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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-07-20 阅读:



五、火眼金睛 下面每组单词中有一个是不同类的,请选出来,把序号填在题前括号内。(10☆)

(   ) 1. A. kitchen  B. chicken  C. bathroom    D. bedroom

(   ) 2. A. what    B. white    C. where      D. who

(    ) 3. A. table   B. bed   C. chair      D. robot

(    ) 4. A. make    B. wash    C. flat        D. set

(    ) 5. A. chess    B. grass    C. flower    D. forest

六、挑挑选选  单项选择(10☆)

(   ) 1. –Tomorrow is Friday. What day is it today? – It’s _______.

A. Thursday  B. Tuesday   C. Wednesday

(   ) 2. –I like grapes. What __________ you? –Me, too.

A. is         B. are       C. about

(    ) 3. There _______a factory and many buildings in the village.

A. are        B. aren’t     C. is

(    ) 4. There are ________tall buildings in the city.

A. many      B. any       C. a

(    ) 5. There is a nature park ________there.

A. at         B. over      C. in

(    ) 6. He _________a small horse.

A. have   B. has    C. there is

(    ) 7. –_________houses can you see? –Only two.

A. How much  B. How many  C. How

(    ) 8. –Can you set the table? –__________

A. Sure, I can.  B. Yes, I do.  C. No, I don’t.

(    ) 9. –_________ is the nature park? –It’s near the forest.

A. When   B. What   C. Where

(    ) 10. There aren’t _________tall buildings in my village.

A. some   B. any    C. a

A. Yes, it is.

B. It’s near the table.

C. Yes, there is.

D. No, there aren’t..

E. No, I can’t.

七、快乐对对碰 根据问句选答语并把序号填在题前括号内(10☆)

(   ) 1. Can you do the housework?

(   ) 2. Is this your bedroom?

(   ) 3. Where is the trash bin?

(   ) 4. Is there a river in the park?

(   ) 5. Are there any rivers in your village?

八、句子乱糟糟  我能排列好


1.  flowers        I         the        can        water     (.)





2.   grapes        I         like        but       don’t   (.)





3.   bed     can    over    you    what    see    the     (?)





4.  clothes    closet    many     in      are      the      (.)





5.  fish   rivers   there   any    the    are     in         (?)





九、阅读理解 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)并填在题前括号内(10☆)

(     ) 1. I go to school five days in a week.

(     ) 2. We have art and science class on Friday.

(     ) 3. My favorite teacher is tall and pretty.

(     ) 4. I’m very helpful at home.

(     ) 5. There are many ducks in the river.


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