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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-11 阅读:




(   ) 1. I’m thirsty,I want to eat  a_________.

A. candy     B. water    C. watermelon

(   ) 2. Yesterday Daming _______his  fingers.

A. cutted  B. cutting   C.cut

(   ) 3. Wash your hands________you eat.

A.after       B.during    C. before

(   ) 4.  Did  you ___________my  black  bike?

A. saw    B. seed   C. see

(   ) 5. ______did  you go yesterday?

A. When      B. What    C. Where

(   ) 6. Amy fell  over. She ______her  fingers.

A. hurted      B. hurt   C. hurting

(   ) 7.Yesterday Lingling __________.

A.go  skate     B. went skate    C. went  skating

(   ) 8. Daming  saw lots of ___________.

A. mouses   B. mice  C. mouse

(   ) 9.  I  looked  for my  key,but I  didn’t ______it.

A.found    B. find     C. finded

(   ) 10.  On 1st of October is _________.

A.Teacher’s Day   B. Children’s  Day   C. National  Day

Ⅵ. 根据所给语境,选择恰当的单词填空。(每题2分,共10分)

1. Did   you _____it  in your  bag?

2, It  didn’t  become _______.

3. Bob  took  my  milk________.

4. This  girl ____the  gold  cup.

5. I  fell   over ,but  I  didn’t   hurt _________.

Ⅶ. 情景反应。(每题2分,共10分)

(   ) 1、What happened to you ?        A、No, I didn’t.

(   ) 2、Did you phone Grandma ?      B、I fell over. I hurt my leg.

(   ) 3、Where did you go yesterday?    C、They came last Wednesday.

(   ) 4、When did they come?          D、I went to the park.



B:I’ve  got  a  cold.


B I  played  computer  games.


BAll right. Thank you very much.


1. What  did  you  do  yesterday?

2.What   happened   to  you?

3.Take  this  medcine ,drink a lot  of  water  and  do  some  exercise.

4 You’re welcome.


The bad  man  was  very angry. The magic paintbrush didn’t help him.It only helped Maliang. He took Maliang away. “I want a big ship” said  the bad man.”You paint it”.So Maliang painted a ship.Then the ship became real. The bad man wen to sea in the ship.But he didn’t come back.

(     ) 1. Malinag  had  a  magic paintbrush.

(     ) 2. The  bad  man  wanted  a  big  ship.

(     ) 3. The bad man didn’t take Maliang away.

(     ) 4. The magic paintbrush only the bad man.

(     ) 5. At last  the bad  man   died(死)。


