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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-04-08 阅读:


一、 根据音标写出下列单词。

1. My ______ /`ʌŋkl / is a sports man.

2. How _______ /`strɔŋ/ the man is!

3. I go to school ________ / `evrɪ / day.

4. _______ / `sʌmtaimz /my father goes to the gym on Monday.

5. When do you do morning ______ /`eksəsaiziz/ in the afternoon?

6. I often write a _________ /`letə /in the evening.

7. Do you _______ / `stʌdɪ / English at school?

8. Dad always reads a _______/ `nju:speɪpə /after dinner.


( ) 1. A. cat   B. hat   C. past

( ) 2. A. love   B. duck   C. glass

( ) 3. A. coat   B. kilo   C. bicycle

( ) 4. A. large  B. glad   C. guess

三、 选出最佳答案。

( ) 1. _______ is my favourite colour.

A. Orange B. Apple C. Fishing D. English

( ) 2. I’m thirsty. I want some _________.

A. water B. bread C. toys D. go to bed

( ) 3. Look. Peter _________ in the playground.

A. running B. is runing C. is run D. is running

( ) 4. Look at the lovely cat. It _______ to catch the mice.

A. like B. dislikes C. likes D. dislike

( ) 5. My father _________ at school.

A. teach B. don’t teachC. doesn’t teach D. do teach




