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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-11 阅读:

期中考试复习的时候需要同学们明确考试重点,将考试基础知识与重点知识从头到尾梳理一遍,另外还需要做一些题。常梦网小学频道为大家准备了2015年11月三年级英语第一学期期中卷 ,希望对同学们有所帮助 。



(      )1. A. morning      B. afternoon       C. hello

(      )2. A. yes          B. no             C. good

(      )3. A. Miss         B. Su Hai         C. Yang Ling

(      )4. A. are          B. am             C. yes

(      )5. A. Mike        B. hello           C. Liu Tao


1. I’m Liu Tao.          ________   2. Hi, Mike.            _____________

3. See you next time.                 4. Are you Wang Bing?        _______

5. No, I’m not.                      6. Good evening.         ____________

7. Good afternoon.                   8. Hi, I’m Su hai.           ______

9. Good morning, class.               10. This is Miss Zhang

11.He’s my friend, too.____________   12. She’s my sister.____________________


(      )1. Are you Mike?              A. Yes , I’m Su Hai.

(      )2. Good  afternoon , Liu Tao.    B. See you..

(      )3. Hello , Sam.                C. Goodbye , Yang Ling.

(      )4. Goodbye.                  D. No , I’m not.

(      )5. Are you Su Hai ?            E. Good afternoon.

(      )6. Good morning , class.        F. Good morning , Miss Li.

(      )7 See you next time.           G. Hi, Liu Tao..

(      )8 He’s Liu Tao, my friend..      H. Hello , Bobby..

四、 选择。

(    ) 1. This______ Bobby. He’s my friend.

A. am            B. is             C. are

(    ) 2. --See you, Miss Li.    -- _________.

A. Goodbye           B. Hello           C. See you.

(    ) 3. Tim is my ________ .

A. sister              B. brother          C.father

(    ) 4. Hello, I _____ Alice.

A. am                B. is              C. are

(    ) 5. —________, Joe.

—Good morning, Liu Tao.

A. Good morning      B. Good afternoon   C. Goodbye

(    ) 6. — Is he your father?  —__________

A. No, she isn’t.        B. Yes, she is.      C. Yes, he is.

(    ) 7. This is my _____.

A. family      B. he       C.she

(    )8.This is John. _______ my friend.

A.  He          B. He’s         C. She’s

(    )9.Goodbye,Miss Li.______ Mike.

A. Good morning    B. Goodbye      C. Good afternoon

(    )10. This ______ Liu Tao. He’s my brother.

A. am            B. is            C. are

(    )11. See you,Sam!    ________.

A.见到你,萨姆!       B.再见,萨姆!

(    )12. Mike想介绍Liu Tao给爸爸认识, 他怎么说   (     )

A. He’s Liu Tao. He’s my good friend.

B. She’s Liu Tao. She’s my good friend.

(    )13. Mike想告诉妈妈Yang Ling和Liu Tao都是他的朋友,可以说: (     )

A. Yang Ling and Liu Tao are my friend.

B. Yang Ling and Liu Tao are my friends.


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Kk                Hh               m                Jj


A.  Good evening ,Uncle Wang.              B.  Hi, Mike.

C.  Nice to meet you, too.                  D.  Hello,Wang Bing.

E.  Good evening. Nice to meet you.

F.  This is my father.



A. Good morning, Tom.  B. No, I’m not. I’m Su Hai.  C. Hello, Mike.         D This is my friend, Liu Tao.     E Goodbye, Miss Li.

1. — Are you Yang Ling?         — _________________ .

2. — Hello, John.               —  __________________

3. — __________________       — Goodbye, class.

4. — __________________       — Good morning, Su Hai.

5. — _____________________    — Hello, Liu Tao.


