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四年级英语作文:The case of the dark cave

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-06-17 阅读:

四年级英语作文:The case of the dark cave

Chapter 1

One day in shool, I was playing with my friend when I found something sparkling on the ground. It’s an old scroll ,which looked like somebody carelessly throwing it here. I picked it up, opened it, and did what it says.

Then my friend and I found a dark,spooky cave .My friend was a little scared,so he asked me: “Would you like to go into it?”I said: “If you don’t go in,it seems——”No sooner I had finish saying, he disturbed: “All right,I will go in.”And then,we went into the cave.

Chapter 2

At first,it was dry and rocky inside the cave. But after a while, some snowflakes started swirling in the cave and it was getting bigger and bigger. Then after a while ,it grew into a snowstorm. But just as we were about to give up,I found some footprints. We followed it to a hole. It was full of gold and diamonds.

Chapter 3

Just as we found a lot off gold and were cheering, my friend saw a shadow coming towards us. We hide quickly and it didn’t see us.But no sooner we could leave, the wall begun to rumble. Some stones and sand stared to fall down from the wall.An avalanche of stone came crashing down the tunnel.Then we heard an tremends :C-R-A-CK

Sunlight streamed through the windows.i opened my eyes.Phew,It was only a dream.

