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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-16 阅读:


Part 1  Listening听力部分 40%


1. (   )A. l B. m 2. (   )A. ch B. mn

3. (   )A. opq B. tme 4. (   )A.LIM B. CWP

5. (   ) A. boy B. bag 6. (   )A. fox B. box

7. (   )A. flower B.  face 8. (   )A. hair B. chair

9. (   )A. hippo B. hop 10. (  )A. moon B. spoon

二、 听录音,圈出听到的图片,圈在答案的字母代号上:10%

1. A


(     ) 1.  A. I can see a bee.      B. I can see a moon.

(     ) 2.  A. Your eyes are big.           B. My eyes are big.

(     ) 3.  A. I’m a rabbit . I can hop.

B. I’m a monkey. I can swing.

(     ) 4.  A. Don’t pick the flowers.         B. Look at the flowers.

(     ) 5.  A. Put the bag in the box.

B. Put the book in the bag.


1.           2.           3.               4.           5.

(    )        (    )        (    )        (    )        (    )


(      ) 1. A. There is one plate.          B. There are five bowls.

(      ) 2. A. No, I can’t.               B. Yes, I can.

(      ) 3. A. I’m sorry.                B. Yes, please.

(      ) 4. A. He can sing.              B. She can dance.

(      ) 5. A. She’s Sally.               B. He’s Jim.

Part II: Writing    阅读部分  60%

一、Copy the letters and words.(正确抄写下列字母和单词)8%

Q     b        w         H         van         elephant

二、 Look and write. (写出下列字母的左右邻居。)12%

1. _____ c______    2._____ J______    3. p______  ______

4. _____  _____Z   5. Ss_____  ______  6. ______ Mm_____

三、Choose the different word.(选出不同类的单词,将其编号写在前面的括号内。)  10%

(   )1. A. pear B. father C. mother D. sister

(   )2. A. rabbit B. zebra C. lion D. banana

(   )3. A. bowl B. soup C. plate D. spoon

(   )4. A. slide B. star C. moon D. sun

(   )5. A. run B. swim C. seesaw D. write

四、Read and tick.(看图,选出符合图意的句子,将其编号写在前面的括号内。)   10%

1. (  )

A. Good morning.

B. Good night.

2. (  )

A. Supergirl can swim.

B. Supergirl can swing.

3. (  )

A. Look at the hippo. It likes grass.

B. Look at the hippo. It likes meat.

4. (  )

A. I can see a seesaw.

B. I can see a slide.

5. (  )   A. Put the books on the desk.

B. Put the books in the bag.

五、Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案。)  10%

(     ) 1. What colour is the moon ? It’s __________

A. yellow              B. blue

(     ) 2. How many ________?  There are two kites .

A. kites               B. cats

(     ) 3. My hair _____ short.  My eyes ______ big.

A. is…are             B. are…is

(     ) 4.      the bag on the chair.

A. Put                  B. Give

(     ) 5. Look at the fox. It likes _______.

A. meat                B. grass

(     ) 6. Chopsticks?  No, _______.

A. please.               B. thanks

(     ) 7. I am big. You are _______.

A. seven                B. small

(     ) 8. Who is he?       ’s my grandfather.

A. He                   B. She

(     ) 9. Can you see the ______ in the morning? Yes.

A. sun                  B. moon

(     ) 10. ________ !  I’m coming.

A. Dinner is ready         B. Who are you

六、Read and choose.(根据情景选择合适的句子) 10%

(     ) 1. 你想问对方会不会游泳,你问:

A. Can you swim?

B. I can swim.

(     ) 2. 告诉别人不要摘花,你说:

A. Don’t pick the flowers.

B. Don’t cut the flowers.

(     )3. 你想问别人看不看的到月亮,你问:

A. Can you see the stars?

B. Can you see the moon?

(     ) 4. 妈妈让你把笔放进铅笔盒里,你回答说:

A. Put the pencil in the bag.

B. All right.

(     ) 5. 你给Alice她一个碗,你说:

A. Give me a bowl, please.

Here you are.


