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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-07-23 阅读:


1. You just learned that the US Environmental protection Agency has issue a new regulation for handling toxic waste. It can no longer be put on a cargo ship and dumped offshore, even if the boat is in international waters. You recommend to management that your company, a transportation firm that is hired by industries to dispose of such waste, undertake a project to develop guidelines in response to this regulation. For project management professionals, this recommendation demonstrates the importance of

A. Adhering to legal requirements and ethical standards

B. Continually searching for new and more effective methods of doing your work

C. Using legal requirements as the basis for all project selection decisions

D. The limited time frame in which projects must be completed

1. 你刚得知美国环境保护局颁布了一项处理有毒废料的新条例。有毒废料不能再装在货船上和在近海倾倒,即使船在国际海疆也如此。你们向管理部门建议,你公司,一家处理这类废料的运输公司负责一个项目,根据这一条例制订指导方针。对项目管理专业人士来说,这一建议表明下列哪一项的重要性:

A. 遵守法律要求和道德标准

B. 继续寻找你们新的和更有效的工作方法

C. 利用法律要求作为所有项目选择决定的基础

D. 项目必须完成的有限时间范围

2. Your oldest daughter recently returned from demonstrating at a meeting of the World Trade organization and announced that she is dedicating her life to disrupting major development projects sponsored World Bank. She asserts that these types of projects destroy the environment and enslave the local population to a life of meaningless and degrading work. Your company happens to be bidding on a World Bank project with a requirement to perform an environmental impact study before beginning construction. The requirement to perform such a study represents

A. The impact that demonstrations can have on international affairs

B. A project constraint

C. A factor that needs to be taken into consideration as part of the bid-no bid decision

D. An example of complying with international law

2. 你大女儿在世界贸易组织的一次会议上作了论证后刚返回并宣布她正献身于终止世界银行赞助的一些主要开发项目。她断言这些类型的项目破坏环境,并使当地人民去做毫无意义的和丢脸的工作。你们公司碰巧要对世界银行的一个项目投标,这个项目要求在开始建设前进行环境影响研究。进行这一研究的要求代表

A. 论证会对国际事务产生的影响

B. 项目制约因素

C. 作为投票还是不投票决定的一部分考虑因素

D. 遵守国际法的一个实例

3. You are managing an international advisory team that is preparing a comprehensive set of regulations governing the processing of swordfish into freeze-dried snack food. You often attend professional and scientific meetings with commercial fishing industry representatives to stay abreast of fish processing practices and methods to protect the consumer. At a recent meeting, one of the manufactures presented you with some marketing literature, which included a certificate for smoked Wahoo that you can use throughout the year at any of its fish markets. Although smoked Wahoo is one of your favorites, you are now struggling with whether you should return the certificate. In this situation, you should probably

A. Not accept this gift because it could be interpreted as being for personal gain

B. Determine whether the manufacturer gave the certificate to everyone else attending the meeting and, if so, accept it

C. Accept the gift, and then inform your project sponsor when you return to your job

D. Accept the gift even though it does not conform with the customs of the country in which the international meeting was held

3. 你管理着一个国际咨询团队,目前团队在准备一套关于如何将旗鱼制成冷冻-烘干的小吃食品的流程操作规则。为了保护消费者的利益,你经常同商业捕鱼行业的代表一起参加专业和技术性的会议,以了解到最新的鱼产品加工技术。在最近的一次会议上,一家厂商向你赠送了一些市场营销的书籍其中夹带了一张在一年之内可以用于任何一个渔产品市场的熏制鲅鱼的免费券。尽管你最喜欢吃熏制鲅鱼,但是你还是犹豫是不是应该把这个免费券还回去。在这种情况下,你应该:

A. 不接受这个礼物,因为这可能被说成是你中饱私囊

B. 看一下是不是那厂商给每位出席会议的人都送了这个礼物,如果是这样,那么你就可以接受

C. 接受这个礼物,但回到自己的工作岗位上时要将此事告知项目主管

D. 尽管这可能不符合举办会议所在国家的习惯,但你还是应该收下这个礼物。

4. As you work on your project plan, you want to review your organization’s informal and formal policies. One of your team members gave you a list of possible items to review. Four items are on her list. Which one of the following is not an organizational policy whose effects on the project must be considered?

A. Continuous improvement targets

B. Status meetings

C. Employee performance reviews

D. Time reporting

4. 当你正在制定你的项目计划的时候,你想回顾你的组织机构中正式和非正式的政策和做法。你的一个团队成员给你罗列出了可能需要考虑的问题。她的列表上共有四个条款。下面哪一个组织机构的政策对项目的影响不是必须考虑的?

A. 连续的提高目标

B. 项目进展状况会议

C. 员工工作表现评估

D. 项目所耗费的时间(以小时计)

5. Thinking back to the lessons your company learned form its experiences with its legacy information systems during the Y2K dilemma, you finally convinced management to consider systems maintenance from the beginning of the project. However, regardless of what design considerations are factored into the project, maintenance should

A. Always be included as an activity to be performed during the closeout phase

B. Have a separate phase in the life cycle for information systems projects because 60% to 70% of computer system’ life cycle costs generally are devoted to maintenance

C. Not be viewed as part of the project life cycle

D. Be viewed as a separate project

5. 通过重提你们的公司在千年虫发作期间遗产资料系统的遭遇,你最终说服了公司的管理层在项目一开始就考虑对系统进行维护。然而,除了要考虑系统设计的问题外,系统维护还应该:

A. 在项目收尾段始终要进行的一项工作

B. 系统维护应该在系统开发项目的生命周期中独自占有一段时间,因为计算机系统整个生命成本的60%到70%主要是花在维护系统上

C. 不被算在项目生命周期内

D. 被看作一个独立的项目








【参考答案】 B

2、以下都是分解 WBS的必要活动,除了:




D、编制 WBS词典的详细内容

【参考答案】 D


A、工作包 B、控制帐户 C、资源分解结构 D、帐户编码号码

【参考答案】 C


A、范围核实的输入 B、范围控制的输入

C、范围控制的输出 D、整体变更控制的输出

【参考答案】 C






【参考答案】 B


A、赶工 B、快速跟进 C、加班 D、减少任务估算

【参考答案】 B


A、划拨。B、增加。 C、安排。 D、平衡。

【参考答案】 D

8、某活动在关键路径上,其总浮动时间 :

A、小于 0 B、等于 0 C、小于自由浮动时间 D、大于 0

【参考答案】 B






【参考答案】 A


A、初步范围说明书 B、详细范围说明书

C、工作分解结构 D、工作分解结构词汇表

【参考答案】 A






【参考答案】 B






【参考答案】 A


A、范围规划 B、范围定义 C、范围核实 D、范围控制

【参考答案】 B



【参考答案】 A


A、风险管理。 B、质量控制。C、变更管理。D、范围核实。

【参考答案】 D






【参考答案】 C


A、它是一种计划工具。 B、它是一个面向成果和项目要素分类。

C、它是一组工作包。 D、它是一种进度计划制订方法。

【参考答案】 D

18、在正式范围核查(scope verification)过程中使用的以下工具中何种最有用?

A、项目审查。 B、趋势分析。 C、控制图表。 D、关键路线法。

【参考答案】 A


A、范围规划 B、范围定义 C、范围核实 D、范围控制

【参考答案】 B






【参考答案】 D


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6. Your organization is beginning a new project staffed with a virtual team that is located in five countries worldwide. Based on experience, you recognize that team members in a matrix environment sometimes will be more responsive to their functional managers than to you, their project manager. Anticipating these problems, you decide to prepare a

A. Memo to team members informing them that they work for you now

B. Project charter

C. Memo to the functional managers informing them that you have authority to direct their employees

D. Human resource management plan

6. 你是一个项目的经理,管理着一个分布于全世界5个不同国家的虚拟团队。根据以住的经验,你知道:这些团队成员对他们的职能经理的要求回应得要比对你的回应要积极得多。考虑到这个问题,你决定要准备一个_____以提醒他们你有权支配他们的员工。

A. 针对团队成员的备忘录,以提醒他们现在是为项目经理工作

B. 项目章程

C. 针对职能经理的备忘录

D. 人力资源管理计划

7. You are employed by a federal agency and are managing a 3-year project with a ¥3 million budget. If project requirements change, you expect additional funds to become available toward the end of each fiscal year. You may use these funds for your project. You decide to establish a cost change control system to

A. Define when to add contingency funds to the project

B. Define the procedures by which the cost baseline may be changed

C. Determine why a cost variance has occurred

D. Determine whether a budget update is required

7. 你受雇于一个政府机构来管理一个为期3年、预算达300万美元的项目。如果项目有变更需求,你就需要在每个财政年度的年底有更多的资金注入。你可以在你的项目中使用这些资金。你决定要建立一个成本变更控制系统,这样做的目的是

A. 明确什么时候向项目添加应急资金

B. 明确定义变更成本基线的程序

C. 判断成本变动发生的原因

D. 判断是否需要修改预算

8. You must consider direct costs, indirect costs, overhead costs’, and general and administrative costs during cost estimating. Which of the following is not an example of a direct cost?

A. Salary of the project manager

B. Subcontractor expenses

C. Materials used by the project

D. Electricity

8. 在成本估计中你必须考虑直接成本、间接成本、营业费用、总成本以及管理成本。下面哪一个不是直接成本的例子?

A. 项目经理的薪水

B. 转包商费用

C. 项目所使用的原料

D. 电力

9.The purpose of the Taguchi method is to

A. Manage the flow of material for better visibility and control

B. Use statistical techniques to compute a “loss function” to determine the cost of producing products that fall to achieve a target value

C. Design, group, and manage production operations as self-contained flexible cells capable of start-to-finish processing of a family of items

D. Regulate coordination and communication among process stages

9. Taguchi 质量管理方法的目的是:

A. 对物资流程进行更好的管理以增加其透明度和可控性

B. 运用技术计算损失函数,以确定没有达到目标价值的产品所耗费的成本

C. 使得生产活动作为独立和灵活的能够自始至终处理一系列项目组成成份,而Taguchi 方法则对这些生产操作设计,分组和管理。

D. 对流程各阶段进行协调和沟通

10. You are managing a virtual team. Your team members all work in different geographic locations and will meet face-to-face only once or twice. The project has been under way for several months, and you have a strong feeling that your tem members do not view themselves as a team or unified group, to help rectify this situation, you should

A. Ensure that every member of the project team uses e –mail as a form of communication

B. Mandate that the team follow the vision and mission statement of his or her organization

C. Create symbols and structures that solidify the unity of dispersed work group

D. Provide team members with the latest in communications technology and mandate its use

10. 你正在管理一个虚拟团队。你的团队成员都分布在不同的地方工作,而且只能碰一两次面。这个项目已经启动有几个月了,你强烈地感觉到这些成员并没有把他们视为了整体的团队。为了改善这种情况,你应该:

A. 确保每个项目团队的成员都使用电子邮件进行沟通

B. 命令团队成员要服从组织的安排和命令

C. 创造项目团队标识来增进团队的凝聚力

D. 通过沟通向团队成员提供最新的技术和指令





1. Quality seems to be your company motto. First the company obtained certification under IS0 9000. Now the CE0 wants to win the Malcolm Award. Each project has a quality statement that is consistent with the organization’s vision and mission. Both internal and external quality assurance is provided on all projects to

A. Provide confidence that the project will satisfy relevant quality standards

B. Monitor specific project results to note whether they comply with relevant quality standards

C. Identify ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results

D. Use inspection to keep errors out of the process

1. 高质量似乎是你的公司的信条。首先公司获得了IS09000质量体系认证。每个项目都有一个与组织的目标和任务一致的质量说明。对于每个项目都需要进行内部和外部的质量保证,以:

A. 保证项目满足有关的质量标准

B. 监控特定的项目成果,以确定它们是否符合相关质量标准

C. 找到消除造成不良后果的因素的方法

D. 通过质量检查以排除项目流程的错误

2. Your project team is working to design and manufacture a “smart zipper” that never jams. You established a project. You recognize that some rework may be necessary. The term rework, however, is not used in your organization. You explain that rework is

A. Acceptable under certain circumstances

B. An adjustment made that is based on quality control measurements

C. Action taken to bring a nonconforming item into compliance

D. Not a concern if errors are detected early

2. 你们的项目团队正在从事设计和制造一种永远不会被卡住的“轻巧型拉链”。你建立了一个质量管理系统并在整个项目过程中同时实施质量保证和质量控制。你发现某些工作有必要进行返工。然而,在你们公司中从来没有人在工作上“返工”。你应该如何解释“返工”?

A. 在一定情况下是可以接受的

B. 是基于质量控制衡量做出的一种调整措施

C. 修改一些不符合要求的产品以便它们达到预定的要求

D. 如果能够及早地发现这些就不用重来一遍了

3. You have been assigned as project manager on what could be a “bet the company” project. If the project is successful, management will be carrying you around on a sedan chair, I fit fails. You will be in the unemployment line. You realize that to be successful you need to exercise maximum control over project resources.

Which form of project organization should you establish for this project?

A. Strong matrix

B. Projectized

C. Project coordinator

D. Weak matrix

3. 你负责管理一个项目,这个项目对你来说是成败在此一举。如果项目成功了,那么你的前途无量;如果项目失败了,那么你就要被炒鱿鱼。你意识到:为了使项目成功,你必须对项目资源具有最大程度的控制。那么你预备建立哪一种项目组织形式来达到你的目的

A. 紧密型矩阵

B. 项目型

C. 项目协调人

D. 松散型矩阵

4. Which of the following is a group rule for project team building?

A. Do frequent performance appraisals.

B. Ensure that each team member reports to this or her functional manager in addition to the project manager.

C. Start early.

D. Try to solve team political problems.

4. 以下哪一项是项目小组建设的基本原则:

A. 进行经常性的绩效评估

B. 保证每个团队成员向他的职能经理和项目经理报告工作

C. 尽早开始团队建设

D. 尽力解决团队的政治问题

5. International activities and diverse stakeholders are a part of more projects than ever. Because the objectives of time, cost and performance may be interpreted differently for these types of projects, kickoff meetings (even those conducted electronically) are especially important. All the following are objectives of the kickoff meeting except

A. Establishing working relationships and standard formats for global communication

B. Reviewing project plans

C. Establishing individual and group responsibilities and accountabilities

D. Discussing specific legal issues regarding the contract

5. 现在的项目比以往的项目牵扯到更多的国际合作和形形色色的干系人。因此,如果没有在项目进行之前统一大家的理解,那么对项目的时间、成本和业绩方面的目标可能会出现各种各样的解释,所以项目动员大会是非常重要的(即使是通过多媒体的形式召开的动员大会也是具有重要的意义)。下列各项中,哪一项不属于动员大会的目标?





