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高二英语作文:A Snowfall

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-22 阅读:

高二英语作文:A Snowfall

It was about 6:00 in the morning. Snowflakes began to fall from the grey sky, dancing in the wind. Some fell on the ground; some flew into the lake and disappeared; some hid in people’s hair and clothes.

Soon the ground became a white soft carpet. The tall trees covered with snow looked like Christmas trees. The whole world looked beautiful and peaceful.

Children came out of their houses and began to play with snow. Some of them made a pretty snowman. They laughed and shouted, making a sea of happiness.

Looking at all of it, I suddenly became so refreshed and began to realize :nature is so lovely, life is so wonderful, what I should do is to forget all the unhappy things and begin a new day with hope.

