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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-24 阅读:




1. chopsticks             胜利者

2. winner                饥饿的

3. hungry                哭

4. quiet                  筷子

5. cry                    安静是


(    )1. A. run           B. basketball        C. jump

(    )2. A. slow          B. fast               C. fly

(    )3. A. noodles       B. can               C. dumplings

(    )4. A. swim          B. fish               C. bird

(    )5. A. sing           B. dance             C. plane


(    )1. -Do you use chopsticks in the UK?

-No, ___________.

A. we don’t          B.I do         C. we do

(    )2. We __________ a knife and fork.

A. do               B. has          C. use

(    )3. The noodles _________ good.

A. am              B. is             C. are

(    )4. It’s easy __________ English people.

A.for            B.to            C.with

(    )5. _______you want a hamburger?

A.Do          B.are         C.Is

(    )6. We’re making __________ cake for you.

A.a              B.an            C. /

(    )7. Please ___________!

A.to stop         B.stopping      C.stop

(    )8. Let’s make a cake ________ Mum and Dad!

A.to             B.for            C.with

(    )9. Please _______ quiet! I’m working.

A.be            B.do             C.use

(    )10. We’re ________ a plane.

A.make          B.to make       C.making


(    )1. Do you want noodles?         A. 你正在吃什么?

(    )2. What are you eating?          B. 你想要面条吗?

(    )3. Good idea.                   C. Amy正在弹钢琴。

(    )4. Amy’s playing the piano.      D. 让我们喂鸭子吧。

(    )5. Let’s feed the ducks.          E. 好主意。


(    )1. 当你想表达“它们很淘气”时,应说:________

A. They’re lovely.        B. They’re naughty.

(    )2. 当你想表达“它们正藏在树下”时,应说:_________

A. They are hiding the tree.

B. They are hiding under the tree.

(    )3. 当你想表达“这些是纸花”时,应说:___________

A. This is paper flowers.       B. These are paper flowers.

(    )4. 当你想表达“鸭子们正在往这边来”时,应说:__________

A. The ducks are come now.    B. The ducks are coming now.

(    )5. 当你想知道那些是什么时,应问:________

A. What are those?             B. What is that?


A.watching TV     B.getting up       C.playing football

D.reading books    D.making a cake

1. I am ________________(读书).

2. He is ________________(踢足球).

3. They are _______________(看电视).

4. My mum is ______________(做蛋糕).

5. She is __________________(起床).


(    )1. What are you eating?          A. Yes, I am.

(    )2. We don’t use chopsticks.       B. Yes, please.

(    )3. Do you want noodles?         C. No, he doesn’t.

(    )4. Are you eating a hamburger?   D. But we use a knife and fork.

(    )5. Does he use chopsticks in the UK?   E. I’m eating grass.


(    )1. -Do you want chips?

- Yes, please.

(    )2. -Do you use a knife and fork?

- Yes, I do.

(    )3. - Do you want rice?

- Yes, please.

(    )4. - What is he doing?

- He’s eating a hamburger.

(    )5. - What is she doing?

-  She’s using chopsticks.


Daming: What are you eating?

Amy: I’m eating hamburgers and chips. It’s English fast food.

Daming: I like noodles. It’s Chinese fast food.

Oh, you are not using a knife and fork.

Amy: No, I’m using my hands(手).


(    )1. Daming is eating hamburgers and chips.

(    )2. Hamburgers and chips are English fast food.

(    )3. Daming likes noodles.

(    )4. Noodles are Chinese fast food.

(    )5. Amy is using a knife and fork.


