解读五年级上册英语Unit 4复习纲领
要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,常梦网为大家整理了五年级上册英语Unit 4复习纲领,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!
What can you do?
四会单词:cook the meals water the flowers
sweep the floor clean the bedroom
make the bed set the table wash the clothes
do the dishes can’t= can not use a computer
三会单词:empty the trash helpful at home ill wash the windows just do it
do housework put away the clothes
I’d like to= I would like to have a try tobot play chess
四会句子:What can you do?
I can sweep the floor.
I can cook the meals.
I can water the flowers
Can you make the bed?你会铺床吗?
Yes, I can.
Can you use a computer?
No, I can’t. / Sorry, I can’t.
三会句子:I’m helpful./You’re helpful.
Are you helpful at home?Yes./ Sure.
or / O: / short fork horse storm
all / O:l / tall small ball hall fall call
pl / pl / play plane plate place
pr/ pr / pretty prince pride
这就是小编为大家准备的五年级上册英语Unit 4复习纲领,希望可以为大家的学习起到一定作用!