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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-16 阅读:



一、写出下列单词的现在分词,并写出它们的中文意思。 10分

1. read      (      )  2. write        (      ) 3. eat      (     )      4. have           (    )

5. swim       (     )  6.get         (      ) 7.play      (      )      8.throw         (     )

9. run            (      )      10.sing            (       )

二、补全单词,并写出它们的汉语意思。 18分

1.h  bb    (       )        2.c  ll  ct  (       )             3. r  ller-bl  ding (        )

4. s  tr    (        )       5. m  th  (         )              6. cl  ss (        )

7. m  s  c (       )        8. st  ck    (         )            9. t  met  ble (        )

10.Ch  n  s  (       )     11.r  in c  at  (      )         12.sw   t  (      )

13. h   d (      )       14. s  ft      (      )          15. t    th  (      )

16. n  t  (      )        17. j  ll    (       )           18. ice-cr   m (       )


(  )1. A. bed        B. school         C. home

(  )2. A. three       B. there           C. eight

(  )3. A. Chinese    B. math           C. China

(  )4. A. music      B. English         C. class

(  )5. A. hobby     B.roller-blading    C. cycling

(  )6 A. book      B. nut  C. jelly  D. sweet

(  )7. A. hard     B. soft    C. box    D. small

(  )8. A. teeth    B. tooth   C. T-shirt   D. coat

(  )9. A. yellow   B. red    C. nice     D. blue

(  )10. A. which    B. what   C. where  D. here

四、写出下列短语的汉语意思. 10分。

1. have breakfast                    2. have English                      3 . go to school

4. go to bed go home                 5. do my homework                  6. watch TV

7. half past eleven                   8. lunch break                       9. take the school bus

10. read stories                      11. 6:00                        12、7:10


(   )1.---Do you have       hobbies?  --- I like       A. any, writeing   B.any, writing  C. some, write

(   )2. ---What hobbies    Tony have ? --He    roller-blading.  A. Do, likes  B. does, likes  C. does, like

(   )3.           is his hobby.   A. Reading         B. Read            C. Reads

(   )4. Can I           you some questions ?     A. ask          B. asks        C. asking

(   )5. I usually get up         half past six.      A.in            B.at          C.to

(   )6. This timetable is           your day.     A.on            B.about        C.for

(   )7.  It's 9:30. It's time            bed.      A.go            B. to go to          C. to go

(   )8. I like music         computer.          A.and           B. or             C. but

(   )9. We  have math         the morning.     A. in             B. on           C.at

(   )10. --    do you have English class?  -At half past ten.   A. What   B. What time  C. What hobbies

(   )11. Which coat do you want, a big one    a      one ?  A. and, small      B. or, small    C. or, thin

(   )12. ---Can I have a rabbit ?   ---          A. Yes, you can’t .    B. Yes, I can.     C. No, you can’t.

(   )13. -     --Of course.  A. What do you like ?  B. What would you like ? C. May I have some noodles?

(   )14. How many are there in the picture ?       A. child             B. children         C. pupil

(   )15.           is the scarf ?   --- It’s fifty yuan.     A. How many     B. How much     C. How

(   )16. Helen likes           very much.       A. read           B. reads         C. reading

(   )17. He         chocolate.                A. want           B. wants         C. wanting

(   )18. ---What       you like ? -- I      a box of sweets.   A. do, like   B. does, likes   C. are, like

(   )19.--- What       Anne like ?  --- She      hard nuts.   A. do, like    B. does, likes    C. is, like

(   )20. Three       like      .             A. pupil, nut       B. teachers, nuts     C. boys, nut


(  )1. What does Mingming like ?                             A. I like roller-blading.

(  )2.What do you want ?                                    B. The short one.

(  )3.What time do you get up ?                               C. A sticker album.

(  )4.What hobbies do you have,Peter?                          D. He likes eating.

(  )5. Which one do you want ?                                E. At half past six.

(  )6. Which one do you want , a thin one or a thick one ?            F. I like lollipops.

(  )7.What do you like ?                                      G . A thick on, please.

(  )8. How much is that cake ?                                 H. OK

(  )9. Look at the picture.                                     I . In the box.

(  )10. Where are my biscuits?                                 J . Thirty yuan.

七、 根据对话内容判断句子正(T)误(  F )。10分。

(Anne and her mother are going shopping.)

M: My dear! These raincoats are nice. Which one do you want, the yellow one or the red one ?

A: I want the red one , Mummy.

M: Ok. We’ll take it.  Do you want to have sweets?

A: Yes, of course.

M: Which one do you want, the hard ones or the soft ones ?

A: The soft ones, please. The hard sweets are bad for my teeth.

M: Yes, you are right.

(   )1. Anne is at home now.

(   )2. The red raincoat is very beautiful.

(   )3.Anne wants the red one.

(   )4. Anne’s mother wants the red one.

(   )5.Anne also wants the soft sweets.


