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New Year's Day

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-10 阅读:

New Year's Day

Tomorrow is New Year’s Day. Are you exciting about it? I am. 2012 flew by. We have a new beginning now.

First in the New Year’s day, I have some new things: Clothes, shoes···People always want to something new. They think: If the things change new, they will have good luck in the New Year. And I am so glad to tell you another good news that I was born in Jan eleven years ago. My birthday is coming.

We can do many things in the New Year’s holiday. For example, I can study and review my lessons because this term is coming to over. I can go outside after the snowy, the air is fresh. I can breath deeply. I also can do some exercises and sports. It’s good for my health. I used to go outside because my eyesight isn’t good now, when I do exercises, my eyes can have a rest. And I can read books. I love reading books. It’s the most important reason that I love the holiday.

I think I am too lazy in 2012, but it’s just only a memory. Tomorrow is a new time, it’s a new start. Yes, I believe I can do my best in the New Year.


