Draw the duck on the ground. (       )

5. Look at it. It is white. It has two red eyes. (        )

Look at it. It is white. It has two short ears. (       )

五、Look , read and choose.(朗读,选择正确句子)(共15分)

1. (     )梅,回来!   A. May, come here.      B. May, come back.

2. (     )看那只熊猫。它是黑白相间的。

A. Look at the panda. It’s black and brown.       B. Look at the panda. It’s black and white.

3. (     )看那只猴子,我喜欢它。

A. Look at the monkey. I see it.   B. Look at the monkey. I like it.

4. (     )我听到了一头猪的声音。    A. I see a pig.                   B. I hear a pig.

5. (     )你听到了什么?

A. What do you hear?             B. What do you see?


