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10Yes 小学五年级英语下册期中模拟检测卷(八)

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-14 阅读:
【-五年级英语试卷】小学五年级英语下册期中模拟检测卷(八) "小学五年级英语下册期中模拟检测卷(八)"一文由小学频道编辑整理,更多精选内容请关注本频道五年级英语试卷栏目!小学五年级英语下册期中模拟检测卷(八)

一、 听读音,选择正确选项,把字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

1. A. beef B. sheef C.dress

2. A. meat B. tea C.weather

3. A. how B.brown C. know

4. A. active B. blank C. tall

5. A.peach B. eat C. bread

6. A. math B. bag C. face

7. A.She‘s quiet . B. She’s kind . C. He‘s quiet .

8. A.Yes , it is . B.Yes , she is . C. Yes , he is ..

9. A. I like potatoes . B. I like potato . C. I’d like potatoes .

10.A. Bananas are my favourite food .

B. Bananas are my favourite fruits .

C. Bananas are my favourite .

二、 听读音,判断对错,对的打√,错的打×。(10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. What would you like for breakfast ?

7. My mother often does housework at home on Sundays .

8. I like fruits .

9. My English teacher is kind .

10.We often watch TV on weekends .


1. A. My English teacher is new . B. He‘s from Canada .

C. He’s very kind.

2. A. It‘s Sunday . B. It’s time to get up . C. It‘s Sunny .

3. A. I often do sports . B. I have music class .

C. I like dancing .

4. A. I like apples. B. Me too . C. Yes , it is .

5. A. Yes, I do . B. No , I am not . C. I like it .

四、 根据读音内容,把对话补充完整。(10分)

1. A: _________ do you have _______ lunch ________Mondays ?

B: We have ___________ and ___________ .

2. A: __________ __________ is it today ?

B: It’s _____________ .

3. A: __________ that __________ lady ?

B: She‘s our math teacher .

五、 听一段话,判断下列句子的对错。(10分)

1. Lily is a student .

2.Lily is funny and thin .

3. Lily has six classes every day .

4.Miss Zhou is Lily’s computer teacher .

5.Lily has fish and tomatoes for lunch on Thursdays .


1. ?

Today is Friday .

2. ?

I like vegetables and fish .

3. ?

Our math teacher is strong and active .

4. ?

I‘d like some apple juice , please .

5. ?

Yes , she is very quiet .


Mike: Hi ! ___________________________________ ?

Sarah: We have P.E. and music on Thursday .

Mike: _______________________________________ ?

Sarah: Yes , I like Thursdays . Because I like music .

Mike: _______________________________________ ?

Sarah: My music teacher is Miss Lin

Mike: ____________________________________ ?

Sarah: We have pork and green beans for dinner on Thursdays .

_______________________________________ ?

Mike: We have beef and tofu . They are tasty .

八、 阅读,选择正确答案,将其编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)

Hello! I’m from England . I‘m new here . I’m a student .I love my teachers . They are very kind . Mr Li is my Chinese teacher . He‘s strong and short . Miss Guo is my math teacher . She is young and pretty . Miss Wu is my favourite teacher . She teaches music . I like Tuesday very much , because we have music class . We often have beef and tomatoes for lunch in the school on Tuesday . Ping-pong is my favourrite sport .

1. The teachers are ________ .

A. quiet B. kind

2._______ is my favourite teacher .

A. Music teacher B. Math teacher

3. What’s Miss Guo like ?

A. She is young and pretty . B. She‘s young and short.

4. What’s my favourite sport ?

A. Ping-pong B. Football

5. Why do I like Tuesdays ?

A. Because we often have beef and potatoes for lunch .

B. Because we have music class


( happy , favourite , eggplant , It‘s , housework , homework , my , boy , pork, They’re , play , football )

Hello, _______ name is Ben . I am a ________ . My __________ day is Sundays . My mother often cooks some __________ and __________ for me . _________ tasty . I often _________ _________ with (和)my father . In the afternoon , I often help my mother do __________ . I am _________ on Sundays .

十、作文:以“My day”为题,根据图片介绍,写出今天星期几,你上什么课,中午吃什么,做了什么活动。 (至少5句话,10分)

